Teacher spotlight: Melanie Burton
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 21, 2015
Melanie Burton is a math teacher at Salisbury High School.
Family: Husband, Scott; Children, Roarke, Meredith, Kate and Sawyer
Favorite restaurant: El Patron
Favorite color: Hornet Red
Favorite class: All of them!
Favorite TV show: “Jeopardy” and “How the Universe Works”
Favorite book: “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein
Favorite movies: “The Sound of Music”
Favorite sport or team: UNC Tarheels
Hobbies: Walking for exercise
Dream vacation: Switzerland
Prized possession: My TI-84 C Plus calculator, of course!
Actor who would star in the movie of my life: Sandra Bullock
Hidden talent: I play the flute and the piano
Motto: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!”
Three words that describe me: Caring, old-fashioned and dedicated
Someone who inspires you: My mom and dad
Greatest accomplishment: Running three marathons
If I’m a millionaire by age 50, I’ll: Invest the money for my kids’ college education