Talkback: What online readers say about …

Published 8:21 pm Saturday, October 10, 2015

… ‘County Fair 2’ planned for November

I’m glad to see that they are going to reschedule this event. I wish the county would consider rescheduling the Autumn Jubilee at Dan Nicholas Park

— James Lambert

Could they possibly incorporate a craft fair as well?? Maybe that would give the best of both worlds. If there are only 20 rides, then the bottom half of the fairgrounds could be set up with craft tables or even the exhibit hall. I’m sure that would help bring in money as well.

— Misty Beaver

… Pierce: No convention center in West End Plaza master plan

Edds was the one who kept bringing up the term “convention center.” Is the West End Plaza really that good of a place for after-school programs now that there might be drinking, partying and loose women spilling out from the events (convention) locations? I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of paranoid and nervous individuals “open carrying” guns around Salisbury and at the mall. Having someone with a gun who’s acting really twitchy and drinking a Red Bull around the kids may not be the best thing either.

— Carl Prine

… Editorial: Shooters aim for notoriety

The hypocrisy and the insincerity of the left just keeps growing. After the Charleston shootings, all we heard about was the shooter, because it was possible to politicize him, to benefit the Democratic Party (and liberalism in general); and so flags had to come down, the “Dukes of Hazzard” reruns had to be taken off TV (and the car re-painted), and the country had to admit its supposedly racist underbelly. But since this latest killing was by an admirer of Muslim terrorism, and was thus helping the left continue its war against Christianity, we should now, all of a sudden, ignore talking about the shooter this time?

— Steve Pender

Refreshingly sane perspective.

— Kathy Vestal

… My Turn: I’ll be supporting Planned Parenthood

I understand the passionate position of abortion opponents, but abortion is only a small part of the services they offer. Conservatives are being offered so much spin about what PP is and does that they feel good about targeting them in the anti-abortion movement. What’s often not talked about in conservative circles is that abortion is legal so if you want to eradicate it, you must try to change the law rather than target an organization whose services have prevented many more abortions than they’ve performed. Let’s fight the right battle. Planned Parenthood is legally allowed to perform abortions. It’s the law that needs changing.

— Cathy Mahaffey

Go ahead and champion baby killers. I’ll champion babies.

— Stephen Owen

When conservatives call for the de-funding of Planned Parenthood or pass laws that shutter other clinics that perform abortions, the consequence is that for millions of women they are effectively denying them the ability to make those choices for themselves; therefore you get the tag line “War on Women.”

For the record, I want to reduce the need for abortions, which is why I fully support the efforts of Planned Parenthood to provide sex education and contraception. Funny how the same people so committed to ending abortions are also often the same people committed to preventing people from using contraception or getting sex education.

— Paul Bardinas

… A wedding that money cannot buy

What a true love story, but a heartbreaking one as well. Bethany is a true lady for sticking by her man!

— Debbie Shumate

Love like that doesn’t happen everyday. In their short time together, they had a love some will never experience. God bless Bethany.

— Dana Horton

In the end, love never fails. I Corinthians 13

— Steve Combs

They experienced true and holy God love. So rare and so beautiful yet so confusing and sad. May the glory of God’s love continue to reign … Your love is a testimony to how we all should love each other.

— Sarah Butler

… Hypocrisy of LGBT push for tolerance is obvious

She should ban anyone who been married over three times from getting a marriage license per the Bible or take them to public square and stone them per the Bible. John 8:7, viz. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

— Leo Smith

One couple traveled all the way from San Francisco to Morehead for a marriage license. Agenda? Nooooo. Double standard? Nah. It’s no longer about tolerance; it’s about punishment. Punish the baker. Punish the florist. Punish the clerk. Let’s literally go out of our way to punish those who do not embrace our ways.

— Bruce LaRue

Anyone who is fooled into thinking the homosexual lobby is tolerant, welcoming, kind and gentle need only criticize the LGBT lifestyle in a public forum. You’ll find they are anything but tolerant and in fact as vitriolic a group as you’ll find anywhere.

— Tim Deal

… County will study if park facilities are adequate

When will this part start: The first phase of the master plan would only be gathering public comments — community meetings, surveys, individual interviews and telephone interviews. Are the county sports parks that we have now not being used? I too am glad that we have the Rowan Little League’s Softball World Series victory, but we also have Livingstone College’s win, Salisbury High School’s win, West Rowan’s back-to-back to back wins. Could we think about building a skateboard park or a water park?

— Mark Lyerly

A visit to nearby Concord will show that Rowan is lacking in softball, baseball and soccer fields. I have attended a tournament where 151 teams were there with their families. The money they spent stayed in Cabarrus County. One three-day tournament with those 151 teams represents the potential for a lot of money to stay in Rowan County. This is only one example as I followed travel ball for several years and the majority of times the games were played in Cabarrus County.

— Mary Corriher

… Political Notebook: Have former political enemies Sides, Paris reconciled differences?

I don’t disagree we need new leadership on the Salisbury City Council. And the new leaders should be candidates with integrity, professionalism and class, in addition to their innovative ideas, honesty, dedication and transparency.

— Eric Shock

People of honor would respect and celebrate those who speak out and standup to tyranny but not the individuals who plunder. So ask yourself one question. Who do you trust? “New City Council 2015.”

— Chris Borre

… David Steagall: Poverty is not the issue

I am liberal but I agree that it is often ignorance and poor values/decisions that produce poverty. But I try to maintain compassion for the poor because for some of them, it’s not all their fault. They may have below average intelligence or been stuck with very poor parents and upbringings. It is not easy to rise above these circumstances.

… I agree our schools are struggling, but I see my wife busting her tail to try to help these children anyway. She sees what you are talking about, but she still tries to help them. That is compassion, you may call it liberal if you like.

— Doug Sokolowski

To argue against Dr. Steagall’s comparison of American children and children from India, I would need more information about the students at the schools he served, their exams, etc.

Also, I can honestly say I am thankful to God that I don’t live in a country where the society I live in would just let me starve, although the consequences of a lack of education in America are severe in many ways.

But what strikes me most about this article is the contrasting view that Jesus had regarding people who are living in poverty. Rather than blaming them and making accusations against him, he said beautifully loving words such as, “But when you give a feast, invite the poor,” and “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” and “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.“

— Karen Puckett

… Other weapons kill too

Good guys with the guns are selling guns to bad guys. Large sources of guns used in crimes are unlicensed street dealers who either get their guns through illegal transactions with licensed dealers, straw purchases or from gun thefts. These illegal dealers turn around and sell these illegally on the street. An additional way criminals gain access to guns is family and friends, either through sales, theft or as gifts.

— Leo Smith

… Despite stormy weather, many turn out for ‘go bag’ scavenger hunt

My daughter and I enjoyed this, even in the rain. Thanks to all who put this event together!

— Kellie Martin

… GQ hedging on whether parks should be tobacco free

Stay home and smoke!

— Ralph Walton

… East Spencer charter school application submitted

I fully support this initiative!

— Chris Sifford


— Shameka Smith