Letters to the editor – Sunday – 7-5-15

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 5, 2015

Protect the minority from liberal haters

The writer is responding to a My Turn column by Robert Kent Smith, “Going in circles on religious strife,” in Monday’s Post.

Justice Samuel Alito said of the same-sex marriage ruling, “It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy … will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent. I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.” It took Mr. Robert Smith less than 48 hours to fulfill this prophesy.

Mr. Smith implies that biblical faith leads to violence and that the Bible is oppressive and bigoted. As a member of the evangelical minority I take exception to these false insinuations. Journalists wrote hateful articles on the gay lifestyle. New York cops raided gay bars. Two meth-heads murdered Matthew Shepherd. Psychiatrists declared homosexuality a mental disease. Democrat Congressmen voted for the Defense of Marriage Act. A white supremacist shot the “Charleston Seven.” None of these were Bible-believing Christians! Where are the Christians doing violence to gays, Mr. Smith? Contrary to your claims, the Bible does demand social justice. However, it also requires personal righteousness. Perhaps this is the part you don’t like!

The real haters are liberal progressives who destroy anyone who resists their plans to turn America into a secular, socialist society. The next salvos in the war on biblical faith will come soon. The public reading of scriptures on sodomy will be declared “hate speech.” Preachers will be pilloried. Churches will be coerced into accommodating the “new normal.” Who will protect the dissenting religious minority? The secular progressives are forcing their morality on society, not Christians. But God is watching!

— Dr. Dale Robertson


Thanks, United Way

I serve as president of the Rowan County Literacy Council, one of the agencies supported by the Rowan County United Way. We offer one-on-one instruction to adults who seek to improve their reading, writing, and basic life skills.

The United Way of Rowan County, with its staff, volunteers, and generous donations from Rowan County citizens and businesses, makes it possible for us to train our volunteers, furnish a variety of textbooks specially designed for the adult learner and to provide instruction and support for our tutors, students, and other volunteers.

Thanks to your generous United Way contributions and the many individuals who donate their time to the United Way, we were able to provide 1,606 hours of instruction to our students in 2014. We are also proud to note that two of our students obtained their US citizenship, and one of our former students started her own business, fulfilling a lifelong dream.

When an adult is able to improve his or her reading and writing skills, the impact is felt in all areas of his or her life — as a parent, an employee, and a member of the community. This would not be possible without the support of the Rowan County United Way.

— Melody Moxley


Giving up rights

It seems as though we keep giving people who oppose the norm freedoms by taking away others rights. The constitution allows for freedom of speech to all. That means that we can pray if we want to. If you don’t want to join us don’t say amen. But it is our right to pray before we make decisions for so many. You don’t want to Christian, fine but that does not mean we don’t have the right to be Christian I am so tired of these people who forget we left England to stop oppression to believe and make our own choices and to worship the way we choose. So step back or leave the room when we chose to pray. We have rights too.

— Francesca Foster


Remember Creator

The writer is responding to a My Turn column by Roger Hull, “Evolution … on its own terms,” published on June 14.

I am hoping that Mr. Hull accepts that regardless of his black/white bug theory it is all designed and controlled by our Omnipotent Creator.  For further study, I suggest the writings of John Clayton. A science teacher, Mr. Clayton has written many books(including  children’s books) worthy of study.

— Donna Kesler


Cartoon smack on

As soon as I receive my Salisbury Post, I always go straight to the Opinion Page; it’s my favorite section. Upon my opening to that section the cartoon of the Confederate flag it was smack on. Well done Well drawn. You can get rid of the flag but other issues are still flying.

Neil Nurisso


Editor’s note: Thank you. We’re reprinting the cartoon, below.