Faith Briefs Saturday, September 26
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 26, 2015
Movie tonight, concert tomorrow at Southern City
EAST SPENCER — The Christian Education Dept. of Southern City Church, 940 S. Long St., will host a movie tonight at 8 p.m. Concessions will be available with hot dogs, popcorn, candy and drinks. Bring your own lawn chairs. Tina Wallace serves as the Director of the Christian Education Dept.
Southern City Tabernacle AME Zion Church will sponsor its fifth annual 100 Women in White Concert on Sunday at 4 p.m. Women from area churches will come together and minister through music. The choir is under the direction of Pastor Patrick Tate with Tim Jones as the musician. All women who attend the program are asked to wear white. Deloris Foxx serves as chair.
Grace UMC homecoming
Grace United Methodist Church, 846 Faith Road, will celebrate homecoming on Sunday at 9 a.m. The Rev. Kris Mares will be the guest speaker. After the worship service, a covered dish brunch will be served in the fellowship hall. Nursery will be provided.
Faith Evangelical Lutheran celebrates 116 years
FAITH — Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 205 S. Main St. will celebrate 116 years of service with homecoming on Sunday. The church was chartered in 1899 with 14 charter members. Sixteen ordained pastors have come out of Faith Church since its beginning as well as a religion major with concentration in youth and family ministries. This year the church will welcome as homecoming speaker former pastor, the Rev. Dr. John Franklin Merck.
He was ordained in 1964 by the North Carolina Lutheran Synod and has served calls as mission developer/pastor at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Greensboro; Holy Communion in Dallas, NC; Faith Lutheran and A Mighty Fortress in Charlotte. He continues to serve as interim pastor for several churches since his retirement and was recently made Pastor Emeritus at A Mighty Fortress in Charlotte.
Homecoming Day will begin with breakfast at 9:30 a.m. Worship will begin at 11 a.m., led by interim pastor Bill Ketchie. The chancel choir will sing with soloist Pastor John.Following the service there will be a short dedication of a granite cornerstone that will be erected on the new Family Life Center, marking its tenth anniversary. The congregation will also be asked to rededicate themselves to the building campaign.
North Kannapolis Baptist homecoming
KANNAPOLIS — Homecoming festivities will be held at North Kannapolis Baptist Church, 312 Locust St., on Sunday in celebration of the church’s 85th anniversary. Worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m. with Dr. David Myers, former pastor, as the speaker and Neal Wilkinson of Salisbury as guest soloist. A traditional covered dish lunch in McMurray Hall will follow the service.
Homecoming at New London UMC
NEW LONDON — New London United Methodist Church, 206 S. Main St., will celebrate homecoming on Sunday during worship at 11 a.m. and a covered-dish luncheon at noon. The preacher for this year’s celebration will be the Rev. James L. Pyatt, the newly appointed pastor at New London UMC. The Chancel Choir will sing several special anthems, and the repairs to the stained glass windows will be dedicated.
Landmark Church homecoming
Landmark Church, 1910 Mooresville Road, will hold its homecoming worship and celebration on Sunday. At the 11 a.m. worship service the guest speaker will be Pastor Kelly Stockton, minister at First Baptist Church of Gainesboro, Tenn. Pastor Stockton is the brother of Landmark Church member Virginia Hawf. Dinner on the grounds will be held following the worship service. For more information, call the church office at 704-633-8200.
Gospel Lighthouse hosts Sam Nadler
Gospel Lighthouse Church will host Sam Nadler on Sunday at the 11 a.m. service. Sam is a Jewish believer in Jesus who has been in Jewish ministry for more than 40 years. He is founder and president of Word of Messiah Ministries. He will speak on “Jesus And The Feast Oif Tabernacles.” Sam conducts evangelism, discipleship and congregation planting in Jewish communities worldwide. Dr. Joel Ervin is host pastor.
Yadkin homecoming and Bible study
SPENCER — Yadkin United Church, 203 NC Finishing Lane, will hold its annual homecoming, Sunday at 11 a.m. Guest speaker this year will be the Rev. Robert Beckom. A lunch fellowship will follow the service. Also, Fall Bible study continues Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Vision Baptist pastor appreciation service
ROCKWELL — Vision Baptist Church on Old Beatty Ford Road will host a Pastor Appreciation service on Sunday at 11 a.m., in honor of pastor Trooper Ferguson’s birthday.
The message will be brought by the Rev. Jimmy Porter. A light luncheon will be served after the service.
Christian Education and Mission Sunday at Cedar Grove
CLEVELAND — Cedar Grove AME Zion Church will observe Christian Education and Mission Sunday during the 11 a.m. service. Quinta S. Ellis of Norcross, Ga. will bring the message. Quinta is a student at Mercier University pursuing dual masters degrees in master of divinity and organizational leadership for non-profit.
The Rev. Dr. Bertha E. Pittman is the pastor.
Mt. Mitchell UMC 150th anniversary events
KANNAPOLIS — Organized in 1865, Mt. Mitchell United Methodist Church, 6001 Old Salisbury/Concord Road, has been celebrating its 150th anniversary with recognitions and historic remembrances throughout the year. The four Sunday morning services in September feature former organists: Charlotte Penland on Sept. 6, Roger Laney on Sept. 13, Brandon Cook on Sept. 20 and Don Simmons on Sept. 26.
