Letters to the editor — Tuesday (2-3-15)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 3, 2015
My take on litter and the people who toss it
Anyone remember Iron Eyes Cody, the single-teared Indian disheartened by litter spoiling his homeland? Bob Timberlake received the “Cody Award” for his strong support for environmental clean-up.
From the luxury vehicle down to the clunkers, all operators know that the window (power or crank) is used to discard items that are deemed no longer useful because the content of same is either empty or full.
Fast food rubbish — McDonald’s, Hardee’s, Wendy’s, KFC, Bojangle’s, etc. Liquid refreshment — Coke, Pepsi (high test and diet), and what’s up with energy drinks? Pushing the pedal that hard on Old Beatty Ford Road, high energy supplements are a must. Beer cans and bottles, all brands. Bud’s a favorite on my property. Troopers, please disregard the last statement. And yes, even an occasional full diaper or tampon. Folks, please!
Sadly, I pick up trash twice a month to keep myself and neighbors happy with our area of Old Beatty Ford. Yes, we enjoy clean and neat roadways that add to our ditch appeal. Just the “old school” in us.
All folks — Democrats, Republicans, independents, those without voter IDs, and illegal immigrants — should respect others and themselves by disposing unwanted items accordingly. There is enough room in any vehicle for a small plastic bag! For trash, of course.
— T. D. Misenheimer
Is Zaxby’s our canary?
Last week the Salisbury Planning Board voted against allowing a Zaxby’s restaurant at the 400 block of Jake Alexander Boulevard West. The Zaxby’s was recommended by the city staff and met all the conditions recommended by the Technical Review Committee.
Is Zaxby’s the canary in the mine shaft? Is there a new era of cooperation in Rowan/Salisbury? Look at the recent support for Chicken and Ale downtown and compare to opposition to Zaxby’s on the boulevard. It is also interesting to see to what extremes some people will go: run the entire city down just to get their way. A Zaxby’s on the boulevard would push it into being too congested?
Does Salisbury want mixed use, limited curb cuts, interconnectivity, infill, property and sales taxes and jobs? Jake Alexander Boulevard and East Innes are the few areas inside the city limits showing economic activity.
A canary is a small bird that was used as an early warning indicator. It let the miners know that the air they were breathing was poisonous. If they did not get out they would die from poisonous gasses. Those opposed to the Zaxby’s had the upper hand at the planning board. What direction is Salisbury going? Is the Zaxby’s issue the Salisbury early warning canary warning all of us of a poisonous atmosphere?
Please let the City Council know your opinion. If you want additional information; please email me at: john@johnleatherman.net
— John Leatherman
Editor’s note: Leatherman owns the property in question and requested that it be zoned for a drive-thru restaurant.
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