Roundabout: What’s Happening June 25-July 1
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 25, 2015
- Time Out June 25-July 1
Music & more
Music at the Mural — 7 p.m. Saturday, June 27: Motel Soap performs at the outdoor concert series at the Salisbury Mural on W. Fisher St. • June 27 – Motel Soap • July 25 – Livehouse • Aug. 29 – possibly the Josh Sanders Band (guy who was on American Idol) • Sept. 26 & Oct. 31 are still up in the air but I’ll have something soon • Sponsors and partners Salisbury Parks & Rec, Downtown Salisbury Inc., Guitars USA, Go Burrito, The Lettered Lily. See or
Tonight: 12th annual Patriotic music and benefit concerts — 7 p.m. June 25: At Forest Hill UMC, 265 Union St. N., Concord. Repeated 7 p.m. Friday at First Presbyterian Church, 201 Vance St., Kannapolis and 3 p.m. Sunday at First Baptist Church, 200 Branchview Drive, Concord. Free. Info at 704-699-6053 or
Praise Grass at Pickin’ for the Master — 7 p.m.: Praise Grass plays opening set, concludes with open acoustic jam session. Concessions available. Trading Ford Baptist Church, 3600 Long Ferry Road, 704-633-5986,
Union Street live concert and block party — 6-9 p.m. July 16: Ken Knox & Company live in concert on Means Avenue; Block Party with outdoor dining and games on Union Street, Concord • May 21: The Tams • June 18: Too Much Sylvia • July 16: Ken Knox & Company • Aug. 20: Jim Quick & Coastline.
Tonight: CFA’s St. Thomas Players present ‘A Doll’s House’ — 7:30 p.m. June 25-27 also 2:30 p.m. June 28: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. Performed at Lee Street theatre, 329 N. Lee St. Presented by Center for Faith & the Arts’ St. Thomas Players. Tickets $15+tax at or 704-310-5507.
Old Courthouse Youth Theatre presents ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ — Through June 28: 49 Spring St. NW, 704-788-2405, www.oldcourt Tickets $12/all ages, order at
PPT’s youth theater presents Disney’s ‘Tarzan’ — July 9-11 and 16-18 at 7:30 p.m., July 12 and 18 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets go on sale July 6. Adults $12, seniors/students $10. Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St., 704-633-5471 or
LSt presents ‘A Few Good Men’ — July 16-18 and 23-25, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $15+ tax go on sale July 1. Lee Street Theatre, 329 N. Lee St. or 704-310-5507.
Tonight: H.O.T. means History on Tap — 5:30-7:30 p.m.: History of The Empire Hotel with special tour and craft beer pairing. Registration at is required for this free event. Space is limited • Thursday, July 23: History of Cars, NC Transportation Museum, with craft beer pairing • Thursday, Aug. 27: History of The Meroney Theater with insider tour and wine pairing • Information on Facebook. Historic Salisbury Foundation, 215 Depot St., 704-636-0103,
This & That
The Salisbury Ghost Walk — 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, June 26 and 27: walk covers six block area down town. Tales of shadow ghosts, apparitions, orbs; in the 1800s Salisbury earned the reputation as the “wettest and wickedest” town in the state. Bring camera, smart phone, a flashlight. $5 students, $10 adults, 5 and under free.Info at, email reservations to or call John at 704- 798-3102.
RPL Kids’ Summer Reading Progam —“Every Hero Has a Story.” Family programs at Cleveland Town Hall • Through June-26: Red Herring Puppets • June 29-July 3: Rags to Riches • July 6-10: Ro & Mo • July 13-17: Zelnik the Magician • July 20-24: Mother Minter • July 27-31: Lee Street Theatre • Info at www.rowan or headquarters 704-216-8234; South 704-216-7728; East 704-216-7842.Weekly programs through July 30.
