Arts & Entertainment News, Jan. 29-Feb. 4
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 29, 2015
- PPT presents 'Lombardi' with Edward Whitney as Vince Lombardi and Tony Moore as the reporter Michael. Photo by Jon C. Lakey:
Opening night tonight for PPT’s ‘Lombardi’
It’s opening night for Piedmont Players Theatre’s production of ‘Lombardi’ tonight at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets for adults are $15 and for seniors and students $12. Call 704-633-5471 or get them online at
Show dates are Jan. 29 through 31 and Feb. 4 thgrough 7 at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee on Feb. 1 at 2:30 p.m.
Producing Partner for this production is the Carolina Panthers.
The Meroney Theater is located at 213 S. Main St.
“The Earnhardt Story”
KANNAPOLIS — “The Early Years and the Rest of the Story” features Martha Earnhardt and family members sharing stories, photos and life experiences as wife and children of racing legend Ralph Earnhardt.
The rich, untold history of the Earnhardts, who were in Cabarrus County before Kannapolis was established, dates back to the 1600s in Germany.
There will be time for questions and answers.
The event, hosted by Kannapolis History Associates, is at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 2 in the A. L. Brown High School social room. Park in lot east of Trinity Methodist Church and follow the signs. For info, call the History Room at 704-932-6125, ext 412 or Phil Goodman at 704-796-0803.
Artists talk about being finalists
Three artists have been selected as finalists to create a public sculpture located at St. John’s Lutheran Church.
Each will each speak about his proposal as part of the interview and selection process at an Artist Talk event to be held on Saturday, Feb. 7 at 4 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St.
Featured artists are Paris Alexander; Matt Amante and Keith Kinlaw; and Jim Gallucci. A reception to follow.
This event is free and open to the public. Guests may enter through the playground off N. Jackson Street. For more information, call 704-636-3431.
The talk is co-sponsored by St. John’s Lutheran Church and Center for Faith & the Arts,
Tickets available now for CFA’s 20th anniversary celebration
Get your tickets early for the evening of celebration honoring the vision of Dr. J. Daniel Brown and 20 successful years of Center for Faith & the Arts.
The event is Saturday, March 7 from 7 to 11 p.m. at Lee Street Theatre, 329 N. Lee St.
The $75 ticket includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, desserts and open bar, as well as entertainment provided by St. Thomas Players. Dress is festive cocktail attire. Tickets are available at or by calling704-647-0999.
Fun yoga workshop
Jacquie Shive Wellness will host a workshop called Yoga Party Tricks from noon-2 p.m. on Saturday, February 21 at the Green Goat Gallery,.
This fun-filled workshop, approprriate for all levels , will explore arm balances, starting with a Yoga class to open bodies and minds, and then move into a detailed practice of arm balances.
Shive will share tips on how to get into each posture as well as what to do to gain the strength and flexibility necessary to get into each arm balance.
To register, email
Early bird pricing is $35 and cost on the day of the class is $45.
For more information visit
First Friday at the Literary Bookpost
From 5 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 6, celebrate Black History Month and the Coretta Scott King Book Award at the Literary Bookpost, 110 S. Main St., cohosted by the Center for Faith & the Arts.
The readings of three Coretta Scott King Book Award recipient children’s books by local community members are at 5:30, 6:15, and 7 p.m.. This fun, free, educational event is for all ages.
Featured books that will be read aloud are “When the Beat was Born: DJ Kool Herc and the Creation of Hip Hop” written by Laban Carrick Hill and illustrated by Theodore Taylor, III;
“Knock Knock: My Dad’s Dream for Me” written by Daniel Beaty and illustrated by Bryan Collier;
“Ellen’s Broom” by Kelly Starling Lyons and illustrated by Daniel Minter.
For more information visit or call 704-647-0999.
A little something with your wine?
Salisbury Wine Shop, 106 S. Main St., has added a new feature to its wine tastings, in conjunction with Livingstone’s Culinary program.
SWS provides the list of wines they’ll be pouring to Vivian Ray, head of the Hospitality Management program, whose students then prepare appetizers which are paired to some of the wines being poured. The students then come and serve the food at the tasting.
Salisbury Wine Shop is located 106 S. Main St. Call 704-636-5151 or email sws@
Doubles, deuces and dynamic duos
Come sing with the Concert Choir this spring. Come sing the music you’ve always wanted to sing, some of the most glorious choral music, but don’t know it yet.
