Student spotlight: Jennifer Carbajal

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jennifer Carbajal is a fifth-grader at Knollwood Elementary School.

Age: 11 years old

Family: My parents’ names are Ignacio and Juana, and my brothers names are Brayan, Wilber and Jose. I am the only girl in my family.

Favorite food: My favorite food is Subway. It’s delicious.

Favorite color: My favorite color is pink because pink, to me, gives me the strength to do anything in life.

Favorite animal: My favorite animal is a Koala because they are so fluffy and cuddly.

Favorite subject: My favorite subject is reading class, which I go to Mrs. Fitz.

Favorite TV show: “Family Game Night” because it involves families working together, like my big family in Knollwood Elementary School.

Favorite book: “Ever After High: A Wonderlandiful World,” because it involves a school and students that help each other even when they don’t know that they are helping each other.

Favorite movies: My favorite movies are “Titanic,” “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Bridge To Teribithia” because they gave a life experience.

Favorite game: My favorite game to play is Twister because it’s a game to play with friends.

Favorite sport or team: My favorite sport is basketball because it uses your brain skills to see who is about to take the ball away from you.

Hobbies: My hobby is to make bracelets and necklaces with beads, but I mostly spend my time reading books.

Dream vacation: My dream vacation is to go to France.

Prized possession: My prized possession is one of my favorite books called “Ever After High Year Book.”

Hidden talent: I sing really good, but I am very shy to preform in front of people. That’s why I don’t participate on the talent show or on the honor chorus.

Three words that describe me: Three words to describe me are intelligent, friendly and responsible.

Greatest accomplishment: Getting elected to represent Knollwood Elementary is my greatest accomplishment.

Career goal: I really want to be a lawyer when I grow up.

If I’m a millionaire by age 20, I’ll: I’ll save my money so later when I need it I can use it ,and if someone really needs money to survive I’ll loan them some money for the benefit of them.