Letters to the editor — Tuesday (1-20-2015)
Published 12:17 am Tuesday, January 20, 2015
The Hands of God’s Grace
I begin with the solemn understanding that nothing is possible except by the mercy and grace of God: the cherisher and provider of all the worlds. My name is Terry Lynn Jordan. I am incarcerated at Richmond Correctional Institution for the transgression of my inconsideration for the rights and well being of other people. During my period of maturation, my view of life has become very well defined. That the key for success is the deliberation one must have for their action; due to their far reaching effect. On the lives of those we know and those we do not know, but we will encounter at some point in life.
On November 7, 2014, I experienced a near fatal cardiac arrest, at which time the abiding hands of God’s grace were with me in my time of need. I sincerely thank each and every person who were instrumental in God’s grace which has allowed me to be here today. To my fellow peers that alerted the administrative and medical staff at Piedmont Minimum and their quick response. To the paramedic who helped stabilize me en route to the hospital. To the attending doctors and nurses of the intensive care unit. To the officers that were assigned to be vigilant over me and for their prayers and also the countless other people that prayed for me, when I could not pray for myself.
Because God hears that which is uttered from a sincere heart, and for the reassurance that each has expressed, that God has a purpose for me yet: if by chance there is anyone I have not mentioned, remember you are always in my prayers and thoughts; and will forever be near to my heart.
— Terry L. Jordan.