Kannapolis annual Summer Entertainment Series — Thursdays on Main, Thursday Evenings on Main, Summer Concert Series, Movies in the Park, Stories Under the Stars, Summer Reading Program. Free. Call 704-920-4343 or see complete schedule at
Events at the Y open to the public —• Second Time Around Band dance — 7-10 p.m., Saturday, July 11 (Note: not July 4): Bring a snack to share. $7 per person • Lunch & Learn — noon, Wednesday, Aug. 26: Demonstration on how to make pottery. Must sign up • J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111.
Red Cross blood drive — Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, July 26: at Prospect Presbyterian Church at 9425 Hwy 152 West, Mooresville. Open to the public. Info at 704-664-1514.
Annual All Ford Show — 9 a.m.-noon Aug. 1: Ford ‘orphan’ owners also invited. Details 704-636-2889, ext. 256. Held at the NC Transportation Museum, 411 S. Salisbury Ave.,
Annual All GM Show — 9 a.m.-noon Aug. 8: Details 704-636-2889, ext. 256. Held at the NC Transportation Museum, 411 S. Salisbury Ave.,
Antique Auto Club of America annual car show — 9 a.m. Oct. 17: Awards presented 3 p.m. Sponsored by Furnitureland Chapter of AACA. Members only show, free for spectators. Held at the NC Transportation Museum, 411 S. Salisbury Ave.,
Tickets now on sale for First Friday Downtown Summer Sip — Downtown Craft Beer Crawl Tasting, Friday, Aug. 7, 5– 9 p.m. NC Craft Beer Festival, Saturday, Aug. 8, 3-7 p.m. Summer Sip is Downtown Salisbury’s signature 2-day craft beer event. Join the kick-off on Friday, Aug. 7 from 6-9 p.m. for the official tasting crawl throughout downtown. During the crawl you’ll sample craft beers from all over NC while touring many downtown businesses. Enjoy the inaugural craft beer festival on Saturday, Aug. 8 from 3-7 p.m. while sampling brands from more than 28 different craft breweries. Listen to the sounds of musical guests Salisbury-based Wayward Reason. For more information and to purchase tickets visit
Kannapolis Cruise-In — 3:30-9 p.m. July 11: Family fun free to the public. 113 W. 1st St., Downtown Kannapolis.
Historic Gold Hill 2015 Events — 840 St. Stephen’s Church Road, Gold Hill. July 25: Village Ghost Walk, sponsored by Gold Hill Merchants’ Association. Visit
Millers Ferry Fire Dept. second annual arts and craft show — 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 8: Craft event with crafts and wood workers.
Stanly County Agri-Civic Day — Stanly County Agri-Civic Center, Albemarle Aug. 15, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Free admission for all ages, family-friendly event features tractors and other farm equipment, agricultural vendors, heritage demonstrations, activities for all ages, food vendors and more.Info 704-986-3666.
Spencer Doll and Toy Museum Antiques Appraisal Fair (Roadshow Style) — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 21, 22: Antiques dealer Michael Hanson offers advice and information on general merchandise including toys. Bring family heirlooms, yard sale bargains. $5 per item. Limit two items per person. 108 4th St., Spencer, 704-762-9359, www.spencerdolland
THD family events — Tilley Harley-Davidson, 653 Bendix Drive • June 27 – 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Swap meet, Live music with BadAss, concessions available • July 18 – Rockin’ With The Troops (Military appreciation), Live music with recording artist Tammie Davis, free food, military vehicles on display, military vendors, magician Glen Yost, special presentation for Gold Star Mothers, special presentation by the Rowan County Honor Guard • July 25 – 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Swap meet, Live music with Hell Razorconcessions available.
CHICKWEED, Celebrating Indestructible Women — 4-11:30 p.m. Saturday, July 18: Open air event featuring all women artists in music, art, dance; to benefit the Battered Women’s Shelter of Rowan Family Crisis Council. Held at 405 N. Lee St. Also featuring the Dorsett Chapel Gospel Singers, and spoken word poet Shane Marnier who will entertain between performance sets. Advance tickets $15 at, Pottery 101, Green Goat Gallery. $20 at the gate.
