Letters to the editor – Wednesday (6.10.15)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 10, 2015
One nation under God
Is America one nation under God? Absolutely! Not only America, but all nations of the world of all time are under God.
Along with His commands and directions, God has given mankind the freedom of choice. Those choices bring consequences now and at the final judgment. Most if not all nations of the world had at one time or now have the idea we can make our own laws concerning what God has already set in stone, His word, and that word judges mankind’s actions every day.
All will one day stand before God and receive final judgment. Then each person will know if they have obediently lived under God or if making our own laws we have lost the most precious commodity, everlasting life with God and His church.
Those who say there is no God one day will believe, but it will be too late if that day is the final judgment. Those who say join the church of your choice will on that day know the truth concerning the church and how to be added to its ranks. Those who teach and practice divorce for any reason or marry whoever you want will know God’s truth concerning marriage.
Within God’s word we read of times mankind did what they wanted while disregarding messages from God. Is America disregarding God’s message? My heart’s desire and prayer this day is all mankind come to the knowledge of truth and obey God before it is too late.
Is America one nation under God? Absolutely!
— Jimmy Kinley
How to use the paper
I have subscribed to the Salisbury Post since 1968, including the time I served in the U.S. Navy. What was once a great local newspaper has turned into the most left wing newspaper I have read. The only thing that is fit to read anymore is the obits and the comic section. I hope that the people that are in the middle or to the right on their politics don’t stop reading the Post or there will be a lot of people looking for jobs. There is one good use for this newspaper and that is to line my bird cage if I ever get one. Other than that it just makes more trash for me that I may discontinue.
— Ernie Cowan