Letters to the editor — Sunday (11-29-2015)
Published 12:25 am Sunday, November 29, 2015
Ellis Island display offers perspective on refugee issue
Syrian refugees dominated the Opinion page Wednesday, with three articles for accepting them and two letters against the idea. May I add my voice to the three pro-refugee opinions?
I visited Ellis Island in New York harbor years ago. That was the first stop for European refugees from 1892-1954. I was stunned at the display of newspaper articles from the first decade of the 20th century. Those letters and editorials were all anti-refugee, but they were arguing against admission of the Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles, Lithuanians, Russians and Hungarians.
We Americans are consistent. We have always been against refugees. But remember, Rowan County, our German parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were among those refugees that Americans did not want. Our ancestors, like the Syrians today, were thought to be anarchists and bombers. Were they?
— Pete Prunkl
Salisbury and Rowan need more transportation options
I write on behalf of people like me. Many of us who have reached “that certain age” of 60 or over have trouble getting around.
The bus system has a very limited set of routes — the closest stop near me is where the Health Department/Social Services offices are. No transfers nearer on Stokes Ferry Road … and I do not drive. The many fun things offered for people — bazaars, Friday Nights Out, theater, performances — all are off-limits to those stuck without transportation. How are we — how am I — to enjoy such things? Free shuttles could be an answer, couldn’t it? The more people that come into Salisbury for fun, meals, tours, the better for the small businesses of Salisbury.
Think about it, city/county officials …
— Tina Loflin
Taking aim at Benghazi … but not gun purchasers
In case someone missed it in the news at various places, I would like to make a couple of comments.
1. The Benghazi committee #9 released their budget so far at $5 million. At the same time, the Pentagon released a statement that they were upset by having so many requests from the committee to research and produce so many reports. It was hurting their budget and taking time away from their primary duties. Apparently said reports did not give the answers the Republican members wanted, so they announced they will take a trip to find their own answers. The Democrats refused to go on the snipe hunt. The ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching you hear are not the bells of Christmas.
2. Has anyone noticed that the same people who are saving us from the vetted Syrian refugees are the same ones who will not even consider vetting gun owners who kill 30,000+ Americans each year?
— Donald C. Tracy