Letters to the editor — Monday (10-19-2015)
Published 12:15 am Monday, October 19, 2015
Rant about shootings goes over the edge
In Randy Biggerstaff’s recent rant in the Post on media coverage of gun shootings, he expresses the following beliefs:
The NRA is the only organization standing between the Constitution and Democratic Party.
Obama is the enemy of America.
Hillary Clinton flaunts her hatred for our Constitution.
Socialist clown Biden is waiting in the wings
Planned Parenthood is a satanic organization that deals in genocide and felonious profiteering, conducts bloodthirsty slaughter and merchandises several hundred thousand babies a year.
What has he been smoking? I hope it is something powerful. Because if it isn’t, and he has not been smoking, and this is in his normal daily conversation, then he truly believes in these untruths. It’s one thing to be for one candidate and against another, but to stoop to this kind of rhetoric is unacceptable. When we look back at a shooter’s history, we find these types of writings in their diaries, self-made manifestos, on Facebook, etc.
I am not accusing Biggerstaff of being a future shooter, and I could just ignore his words, but I cannot let them go unchallenged. I do think these beliefs, when stated over and over, help foster violent actions in certain peoples’ mentality.
— Jack Connery
Back Kann. incumbents
I take this opportunity to encourage Kannapolis Citizens to vote for incumbents Ryan Dayvault, Tom Kincaid, and Roger Haas in the upcoming November election for City Council in Kannapolis. Over the past 24 months many exciting and positive things have happened in Kannapolis, primarily because of a pro-active City Council and a Mayor with vision.
The acquisition of the Downtown properties ranks as one of the most significant accomplishments by our Council since the inception of our town in the 1980’s. The next 24 -36 months loom as extremely critical to our over-all success and without a doubt it is imperative that this City Council in Kannapolis remains intact.
Each of these three men has played prominent roles in the progress that has been and is being made. I appreciate the wonderful opportunity the voters gave me in 2013 to be a part of helping our great town to grow, and it is an honor to serve with these men along with Diane Berry and Darrell Jackson as well as Mayor Hinnant.
Let’s keep the momentum we have going and re-elect Ryan, Tom, and Roger.
— Doug Wilson
Wilson is a member of the Kannapolis City Council.
Haas for council
There are very few people that have known Roger Haas as long as I have and from my prospective. From the second I was born, he began teaching me about serving — serving your community and serving your fellow man. In his teachings, he never once actually told me about the importance of service, but instead, he showed me.
The value of institutional knowledge coupled with an open heart and ear is essential for successfully building a prosperous, vibrant city. Round these out with a healthy dose of understanding the importance of relationships and you have — my father.
His life of service has included many prestigious titles and awards. All of which were hard earned and well deserved. But at the end of each day, the ones he always cherished the most were father, son, husband, brother and friend. I believe the decisions a person makes are deeply rooted in his or her values and the importance they place on people.
You now know the facts. The rest is up to you. Get to the polls and re-elect my father, Roger Haas, for Kannapolis City Council.
— Jennifer Haas Parsley
Parsley is a member of the Concord City Council.
God and country
With all this rigmarole going on about separation of church and state, I know a good way to settle the whole thing. Get the Supreme Court to rule that Christianity is against the law in the U.S. and anybody who worships God is against the law. Round up the Christians like the Jews in Germany during the holocaust.
I read where a commenter on your website asked how people would feel if commissioners were Muslim and said a Muslim prayer. Myself personally, I am not against that if commissioners are Muslim. To me, Muslims worship the same God that Christians do. They are descended from Abraham, too, through Ishmael instead of Isaac.
I still believe trying to get God out of this country is one of the worst things these people could do, the ones trying to run our lives. This country was established on the Christian religion. I also know the Constitution says we have freedom of religion.
I am against this separation of church and state. These people who don’t seem to know how to run our country should get down on their knees and turn to God. That is who they are supposed to be relying on anyway.
I was in Operation Desert Storm. Over there, the Muslim religion is the law of the land. I am not against any government or president opening meetings by calling on God. You cannot separate God and Jesus. They are one in the same.
— Leroy Earnhardt
Watch those fingers
This is addressed to all fast-food employees who work the registers and hand people their change and drink cups. Please DO NOT put your fingers down inside my cup! This happens all too frequently. Please realize that money is nasty and you should keep your hands OUTSIDE the cups.
Rather than make a scene and hold up the line every time this happens, I have been online filling out “contact us” forms for all the fast food restaurants I can think of. I’m asking them to improve training for their employees to stop this practice. Until that trickles down, here’s my personal plea: STOP IT!
— Pat Watson