CHICKWEED week — Starts July 12: ‘Breaking the Chains’ CHICKWEED Community Bike Ride • July 13: ‘Seeing Red’ American Red Cross CHICKWEED Blood Drive • July 15: ‘Big or Small, Save Them All’ Novant Health CHICKWEED mobile mammogram day • See or
Cabaret! — 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15: A musical treat, offered as a fund-raiser for the Salisbury Symphony’s music education programs. Rowan Museum Messinger Room, 704-637-4314,
Second annual Hair Show Extravaganza fundraiser — 6 p.m. Aug. 22: Who Kilt It Edition Red Carpet Affair. Sponsored by Vanzant & Co., hosted by Yasmin Young of Power 98 and Talita McCain. Salisbury Civic Center. Tickets, registration at, info at 704-431-4020.
Scholarships golf tournament for Gemstones Academy — 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 29: An empowerment program for girls and boys in fifth-twelfth grade, at Rolling Hills Golf Course. Contact Alisha Byrd 704-762-1445 or
Casino! — 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11: A casino with games, prizes, food and drink, this second annual Salibury Symphony fundraiser is hosted by Friends of the Symphony. The Depot, 704-637-4314,
Wine & beer tastings
Tasting plus upcoming dinner at Salisbury Wine Shop — 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Friday, June 26: Constructing a Blend wine tasting with Lauren Thurlow of Tryon Distributing pouring two blends and the individual varietals used to make those blends. Light appetizers prepared and served by Divine Appétit Catering. $5/person • 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 1: Farm to Table Wine Dinner at Lakeside Restaurant in Lexington (10535 Highway 8 near Southmont). Five courses, six wines, $60/person. Contact Salisbury Wine Shop for details and reservations. Deadline June 29 • 106 S. Main St., 704-636-5151, sws@
Cauble Creek Vineyard and Winery — NC’s 100th Winery. Tasting room open Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 1-6 p.m. Wine tastings $8 per person with a selection of eight wines for tastings. 704-636-1137, 700 Cauble Farm Road, see
Morgan Ridge Vineyards and Brewhouse — 486 John Morgan Road, Gold Hill, 704-639-0911,
Cougar Run Winery — 704-280-3624. Cougar Run Winery, 363 N. Church St., Concord.
Old Stone Winery — 704-279-0930, 6245 US Hwy. 52, 1 mile south of Granite Quarry.
Rocky River Vineyards — 704-781-5035. 11685 Reed Mine Road, Midland.
Childress Vineyards — 336-236-WINE, 1000 Childress Vineyards Road, exit 89 off I-85, on Hwy 64 W. Lexington.
Night Life
The Carriage Room, 2141 Statesville Blvd. — • Friday: In-house pool tournament, $5 • Sunday: open pool table • 704-647-9876, carriageroomnc@
Cotton Eyed Joe’s inside The Hot Rod Barn, 807 Yost Road — Gates open 6:30 p.m. Saturdays, music 7-9 p.m. Bluegrass, gospel,country music jam. Seniors welcome, no alcohol, no bad language, smoke free. Just off Webb Road. 704-239-6952.
CJ’s BBQ, 210 Old Amity Hill Road, Cleveland — • 6:30 p.m., Friday Night Bluegrass. 704-278-4070.
DJs Restaurant, 1502 W. Innes St. — 8 p.m. Tuesdays: live Trivia with prizes • 7 p.m. Thursdays: Jazz night with house band, no cover • 8:30 p.m. Saturday: Back Porch Orchestra, no cover. • 704-638-9647,
Go Burrito RumBar, 115 W. Fisher St. across from the mural — • Tuesdays 8-10 p.m.: Team trivia • Wednesdays: Open mic night • Saturdays: Karaoke • Mondays: College night with pong tourney • Weekends: Live music, deejay, karaoke, water pong, more.
Concert at The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy 150 — 8 p.m. Saturday: Trinity and Waiting for Days. Free refreshments, air hockey, foosball, pool. Public invited to jam or schedule their group to perform. 704-213-1467.
