Letters to the editor – Tuesday (7-28-15)
Published 12:04 am Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Confederate was ‘finest soldier world has ever seen’
I have three books about the Civil War era in print. While doing research in state archives all over the South for over 40 years, I have yet to find where one Confederate soldier stated he was fighting for slavery. The typical Confederate soldier did not own slaves — only the rich.
As for black people, I loved the late Della Miller almost as much as I loved my mother, and she did not hesitate to put me back on the straight and narrow if she felt I had wandered off. My brother was a pall bearer at her funeral.
History does not treat the Confederate soldier kindly. Some say that he was a traitor for fighting for his home and family. But after learning that an invading army was removing women, children and old people from their homes and burning the houses in front of their very eyes, if he had not fought he would be labeled a coward by the same people.
Far from being a coward, he was, in the words of President Theodore Roosevelt, the “finest soldier the world has ever seen,” outnumbered 4-to-1, out armed, out fed but never out fought. Let’s not let race baiters divide us. Let history be history.
— Lee Jacobs
A peaceful feeling
I am a senior citizen who lives in Davidson County, and I do most all my shopping in Rowan County. When I drive by the Fame monument, it gives me a peaceful feeling to see the angel holding up the soldier. I really like that.
People are trying to take away our history everywhere and I don’t agree with that. If the monument is moved, then they will want something else.
It shows me that the people who damage their monuments in their hometowns don’t care very much for their towns or their heritage. If they start taking down or moving the monuments, it is giving in to Dylann Roof, who is charged with doing the shooting in the South Carolina church, and that should not happen.
Why don’t the ones that have a problem with the monument start a fund to get donations and have their own monument put up? I believe everyone has rights, but not to get rid of our history. I pray that Fame stays where it is. Everyone should stop and ask, what would God do?
— Jessie Watkins
No privilege intended
Regarding “Truth and privilege” (in Monday’s letters). Sorry Mr. Wiles, but nowhere in Scripture does it mention “white privilege.”
The Scriptures you listed spoke of Gentiles, which according to Strong’s Concordance means a “non-Jewish nation” or a pagan nation. God blessed the Nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the other nations of the world whose people accepted Jesus as Son of God and Savior. Nowhere is color mentioned.
Oh yeah, and Jesus was not white or Caucasian, according to some misguided folks. He was Jewish. God’s blessings are for those who “fear” (trust) in Him.
— Shelia Gould