Rowan County Student Leaders group to host dodgeball fundraiser

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Rowan County Student Leaders group is hosting a countywide dodgeball tournament to raise money for both themselves and local charities.

For $20, teams of 10 can enter the tournament, which will be held Feb. 21 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Salisbury High School. The winning and the best-dressed teams will receive prizes.

All teams must include at least six Rowan-Salisbury students, staff members, police officers or firefighters. The remaining team members can be comprised of other community members.

The deadline for team registration is Feb. 18. Applications can be turned in at any high school except South Rowan, or to Jeremy Gardner at the Heritage Room, 118 E. Council St. in Salisbury.

On the day of the event, spectators will be admitted for either $1 each or with two canned food items. Concessions will be served.

The group will donate 75 percent of the proceeds to local nonprofit organizations, and 25 percent of the profits will go toward the operations of Rowan County Student Leaders.

The group hopes to have 24 teams participate in the tournament, and 10 teams have already registered.

Rowan County Student Leaders is a “student-led and student-organized council” comprised of students from Rowan-Salisbury high schools, according to group President Tarik Woods.

Rowan County Student Leaders exists to motivate students to perform better academically, promote extracurricular activities and encourage unity amongst Rowan-Salisbury schools. They also are working to focus on literacy by collecting books for local elementary schools.

The group currently has 24 members, but plans to expand to 50 members next school year. Soon after the dodgeball tournament, the group will have applications available at all Rowan-Salisbury high schools, the Heritage Room, City Hall or the county offices.

The group is open to any Rowan County high school student, whether they attend public, private or home school. They must have at least a 3.0 unweighted grade point average and be a member of at least three clubs at their school. Students must be able to attend meetings, which occur twice a month on Wednesdays.