People & Places Sunday, May 17

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 17, 2015

 Salisbury Woman’s Club May meeting

At the May meeting, Salisbury Woman’s Club members enjoyed the saga of Lucy Vargas as she described how she has adjusted to life in the United States, including mastery of the English language, with the assistance of Char Molrine, a tutor with the Rowan County Literacy Council. Barbara Lloyd planned the program and introduced Lucy.

Ann Bingham, chaplain, prepared devotions centered around “What is Beauty?” with personal and Biblical examples. She was assisted by Betty Mohs.

Angelia Bates, president, presided at the business session where members decided to contribute to “Impact Summer Reading,” and made plans for future projects.

Margaret Owen and Barbara Lloyd, hostesses, decorated the tables with a Spring theme.

The next meeting will be June 10 at the Club House.


Rowan Rose Show

Rown Rose Society’s 56th annual Rose Show will be held at the West End Plaza at 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd. W. from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, May 23 and 24.

The show will feature hundreds of rose blooms including the large flowered hybrid teas that everyone loves as well as new varieties, fragrant old roses and miniature roses.

A special display will contain award winners from each class, including Queen of the Show.

Society members will be available to answer questions about rose culture and, for those who are interested in learning more about the many kinds of roses and details of rose culture, membership in the Rowan Rose Society will be avaiable at half price.

In addition to displays of individual roses, a section will be devoted to a variety of flower arrangements emphasizing the use of roses.

All area rose growers are welcome to enter roses between 6:30 and 10 a.m. on Saturday.

At the close of the show on Sunday, show roses will be sold with proceeds to benefit the American Rose Soceity. For more information call Clyde Harriss, 704-633-7024.


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