Letters to the editor: Tuesday (9-1-15)
Published 6:31 am Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Uniforms might improve learning environment
Our schools can and should perform better. There is not an easy answer.
However, one thing that can be done is to have uniforms at all elementary and middle schools. This might help provide a better learning environment by enhancing discipline.
There is a phenomenon that centers around the idea that my child’s school is OK, it is your child’s school that needs work. The schools and children are all ours. Not someone else’s. All our schools can and need to improve.
There is also the idea that one person cannot make a difference. One person can turn on a light and talk to their friends. Or, are we satisfied with our children’s schools and opportunity?
A subject for the future is: School improvement teams. Do you know what they are? Have you considered volunteering?
— John Leatherman
Different reactions
I have not heard any outcry of condemnation from the “Washington Three” of President Obama, Al Sharpton and our new attorney general relative to the needless murders of the two TV personalities in Virginia nor any condemnation relative to the execution-style killing of the police officer in Houston,Texas. Recall that both of these were committed by young black men.
What I have seen, however, is the total absence of any looting, burning, mob demonstrations and the other things we typically saw at such places as Ferguson and Baltimore.
Can someone please explain to me the difference in the reaction shown in the four incidences mentioned above? True, all four were tragic and all four deserve the same condemnation and investigation from Washington.
— Sam L. Hoffman
Portents for 2016
The Trump is sounding and the dead in politics is rising. Voters will be like a flood rushing into voting booths, and it’s going to be unlike anything American politics has ever experienced. That’s my prediction and I’m sticking to it.
— J. Max Kent
Kent is former county Republican Party chairman.