The Concert Choir will be joining with the Choral Society to sing the music of Handel, Wilberg and others, music scored for double choruses.
We meet on Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the choir room at St. John’s Lutheran Church on Innes St. All singers welcome.
Level II adult acting class returns
Back by popular demand: Lee Street theatre will again offer Level II Adult Acting Classes, geared toward actors who have previously studied with instructor Craig Kolkebeck or have had some stage experience or formal training.
This class will challenge actors to broaden their range and explore different ways to reach a character’s truth.
The semester begins Feb. 10 and will culminate with a showcase on May 12.
Classes are Tuesday evenings. Class size is limited to 10 in order that each student may have the opportunity to work during each class. Registration fee is $280. To register, call LSt at 704-310-5507 or visit
Annual Historic Gold Hill meeting
GOLD HILL — Anyone interested in history or Gold Hill are invited to attend the annual meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 2 at the Russell-Rufty Memorial Shelter in Gold Hill Mines Historic Park.
Guest speaker will be Phil Bradley, senior Piedmont Geologist for the NC Geological Survey / Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources for the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resource).
A social hour will be held following the meeting with refreshments in the Veterans Room.
Bradley is staff supervisor for the collection of geologic field data as part of geologic mapping activities and coordinates the production of geologic maps for the Piedmont of NC. He fields inquiries from citizens and other State agencies/Universities concerning the geology of the Piedmont. His staff partnered with the University of NC Pembroke last year to conduct a ground penetrating radar survey at Gold Hill Mines Historic Park. He will briefly discuss the results of that survey.
For more information call 704-267-9439 or visit
Concord art news
High school exhibit at The Guild Gallery
CONCORD — The Guild Gallery and Gift Shop on 11 Union St. in downtown Concord is hosting an exhibit of art by Mount Pleasant High School students, inclkuding paintings, drawings and pottery. The student art will be up until the end of February.
Concord Art Walk
The Guild Gallery will also be participating in the Downtown Concord Art Walk from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30, with 2D art, 3D visual art, photography, digital altered photography, fiber art and pottery from local artists and Guild members.
There will be live music, finger food and beverages during Art Walk.
Call 704-795-1901 or visit
Catawba College Community Music Program now enrolling
The Catawba College Community Music Program is currently enrolling students of all ages. Private instruction as well as class/group lessons are being offered for students of all ages and ability levels. The 12- week instruction period begins the week of Feb. 1 and will conclude on May 1.
Private instruction is available in piano, organ, strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion and guitar.
Classes are also being offered in piano for children and adults, and guitar for beginners and intermediates.
Tuition discounts are available for families who enroll multiple children in either private instruction or classes. For tuition and other details, see today’s Education section.
Download registration forms at With questions, call Dr. Phillip E. Burgess, Director of Community Music at 704-433-3887 or email
Rowan Helping Ministries announces its 2015 community schedule
Feb. 8, 12 p.m.: Winter Flight 8K Run; all proceeds benefit Rowan Helping Ministries; for more information.
March 17, 6-7:30 p.m.: Rowan Helping Ministries’ Volunteer Recognition Banquet, Salisbury Civic Center; 704-637-6838
April. 18, 6-10 p.m.: Pass the Plate fundraiser; Morgan Ridge Vineyards, 483 John Morgan Road in Gold Hill; benefits Rowan Helping Ministries; heavy hor d’oeuvres, drinks, silent auction, fund-a-need and more. Contact Rowan Helping Ministries at 704-637-6838 for more information.
May 9: “Stamp out Hunger” Postal Food Drive; Contact Rowan Helping Ministries at 704-637-6838 for more information.
Sept. 15, 6-7:30 p.m. Rowan Helping Ministries’ Annual Dinner and Corporation Meeting; Location to be announced. Contact Rowan Helping Ministries at 704-637-6838 for more information.
Oct. 18: Trick or Treat So Others May Eat begins with groups dropping off bags in assigned neighborhoods to be filled with groceries for Rowan Helping Ministries; contact Emily Huffman at 704-637-6838 x112 for more information.
Oct. 25: Trick or Treat So Others May Eat celebrations with groups bringing collected bags in to Rowan Helping Ministries to be weighed; contact Emily Huffman at 704-637-6838 x112 for more information.
