Student spotlight: Ella Batts
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 30, 2015
Ella Batts is a fifth-grader at Mount Ulla Elementary School.
Age: 11 years old
Family: Dad, Charles; Mom, Shelly; sister, Brinley, and brother, Callen
Favorite food: Tacos
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite animal: Elephant
Favorite subject: Math
Favorite TV show: “Jessie”
Favorite book: “The Candymakers”
Favorite movie: “Cinderella”
Favorite game: Life Jr.
Favorite sport or team: North Carolina Tarheels
Hobbies: Riding bikes, babysitting and reading
Dream vacation: Germany
Prized possession: Bible that Evelyn gave me
Hidden talent: Cooking
Three words that describe me: Sweet, smart and kind
Greatest accomplishment: Making the Battle of the Books team
Career goal: Teacher and dress designer
If I’m a millionaire by age 20, I’ll: Donate money to charity, give some to my grandmother to finish building her house, give some to mom and dad, brother and sister, take a trip to Hawaii