E.H. Montgomery General Store — 7-9 p.m. Fridays: Open acoustic Bluegrass jam. Historic Village of Gold Hill, Facebook, 704-267-9439,
JC Price American Legion Post 107 — 9 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Easy Living Weekends downstairs. 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road. Park in rear of bldg. Wide screen tvs, music by deejay Danny D, $3 per person or $5 per couple. Proper ID and casual dress. For info: John 704-638-7355 or Abe 707-640-1893.
Mean Mug Coffee Company, 1024 S. Fulton St., next to Mambo Grill — Sunday: Free concert by James Scott • 6-9 p.m. Thursdays: Game Night plus bring in your oldie-but-goodie LPs • 7-10 p.m. Fridays: Java Jam open mic night, hosted by Blazin’ Blues Bob, free. Sign up 6-7 p.m. • Find Mean Mug on Facebook
Nashville Nights, 125-127 E. Innes St. — • 9:30 p.m. Friday: Jill Goodson plus ABC party (Anything But Clothes) with prizes, $5 cover • 9:30 p.m. Saturday: Tantrum band, $5 cover • 704-762-9990,
Stars and Bars Tavern, 723 Klumac Road — Free pool Sundays, 8-Ball tournament Tuesdays 7:30 p.m.
TJ’s, 2675 Providence Church Road — Tiki bar on the deck Saturday-Sunday beginning at noon. Thursday-Saturday dining room 4 p.m.
Uncle Buck’s All American Pub and Grub, 127 S. Main St. — Saturday: Headbangers Ball at 9 p.m.: Open Wire, Dogbane, and October with $5 cover • Bike Night with Fast Freddie Tuesdays 6-9 p.m. • Mon – Thurs 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Fri-Sat 11 a.m. -midnight • 704-633-3750,
Old Stone Vino, 515 S. Main St., Kannapolis — Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays: Live music. 704-938-2337.
The Charlotte Zodiac Dance Club — American Legion, 4235 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte. Dances on second and fourth Friday, no jeans. 704-236-0344.
Saturday: Kannapolis Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival — Noon-4 p.m. Dancers, poets, painters, pottery makers, arts, crafts, jugglers, clowns and other forms of arts and culture. Family friendly and free. New for 2015: expanded kids area, more arts vendors, more food vendors. E-mail or call 828-231-5037. Also • Sept. 26 • Oct. 24
Blueberry Fest at SandyCreek Farm — 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, June 27: Free admission to day-long blueberry festival. Live musical performances by Ken Davis, Brannon Gilliam. Jeannie Leonard conducts cooking demo and tasting. Kids’ activities with face painting, corn hole. Picnic area available, or pre- order lunch. Guests may bring beer and/or wine. SandyCreek Farm, 3160 South NC Hwy 150, Lexington, 336-853-8834, or Facebook
CHICKWEED Week — July 12-18: See Fundraisers.
Workshops at the Carolina Artist EXPO 2015 — August 20: Art To Go workshops • Alcohol Inks with Janet Isenhour, 2-2:45 p.m. • Acrylics with Clyde, 3-3:45 p.m. • Glue Gun art with Mary Ellen Bennett, 4-4:45 p.m. • $5 fee for each work shop ($8 for non residents). Call Civic Center to register at 704-638-5291 or Jo Ann Smith at 704-636-7686. For more information visit or call Mary Roakes 704-636-6701.
