Quotes of the week
Published 12:00 am Friday, September 25, 2015
- Headstones damaged in St. Enoch Lutheran Church's cemetery over the weekend were a mix of old and more recent markers. Photo by Rebecca Rider
“I think the community feels that they have lost a lot.”
— Rev. Dale Cline, pastor, St. Enoch Lutheran Church, on feelings of hopelessness and frustration that may have led to vandalism of church cemetery
“Criminal activity knows no boundaries.”
— Kevin Auten, Rowan County sheriff, on combining resources and information with Salisbury Police to deal with gang violence in the city
“This is not a statistic we should be proud of. It affects everything in our county, such as crime, nutritional needs and education.”
— Sam McNeely, Salisbury High School senior, on the 24.8 percent poverty rate
“Going into a fitness center while you are morbidly obese is tough. You think that everyone is looking at you. … There ain’t nobody in the gym worried about you. They all have their own pain and struggle.”
— Vinson Smith, A.L. Brown graduate, who has gone from 500 to 238 pounds through exercise and better eating habits
“Without memory, we’re hardly ourselves.”
— Tom Mayes, vice president, National Trust for Historic Places, on why old places matter