Letters to the editor – Saturday (5-30-15)
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 30, 2015
Thanks for helping Stamp Out Hunger
The National Association of Letter Carriers, Br. 934 in Salisbury, along with our co-workers, the Salisbury Rural Letter Carriers, have collected 24,350 pounds of donated goods this year. These were distributed to the Salvation Army, Rowan Helping Ministries, and the Main Street Mission in China Grove.
We are grateful to everyone who gave of their time, talent and treasure to make this year a success, including the Rural Letter Carriers, clerks, maintenance, supervisors and the community.
Thanks to Dennis Sims, Jackie Harris and the crew at United Way, Nate Valentine and Rowan Helping Ministry’s crew, Howard Bratcher and the Salvation Army who provided a canteen and fed our volunteers, the West Rowan ROTC and all who volunteered.
Thanks to Publix for the grocery bags, and Food Lion for the trailer and store No. 416 for recycling plastic/paper.
Thanks to the Salisbury Post, WSTP-WSAT 1280 AM, Wordnet 93.3 FM, WSGE 91.7 FM and WFAE 90.7 for publicity.
Thanks to Carillon Assisted Living, Gibbons Furniture in Spencer, YMCA on Jake Alexander Boulevard and the volunteer fire departments in Granite Quarry, Bostian Heights and Franklin for allowing us to use your parking lots for relays.
Above all, we thank the generous people of Salisbury, Spencer and Rowan County for joining our efforts to Stamp Out Hunger.
— Kim Lane
China Grove
Satisfied with Novant Rowan care
My experiences through four major surgeries were all satisfactory at our own community hospital facility, and most exceeded my expectations.
To be perfectly honest, I have to agree (with a former writer) that there were times I found the nursing staff not as attentive or prompt as was needed for my care, definitely not overall, only at times.
Obviously, some will recognize my name as having been a hospital employee and “having a remarkable experience” was the way it was supposed to be. Recognizing that nurses have one of the hardest jobs in the world, they surely deserve total respect; I’ve always granted them that, and been an encourager to them at every opportunity. I owe my life to one of our very best nurses (March 2010) who so promptly answered the call bell of my daughter sitting nearby when I “crashed” after coming to the room from recovery.
As for the doctors, my family was totally pleased. There were surgeries at three other hospitals because I had researched the most up-to-date, successful procedures. With all due respect, I have full confidence that Novant Health is constantly seeking more excellent medical professionals in every area of health care providers for our community and many other families outside our community that use the various facilities.
— Barbara O. Thomason
Lessons learned in life and faith
The Bible tells us that if one soul is saved, Heaven rejoices, Praise God!
With recent foot surgery, God has given me the opportunity to learn from “His school of pain” (Psalm 119). God has also taught me that the golden years have helped me realize that these are the years that God’s refining has almost reached His goal in our relationship, on earth with Him and others.
In the book of Ecclesiastes, we are reminded of the seasons of our life. Each season offers an opportunity to learn to take God, His Holy Bible and Holy Spirit seriously. No one would exist without His creation. The recent foot surgery reminded me of God’s great wisdom given to Dr. Rielly and his medical assistants for my healing and recovery, a miracle that we often take for granted.
When so many others endure and cope with lifetime afflictions, I am so grateful for Jesus the Great Physician, great medical care, love and support of loving family Gables neighbors and friends.
As Christians are being challenged, intimidated and lives sacrificed, we as Christian followers of Jesus must be bold in our faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We are too submissive to allow big government, people outside the Christian faith and the worldly enticements and influences to weaken our Christian faith. This all leaves us vulnerable to evil, wars and destruction. Please ask yourselves as beneficiaries of God’s creation and all provided, what am I doing to support and live the Faith? So we can once again be the great Christian nation. Our forefathers helped build our Christian faith in God and constitutional rights. Remember that anyone or anything that tries to replace God will be trouble. “Be still and know I am God,” with prayers in Christ.
— Carol Cauble