Summer sessions at Pottery 101 — • Open Studio for students able to work independently; must have completed at least two beginning/intermediate classes and/or demonstrate a basic skill level. $50/month + clay (clay is $30 per 25 lb. bag; includes cost of glazing and firing). Studio sessions begin 15th of each month. Open studio Tuesdays: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and 6:30-9 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m. • Schedule your own Paint Your Own or Let’s Get Messy class, minimum of 8 participants required for private class. You provide the libations and snacks, we will provide the fun • Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St., 704-209-1632,
Spoon carving — 9 a.m.-5 p.m. July 25, Oct. 24: Instructor Steve Martin. River Pines Pottery, St. Stephens Church Road, Gold Hill. $50. Preregister at 704-279-9087 or
Center for Faith and the Arts — • Registration for summer classes is now open. June-July-August class held 5:45-7:15 p.m. Mondays, offered in one month sessions. July 6, 13, 27 ($45); August 3, 10, 24, 31 ($60). Attend one class to see if you like it before registering for a session • Group Guitar Lessons 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thursdays, July 9-Aug. 13: Taught by Brent Lawrence, for age 10 and older • or 704-647-0999. CFA, 207 W. Harrison St.
Plein Air Painting Workshop – Aug.11-13: Artist John Ebersberger teaches three-day plein air workshop at Waterworks in conjunction with NC Open Plein Air Paint Out, Aug.14-15. Information and registration at Waterworks Visual Arts Center, 704-636-1882 or
Waterworks Visual Arts Center — Sign up at 704-636-1882. For details on classes visit Located at 123 E. Liberty St.
Free basic computer lessons — Available 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday: How to use a computer or laptop (not email or facebook). See Robert Knox at 512 Klumac Road, Suite 8. Call 704-870-8862 for appointment or walk in. So everyone can learn to use a computer.
Salisbury Art Station — Weekly classes, $25 per class. Tuesdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 5-7 • Wednesdays 4-6 p.m. ages 7 and up • Thursdays 4-6 p.m. ages 7 and up. 704-754-0853 or 215 Depot Street, 704-754-0853.
Beginning and intermediate weaving — Private lessons on a floor loom. Liese Sadler, 215-300-4369,
Oil Painting with Patt Legg — Tuesdays 12:30-3 p.m.: Adult oil classes, $45. Paint like the Old Masters OR painting made simple. Preregister at 704-232-6000.
Free online courses through RPL — Gale Courses: high-quality, noncredit online courses free with your library card. New sessions of six-week courses start monthly. Enroll at and click Online Tools, or call 704-216-8243.
Speakers & forums
East Spencer bike and pedestrian plan— 4-6 p.m. Tuesday, July 14: Open forum to receive ideas and suggestions from citizens on the Town’s pedestrian and bicycle plan. At Town Hall, 105 S. Long St. Maps and exhibits available, town officials and steering committee members present. For additional information prior to the meeting, call Town Clerk Anneissa Hyde, 704-636-7111.
Piedmont Singles — 6:15 p.m. Fridays: Bingo. For singles as well as those widowed or divorced. 1908 Statesville Blvd., Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, no joining fee, donations appreciated, covered dish.
New Beginnings Singles Club of Lake Norman — 6:30 p.m. third Thursdays: social group of singles over 50, Captain’s Galley Restaurant in Mooresville. Visitors welcome. 704-677-2331.
Renaissance Festival auditions — 9 a.m.-noon Saturday June 27. Held at the Cannon School located at 5801 Poplar Tent Road, Concord, visit
‘Calendar Girls’ — 7 p.m. July 20-21: Lee Street theatre presents Center for Faith & the Arts’ St. Thomas Players production of “Calendar Girls,” auditions at Lee Street theatre, cold readings from the script. Show dates Sept. 17-26. See
Movies in the Park — Pre-movie entertainment begins at 8 p.m.; movie begins at 9 p.m. at City Park • June 26 – Mr. Peabody and Sherman • July 10 – The Book of Life • July 24 – How to Train your Dragon 2 • August 7 – Cinderella (2015).
Carolina Artist EXPO 2015 — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. August 19-21: Judging and open show at the Civic Center. Admission free, open to public. Reception and awards 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday. Visit or call Mary Roakes 704-636-6701. See CLASSES for workshop information.
Center for Faith and the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. — 20 Years Of CFA: The Retrospective Exhibit. Parking and entrance behind Haven Lutheran Church. or 704-647-0999.
