Week in review: Test your nose for local news
Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 26, 2015
- The Monroe House, built in 1866 and the home of an abolitionist for 60 years, is now the Oberlin Heritage Center. David Freeze / for the Salisbury Post
1. What is the unusual construction feature of Catawba College’s Newman Park, whose grandstand dates back to 1934?
A. The wooden seats come from redwood trees
B. The framework of the ballpark is tubular steel which came from Spencer Shops
C. The screen netting behind home plate is actually sewn-together nets more commonly used by bass fishermen
D. The fieldhouse is older than the grandstand.
2. Salisbury-Rowan Utilities is monitoring the summer’s rainfall in case customers will be asked to conserve water voluntarily. What drought category does SRU say we’re in?
A. Abnormally dry
B. Extreme drought
C. Moderate drought
D. Normal
3. “First Impressions” was the second book in the Summer Reading Challenge. Who is its author, who visited Salisbury last Tuesday?
A. Charlie Lovett
B. John Hart
C. Terry Kay
D. Ron Rash
4. Rowan County Cyclist David Freeze stopped in Oberlin, Ohio, last week as part of his trek from Alabama to Toronto, Canada. In respect to history, how is Oberlin connected to Salisbury?
A. Oberlin is where Salisbury’s Confederate monument was made
B. Slaves freed by Salisbury’s Maxwell Chambers in 1854 traveled to Oberlin and made homes there
C. On one of Daniel Boone’s treks from Salisbury into the wilderness, he ended up in Oberlin, where he stayed for two years
D. After Andrew Jackson studied law in Salisbury, he visited an uncle in Oberlin who talked the future president into joining the U.S. militia
5. Salisbury resident Bill Gillespie is a N.C. American Legion Baseball Hall of Famer. He and teammate Elmore Hill are best known in baseball circles for doing what?
A. Hitting back-to-back homers in the 1963 American Legion World Series, enabling Gastonia Post 23 to reach the championship game
B. Each stole home on back-to-back pitches, helping Gastonia to win the state Legion baseball championship
C. Being the first American Legion players to start games in the Major Leagues a year after they were finished playing Legion
D. Being the first players to integrate N.C. American Legion baseball in 1964
6. Composer Sarah Kirkland Snider was recently commissioned by the N.C. Symphony to write a full orchestra piece, which she has titled “Hiraeth.” What was her inspiration?
A. Growing up in Enochville
B. Riding the train from Raleigh to Charlotte
C. Her memories of Salisbury
D. A summer trip down the Yadkin River
7. The Salisbury Police Department closed its West End substation after its having been in existence for only a year. What was the main reason for the substation’s closing?
A. Only three residents came by the substation over the 12 months
B. A loss of grant funding
C. Its space at Hall Gym was needed for a new recreation director
D. The state said the city could have only one police station every three square miles
8. Gary Yelton is the new executive director for what local agency?
A. United Way
B. Meals on Wheels
C. Rowan Vocational Opportunities
D. Families First
9. Claire Allen, a rising eighth-grader at Sacred Heart Catholic School, spent a day last week shadowing a public official in Salisbury. Who did she spend the day with?
A. Mayor Paul Woodson
B. City Manager Lane Bailey
C. Fire Chief Bob Parnell
D. Police Chief Rory Collins
10. A state Senate bill under consideration would move driver’s education programs out of public high schools and give the responsibility to whom?
A. Local police departments
B. Local highway patrol offices
C. Local sheriff’s departments
D. Community colleges
1. B. A.L. Jarrell and his Salisbury company built Newman Park out of tubular steel secured from Spencer Shops.
2. A. The Yadkin River basin above Salisbury’s water intake is considered to be under “abnormally dry” conditions. This categorization, combined with a good daily flow at the intake, means SRU customers do not yet have to move to voluntary water restrictions.
3. A. Lovett also is author of the New York Times bestseller “The Bookman’s Tale.”
4. B. In 1854, Chambers provided money, clothing and means of travel for 18 of his former slaves to make the trip to Oberlin, where they could live in freedom.
5. D. In 1964, Gillespie and Hill broke the color barrier in N.C. AmericanLegion baseball while playing for Post 23 in Gastonia.
6. C. Snider’s “Hiraeth” is a Welsh word without a direct English translation, but it generally means homesickness “tinged with longing for the lost or departed,” said Snider, who spent considerable time in Salisbury as a child when she was visiting her grandparents.
7. A. The West End substation at Hall Gym was staffed by a police officer twice a week, but it saw only three visitors in a year’s time.
8. C. As executive director of Rowan Vocational Opportunities, Yelton succeeds John Williams, who retired in May.
9. D. At a school auction, Claire’s mother won the chance for her daughter to spend a day with Chief Collins.
10. D. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. June Atkinson, who was in Salisbury Thursday, is against the Senate proposal to move driver’s education to the community colleges.