Letters to the editor – Thursday (5-14-15)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 14, 2015
Community Care Clinic shows Rowan’s compassion
Three years ago as part of my graduate education I was given the wonderful opportunity to work with the Community Care Clinic of Rowan County. Ever since my first interaction, my life has been impacted for the good, just as are many other lives in our community.
As a healthcare provider myself, I am often in situations where an individual is forced to make a difficult decision between their health and basic needs such as food. Rowan County has been a wonderful place to work and live because of the generosity and support our community provides. We are fortunate to have such valuable community-based resources that helps our neighbors in need. I can tell you that the faces of those in need do not look the same as they once did. These individuals look more like your friends, co-workers or even a close family member.
Each year countless volunteers, donors and foundations support the Community Care Clinic of Rowan County allowing for countless lives to be improved. I am proud to say that your Community Care Clinic works diligently to turn your donation into the most impactful resource for the patients they serve. Last year for every $1.00 dollar donated $8.00 dollars worth of services were provided.
Supporting each other during times of need and hardship is what we as Rowan County Citizens do best. And I am proud to know the clinic is there to support and enhance the healthcare of those in need.
Rowan County, thank you for your support and commitment to fellow neighbors, and for providing such amazing resources to those in need.
— Nickalaus A. Goodman
Liberal view is perverted
After reading “Racism is a white problem” by Linda Ketner in Sunday’s Post, I wonder, what troubles one’s soul to the point of going off the reservation of common sense like that?
She refers to the deaths of Michael Brown, who was assaulting a police officer that had to shoot him in self defense, and Trayvon Martin, who was shot off the top of a man he was trying to beat to death, as unprovoked murders.
“Unprovoked murders.” That attitude — akin to the stability of a bat in a burning meth lab — is exactly why racism can’t heal.
What sprouts such perverted attitudes? Perhaps some twisted higher education institution. Perhaps silver spoon syndrome?
Ketner hates and distrusts our justice system extensively, par with liberals. In fact, she refers to anyone supporting Darren Wilson, the Ferguson officer forced to stop Michael Brown, as a “nincompoop.” How did one of such privilege and success acquire this level of contempt for law enforcement? Does she harbor some malevolence and suspicion against our great local law enforcement agencies?
Prior to the complete decay of her ideologies, was she not raised in a safe and secure environment? Racism doesn’t just run one direction, and until liberals like Linda Ketner can come to grips with that reality, there can never be a healing process. That stench goes all the way to the White House!
This community is blessed with law enforcement agencies second to none with leaders like Woody Chavis, Kannapolis police chief; Brad Riley, Cabarrus sheriff; Merl Hamilton, Concord police chief; Kevin Auten, Rowan sheriff; Rory Collins, Salisbury police chief; Bob Woods, Landis police chief. They and their exemplary officers are second to none.
My hat is off to you. I’ve never been harassed by police. That’s more about respect than skin color!
— Randy Biggerstaff
Learn more about Carson
I appreciate the comments by Richard Roberts on Dr. Ben Carson (“Ben Carson has it all,” May 12 Post).
To learn more about this fine man, check books and videos out at our Rowan Public Library. You will appreciate getting to know Dr. Carson and his appreciation and concern for our country.
— Donna Kesler