The Framing Gallery, 320 N Main St. across from Koko Java — Ingrid Erickson’s intricate cut-paper of nature and birds. Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., closed Tuesday and Saturday, 704-633-1246.
Fine Frame Gallery, 105 S. Main St. — Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 704-647-0340,
The Green Goat Gallery, 516 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer — Fun and functional artwork by local and NC artists. Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and Thursday-Saturday evening, 6-8 p.m. 704-431-4527. See events and artist’s work at
Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St. — The work of William Baker and Joy Tanner through June 30. Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 704-209-1632,
Rail Walk Studios and Gallery, 409-413 N. Lee St. — Exhibiting “Trees,” art expressing Rail Walk artists’ response to trees. Free, open to the public Thursday- Saturday 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Historic Salisbury’s Rail Walk Arts District. Information on the exhibit or how to become a Rail Walk Artist at 704-431-8964 or email or 704-431-8964,
Waterworks Visual Arts Center, 123 E. Liberty St. — Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., 704-636-1882,
Cabarrus Arts Guild annual judged Spring show — Through July 10. 11 Union St. (lower level), Concord • CAG sponsoring new exhibit of A. L. Brown high school art at the same time, through the end of June.
Robert F. Phifer Art Collection — On loan from NC Museum of Art. Exhibition includes 19th and early 20th century paintings, through July 14. Collection resides at Concord Museum, 65 Union St. South.
Travel with the YMCA — • July 21: BMW Plant Tour • Sept. 1: ‘Motown the Musical’ • Sept. 8: Old Salem, $25 includes transportation/tickets for self-guided tour • Oct. 4: ‘Beauty and the Beast’ • Oct. 6: Chimney Rock/Lake Lure, includes motor coach, Chimney Rock, Lake Lure boat, lunch • Dec. 1: Christmas Candlelight at Biltmore, includes motor coach, candlelight Biltmore self-guided tour • Jan. 7, 2016: ‘Wicked the Musical’ • Non-members welcome, buses leave from J. F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. Details at 704-636-0111, lklaver@
Call for dragon boaters
Join a Dragon Boat team for a wild ride — 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1: Rowan County Chamber of Commerce’s second annual Dragon Boat Festival, Shrine Club on High Rock Lake, 6480 Long Ferry Road. Spots for 30 teams. Introductory practice session included in team registration fee. Information at Rowan Chamber at 704-633-4221 or or
Call for vendors
Kannapolis Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival — Noon-4 p.m. Sept. 26: Dancers, poets, painters, pottery makers, arts, crafts, jugglers, clowns, all forms of arts and culture. Expanded kids area, more arts vendors, more food vendors. 828-231-5037 or
Downtown Salisbury Night Out — Vendors, artists, crafters, musicians, more to set up at local businesses during the next night out. Vendor space is free. Get your name on the list for future events. Call 704-637 7814 or email
4th annual CHICKWEED — July 18: Artist, crafter, service, food vendor applications accepted for street festival to benefit Rowan Family Crisis Council battered women’s shelter. 405 N. Lee St. Email
Hair show extravaganza fundraiser — Aug. 22: Inside and outside vendors, food and general mdse. Held at Salisbury Civic Center. TIckets, registration, sponsorships at or 704-431-4020.
Seeking military themed motorcycles — July 18: Military related vendors for military appreciation event. Contact Beatrice at Tilley Harley-Davidson Salisbury, 704-638-6044.
5th annual Biker Blues BBQ Rally — Sept. 18-19 at Tilley Harley Davidson Salisbury. Contact Gary Moss 704-638-6044 or
Food, beer, merchandise vendors for public events — Also seeking non- or not-for-profit organizations for fundraising opportunities. Contact Beatrice at 704-638-6044 Tilley Harley-Davidson, 653 Bendix Drive, Salisbury.
