Kannapolis Schools uniform policy

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 14, 2015

KANNAPOLIS — The Kannapolis City Board of Education has updated the School Uniform Dress Code. The changes modify some rules and help clarify what clothes students may wear to school.

The complete updated policy may be found online at www.kcs.k12.nc.us/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=7378168

Highlights include:

For grades K-6, students may wear collared shirts that are any solid color.

For grade seven, green is the only acceptable shirt color. However, shirts may be any solid shade of green.

For grade eight, blue is the only acceptable shirt color. However, shirts may be any solid shade of blue.

There was no change to the shirt colors for grades 9-12. Those colors remain one solid color of white, gray, navy blue or green.

For all schools: Shirts and blouses may bear a thumb-size or smaller brand logo; school logo shirts may be worn, or shirts with the Kannapolis “K” may be worn.

Cargo shorts are allowed.

Anything with a hood may be worn to school. However, the hooded garment must be taken off after entering the building prior to the start of school. At no time shall the hood be worn on the head while on the bus or inside the school building. Rules for wearing hooded jackets out to recess or other outside events will be handled at the school level.

Principals may allow spirit days. However, hoodies are not allowed to be worn inside school during spirit days.

Principals may approve exceptions to the dress code on special days. However, the following rules must be followed:

Dresses or skirts must be knee length or longer.

Shoulders should be completely covered, if not by the top of the dress then by a sweater that is worn at all times.

The chest area, back and midriff (torso) must be completely covered.

Ties and bow ties may be worn.

Yoga pants, leggings, jeggings or other form-fitting attire are not considered as pants.

Bottom wear must be navy, black or khaki. Bottom wear of more than one color is not permitted. No denim. No sagging or baggy pants.

No shoes that roll, no bedroom shoes, flip flops or sandals.

No headwear, including headbands, scarves or hats. Weather-related headgear may not be worn inside.

No other piercings except in the ears.