Dec. 1: Giving Tuesday campaign for Rowan Helping Ministries; contact Kris Mueller at 704-637-6838 x103 for more information.
Dec. 5: Santa Run; Millbridge Ruritan Building; benefits Rowan Helping Ministries; for more information.
Unique journey to nation’s capital happens March 12-15
SPENCER — The N.C. Transportation Museum Foundation and the Watauga Valley Historical Society and Museum will host a journey to our nation’s capital. The Capital City Special is a 4-day/3-night scenic excursion from the Piedmont of North Carolina to Washington, D.C., aboard two vintage rail cars, the St. Augustine and the Crescent Harbor. Slated for March 12-15, this year’s trip is expanded, with an extra day of sightseeing and travel.
Tickets are available by calling 704-636-2889 ext. 224 or online at
Thursday, passengers will board at the Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro or Cary Amtrak stations. Following a picturesque journey by rail, our travelers will arrive in Alexandria, VA, just outside of the nation’s capital. After a short stop at the hotel, motorcoaches will provide transportation into historic Old Town Alexandria for dinner. Passengers will then enjoy an exciting evening of sightseeing, as they explore the national monuments by moonlight.
Friday, visitors will start the day with a morning tour of Arlington National Cemetery, followed by lunch and an afternoon tour of Mt. Vernon, home of George Washington. Dinner and shopping in Old Town Alexandria will follow, with an evening cruise along the Potomac River to see the nighttime sights.
Saturday morning features a second monument tour in the heart of D.C., followed by a late morning tour of Ford’s Theatre, site of one of the nation’s greatest tragedies. Visitors will then have the opportunity to explore the National Mall, with time for lunch, shopping and touring the 10 Smithsonian Museums, the National Gallery of Art or the National Archives & Records Administration. The evening will conclude with a walking tour and dinner in Georgetown.
Sunday morning, passengers will stroll through Old Town Alexandria, once home to George Washington and Robert E. Lee. Tour guides will provide entertaining stories as they share the town’s rich history. Passengers will travel to the Alexandria Amtrak Station later in the morning for the return trip home.
Tickets include the round trip ride to Alexandria, motorcoach transportation, hotel accommodations, monument tours, Arlington National Cemetery, Ford’s Theatre, the Smithsonian Museums, Mt. Vernon, and Old Town Alexandria, as well as the Potomac River cruise.
There are two choices for seating options. Deluxe Coach Class features comfortable coach-configuration seating aboard the St. Augustine passenger car at a cost of $760 per person for double occupancy or $900 per person for single occupancy. Lounge seating is available aboard the Crescent Harbor Lounge Car with passengers enjoying a relaxed atmosphere, seated in the front lounge area or private compartments as space allows. Lounge Class seating is $910 per person for double occupancy and $1050 per person for single occupancy. Both classes feature comfort seating, access to the Amtrak cafe car, and an optional box lunch for an additional charge.
Tickets are non-refundable. If an emergency arises and passengers are unable to attend, they are asked to contact the N.C. Transportation Museum for information on converting the ticket purchase into a charitable donation. Passengers are also welcome to gift or sell their ticket to other individuals, though prior notification is required in order to coordinate hotel reservations.
Ticket discounts are available to family-level members of the N.C. Transportation Museum at the time of purchase, by phone or online. Discounts are also available to members of the Watauga Valley Railroad Historical Society and Museum by calling 704-636-2889 ext. 224.
This trip is not handicap accessible. Historic and antiquated rail passenger equipment, like that used on this excursion, is exempt from ADA regulations under U.S. Code: Title 42: Section 12184. While all reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate differently-abled passengers, platforms, boarding areas, stairs, step-stools, seating, doorways, passageways, aisles and onboard restrooms may not accommodate all passengers.
Tickets are available by calling 704-636-2889 ext. 224 or online at
Call for artist deadlines approach
Caldwell Arts Council 2016 exhibitions — The Caldwell Arts Council (Lenoir) is accepting portfolios for exhibitions in 2016. Deadline Jan. 30. Details for submitting at or email
Concord’s Spring into Arts Festival — Saturday, May 2: A juried art show for artists in jewelry, ceramics, wood, painting, photography, glass, textiles. Discount for meeting first deadline of Jan. 31. for information and applications