Downtown Hickory’s 30th annual Oktoberfest — Oct. 9-11: Outdoor festival with live entertainment, beer gardens, amusement rides, carnival games, juried arts and crafts show, food and commercial vendors. Register by Aug. 1 at
Call for writers
OCT’s Third annual 10-Minute Play Writing Contest — Deadline July 10. Call for original scripts from residents of NC and SC on the theme “It Was a Dark and Stormy Night.” (Note: This is a Halloween festival, but plays submitted should be ‘G’ or ‘PG’). Details, rules at or email
Call for performers
Downtown Salisbury Night Out —Artists, crafters, musicians, more to set up at local businesses during the next night out. Vendor space is free. Get your name on the list for future events. Call 704-637 7814 or email
Kannapolis Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival — Noon-4 p.m. Sept. 26: Dancers, poets, painters, pottery makers, arts, crafts, jugglers, clowns, all forms of arts and culture. Expanded kids area, more arts vendors, more food vendors. 828-231-5037 or
Downtown Hickory’s 30th annual Oktoberfest — Oct. 9-11: Outdoor festival with live entertainment, beer gardens, amusement rides, carnival games, juried arts and crafts show, food and commercial vendors. Register by Aug. 1 at
Gold Hill Bluegrass jam — Acoustic Bluegrass jam. E.H. Montgomery General Store, Gold Hill. 7-9 p.m. Fridays. 704-267-9439.
Blumenthal Performing Arts open mic nights — Free event open to performers, selected by lottery. E-mail
Call for artists
Carolina Artist EXPO 2015 — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. August 19-21: At the Civic Center. Judging and open show. For more information visit or call Mary Roakes at 704-636-6701. Reception and awards will be Thursday 6-7:30 p.m.
Rowan Helping Ministries’ Christmas Honor Card – Deadline Aug. 7: Artist submissions accepted for annual Christmas Honor Card cover. Designs should reflect Rowan Helping Ministries’ mission. Winning artist will have unveiling reception and be featured in local media. Info/requirements at Kris Mueller at or 704-637-6838, ext. 103.
Downtown Salisbury Night Out — Artists, crafters, musicians, more to set up at local businesses during the next night out. Vendor space is free. Get your name on the list for future events. Call 704-637 7814 or email
Kannapolis Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival —Noon-4 p.m. Sept. 26: Dancers, poets, painters, pottery makers, arts, crafts, jugglers, clowns, all forms of arts and culture. Expanded kids area, more arts vendors, more food vendors. 828-231-5037 or
NC Open Plein Air Paint Out — Aug. 14-15: Paint the Piedmont with professional and student landscape artists. Register at or see
Lenoir Sculpture Celebration — Sept. 12: Register up to day of event, discounts for early registration. Caldwell Arts Council, 601 College Ave. SW, Lenoir. 828-754-2486 or
Downtown Hickory Art Crawl — Sept. 17: Deadline Aug. 1. Juried show with artists. Contact Barbara at or call 828-322-1121.
Downtown Hickory’s 30th annual Oktoberfest — Oct. 9-11: Live entertainment, beer gardens, amusement rides, carnival games, juried arts and crafts show, food and commercial vendors. Deadline Aug. 1. Visit
Call for volunteers
Help out at CHICKWEED — 9 a.m. July 18: Set up and tear down for outdoor music festival. Gather at 405 N. Lee St. at 9 a.m. to begin; everything must be removed from the street at festival end at 11:30 p.m. Email Bonnie at
Downtown Salisbury Inc. — Volunteers for upcoming festivals and events including July 18, Aug. 8, Aug. 29, Sept. 4, Oct. 3, and Dec. 12. Receive recognition at annual awards ceremony and possible T-shirt. 704-637-7814 or or
Novant Health Rowan Medical Center – Volunteers for gift shop, extended golf cart service, surgical waiting room, flower delivery, ancillary support. Junior volunteer program for students ages 14+. Contact Diane Hundley 704-210-5082 or
Help feed the horses — At the Horse Protection Society, 2135 Miller Road, China Grove, or email
MLK Jr. celebration weekend —Help plan MLK Jr. holiday parade and breakfast. See or www.humanrelations or email
To submit to Time Out, email by Friday before the next Thursday’s publication