Letters to the editor – Thursday (10-15-15)

Published 8:53 pm Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Coverage of shootings
was anti-gun propaganda

Picture this, hypothetically:  The new, news media appointed symbol for Planned Parenthood — in the wake of their bloodthirsty slaughter, and merchandising of several hundred thousand babies a year — is a 300-pound, minority woman with an enormous head, and greasy tangled hair.  Whizzing in King Kong’s corn flakes would be less catastrophic. Now look at the Post’s cartoon symbols of the NRA. Those obese, old, bald-headed, brush-bearded, evil white men represent nearly six million members — male, female, all races of Americans, thousands being veterans and law enforcement officers — of the only organization standing between the Constitution and the Democratic Party.

Saturdays’ Post saturated their front page with more anti-gun propaganda covering shootings in colleges (aka gun-free zones).  Following the Oregon killings by an anti-Christian deranged soul, Obama, being the enemy of America that he is, ranted and raved for gun control over the “still warm” bodies of the victims. Amazingly, massacring nine Christians escaped his ire. Then Hillary Clinton chimed in flaunting her hatred for our Constitution.  Don’t worry about Hillary, The FBI  knows of three felonies and one class A misdemeanor stemming from her futile attempt to rewrite US Code 18-C.  But cheer up, beautiful liberal people, there’s a socialist and clown Biden waiting in the wings when Clinton hits the ropes’ end.   

Let’s revisit Planned Parenthood.  Republicans would gladly double the funds for that satanic organization if they would just provide women’s health services, and desist with the genocide and felonious profiteering.  For people supporting abortion and abortion providers, there’s good news and bad news. Good news: There’ll  will be hordes of ACLU lawyers standing with you for legal counsel in Judgment Day.  The bad news: God will be the prosecutor!                 

— Randy Biggerstaff


Second chance

On Oct. 7 while we were playing golf, my husband Ty suffered a stroke (actually two strokes). A 911 call for help turned out to be a blessing.  The fire rescue team and the ambulance personnel from Salisbury were of top quality and attended to my husband with great care. They stabilized him before taking him to the Novant Health Rowan Medical Center ER.

The nurses there took over and his care was exemplary.  After a 45-minute Skype with a neurologist, Ty was deemed a candidate for the clot-busting drug. After all tests were complete, he was transferred to Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center Stroke Unit ICU.

Once again, the care was top notch and, with speech therapy, his prognosis is good. I cannot remember everyone involved with his care but I am grateful for their professionalism and quick response. There is no doubt that the Novant Healthcare System gave my husband a second chance.

  — Beverly Cobb