Mt. Mitchell will be hosting a large 150th anniversary celebration with a massive choir, a special service and plenty of food on Sunday. The church is one of the oldest and still very active churches in Cabarrus County, including hosting free events for the community and sending prayer shawls all over the world .
Macedonia Missionary installs new pastor
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 2865 Enon Church Road, celebrate the installation of Pastor Elect the Rev. Jerry R. Miller I. This event will take place Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Guiding Light Missionary Baptist Church Convention Center located at 308 Boundary St., East Spencer. Lunch will be served at 1:30. p.m.
Third Creek AME Zion celebrates Mission Sunday
CLEVELAND — Third Creek celebrates Mission Sunday tomorrow at 3 p.m. Denise McCoy of Zion Wesley AME Zion Church of Troutman will be the guest speaker. The Rev. Harold Jordan is the pastor.
Sandy Ridge observes Men’s Day
LANDIS — Sandy Ridge AME Zion Church, will observe its annual Men’s Day on Sunday at 3 p.m. The Rev. Thomas D. Lee, pastor of White Rock AME Zion Church, will be the guest speaker. The Men’s Choir of Sandy Ridge, along with the choir from White Rock will provide the music. In connection with Sandy Ridge’s Sescequintennial year (150th), the theme for the service is: “Celebrating Men of Sandy Ridge: Past, Present, and Future. The goal is to have the presence of “150 Men In Black.”
In addition, three men of the church will provide reflective orations on the Past, Present, and Future historical perspectives of the church. George C. Knox, a nonagenarian member of the church, will provide reflections on the past; Franklin E. Caldwell, will address the present, and a youth member, Isaiah Cornelius, will speak on what the future holds for Sandy Ridge. Richard McKinley , president of the Men’s Boosters Ministry, will preside during the service. Additional program participants will include Michael Allison, Roger Ellerbe and John Melchor III. The Rev. Clarence J. Shuford Jr., is the pastor.
Mt. Zion Baptist holds Men’s Day
MT. ULLA — Mt. Zion Baptist Church will have its Men’s Day Service on at 3 p.m. Minister Andrew Davis of Shady Grove Baptist Church of East Spencer is the speaker. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m..
Mt. Zion is located at 1765 White Road, Mt. Ulla. For information, call 704-637-3712.
Gethsemane Missionary Baptist homecoming and revival
Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, 719 S. Caldwell St., will observe homecoming on Sunday, with the Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Banister, pastor of Temple Memorial Baptist Church, preaching at the 4 p.m. service. This year’s theme is “On One Accord, Moving Toward Greater Kingdom Building”
GMBC revival services are Sept. 28-30 at 7 p.m. nightly, featuring guest speaker The Rev. Dr. Michelle Laws.
Two churches hold a blessing of the animals
Mount Tabor United Methodist Church, 4520 Old Mocksville Road, and Liberty United Methodist Church, 3940 Liberty Road, Gold Hill, will hold Blessing of the Animals services tomorrow at 4 p.m.
Donations of towles/bedding, laundry soap and bleach will be collected for Shelter Guardians and Lab Rescue. Animals should be properly vaccinated and controlled/contained by their owners. If you have questions, call Mount Tabor UMC at 704-633-7484 or Liberty UMC at 704-633-4067.
Servants Voices Southern Gospel
CLEVELAND — The Servants Voices Southern Gospel group will perform at Unity Presbyterian Church, 885 Woodleaf-Barber Road, on Sunday, at 6 p.m. A love offering will be taken and refreshments will be served following the performance.
The Servants Voices group consists of three men — Ronald, Mike and Jerome, dedicated to be servants of God lifting their voices. Call 704-278-4248 for details.
Doug Day in concert at Landis First Assembly
LANDIS — Evangelist and singer Doug Day from Goshen, Ohio, will be inc concert at Landis First Assembly at 6 p.m. on Sunday. Converted to Christ at the age of 14, Day sings traditional songs, many of wh ich has has written himself. A love offering wil be received furing he service. Landis First Assembly is located at 302 E. Corriher St., just off South Chapel Street.
Free medical insurance seminar
KANNAPOLIS — Sunday from 6-7:30 p.m.: a free seminar covering Medicaid, Medicare, Part A&B, Gap, ACA, open enrollment, and more. Overview of the choices and options with Q&A. Kimball Memorial Lutheran Church, 101 Vance St., 704-933-4101,
In My Father’s House Outreach Ministries
In My Father’s House Outreach Ministries, led by the Rev. Roosevelt Jenkins, continues its series on The Purpose Driven Life on Thursdays, Oct. 1 and 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Hurley Room at Rowan Public Library, 201 W. Innes St. The ministry meets the first two Thursdays of each month. For more information, call 704-492-6086.
Hot dog sale at Rodgers Park
KANNAPOLIS — Rodgers Park Reformed Ch urch, 704 East 22nd St., 704-932-8301, will hold a hot dog fundraiser on Thursday, Oct. 1, from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Proceeds will be used for local and world missions and special church projects.
Kirkwood movie next Saturday
KANNAPOLIS — The Kirkwood Presbyterian Church free Saturday movie is Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. They will be showing “Unstoppable” with Kirk Cameron with free popcorn and drink. The church is located at 900 Klondale Ave.