Letters to the editor — Monday (11-16-2015)

Published 12:11 am Monday, November 16, 2015

Total destruction is only way to defeat terrorists

When will they learn?

In the 1960s and ’70s I spent a lot of time in Paris. At that time there were areas you were told not to go near. The taxi cab drivers said, “No, sir — I do not go near the Muslim part of town. Find another cab.”

I could not believe the president of France saying, “We are at war with ISIS.”

What a joke; the Muslims have been at war with France for 40 years.

“We will show no pity,” he said.

No Pity? The only way to deal with these terrorist animals is total destruction. You kill one, and 20 will take their place. You must understand, they believe they will be in nirvana at death surrounded by 72 virgins. How do you fight such a belief? By total annihilation; there is no other way. Putin will show us how it is to be done. Isis has made the worst mistake yet by downing that Russian plane.

And, if you think Obama is going to do anything but wring his hands, you are sadly mistaken. His legacy is the only thing on his mind, and the heck with the rest of the world. New York is the next target, believe me. I am so glad I am 85 years old and will not see the final outcome of this tragedy. God help the world.

— Philip DeBenedictis


Too many names

I just read an article about the Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education having a discussion on what names to put on a plaque for the new BOE building. Instead of wasting taxpayers’ money putting all these names on a building, why don’t they just put up a plaque that states “Board of Education Administration Building,” paid for with Rowan County citizens’ tax money. Or something like that.

We don’t need to know the two boards names of who started and who ended this often controversial issue. I’m sure other citizens of Rowan County feel this way.

— Roy Beam
