‘Tis the season to be jolly — and do all kinds of festive stuff with family and friends
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 27, 2014
- The Dr. Josephus Hall House decked out for Christmas in 2009 with a music motif. This year, the decorating will reflect a Nutcracker theme. Wayne Hinshaw /Salisbury Post
Downtown Salisbury’s Holiday Night Out — 5-9 p.m. Friday Nov. 28: Shop Downtown Salisbury, see Santa and the Grinch’s first appearance for the holidays, also free trolley rides, horse and carriage rides through historic downtown, strolling seasonal music by Victorian Voices. www. downtownsalisburync.com
Scrooge’s Christmas Trolley Tour — Live-theater interactive trolley ride recreates scenes of Dickens’ classic 1843 tale “The Christmas Carol.” Brought to you by Lee Street theatre, Salisbury-Rowan County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Historic Salisbury Foundation. Weekends through Dec. 20. See www.visitsalisburync.com for schedule and ticket information.
Holiday Organ Tour — 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 29: Center for Faith & the Arts as part of the on-going Sacred Spaces Trolley Tour series presents skilled musicians who will speak to the specific organ they will be playing and perform selected holiday and sacred music pieces. Tickets $15 at 704-647-0999; plan to arrive at CFA, 207 W. Harrison St, parking and entrance behind Haven Lutheran Church) no later than 12:50 p.m. as the Trolley will leave CFA precisely at 1 p.m.. Questions? Call CFA at 704-647-0999. This year’s tour • Milford Hills United Methodist Church, featuring Debbie Staley • First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury, featuring John Stafford • First United Methodist Church of Salisbury, featuring Matthew Brown
Charlotte Motor Speedway holiday light show — 6-10 p.m. nightly starting Saturday and continuing through Dec. 30 except for Christmas Day. More than three million lights, infield Christmas Village and the unique chance to drive the track. $20 per car on nights when the Christmas Village is open and $15 per car on nights when it is closed. Group rates available. 5555 Concord Parkway S, Concord, enter at Charlotte Motor Speedway’s main entrance. www.charlottemotorspeedway.com or 1-800-455-FANS (3267).
Denton FarmPark sixth annual Country Christmas Train — Nov. 28, 29, 30; Dec. 4-7; 11-14; 18-23; 26-27: Gates open at 4:30 p.m. on Friday-Saturday nights and 5 p.m. other nights. Ride on the Handy Dandy Railroad, see a movie about the birth of Christ , see the lights and scenes, hear a bible related story, sing carols. Visit the General Store, Radio Museum, Grist Mill, Service Station, Doll Museum, Gingerbread House. Wagon and pony rides available for extra charge. 4259 Handy Road, Denton, 336-859-2755 or www. countrychristmastrain.com. 40 minutes from Salisbury.
The Concert Choir’s Holiday Concert — 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5: Seasonal pieces as well as the entire Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah and of course, the Halleluia Chorus. The Choir will be accompanied by a chamber orchestra. The evening will also include a prelude and interlude performed by the Rowan Youth Orchestra. Held at St. John’s Lutheran Church, downtown Salisbury.
Lessons and Carols Service at Hood Theological Seminary — 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5: Hood Theological Seminary celebrates the Holy Season of Advent through the observance of the Service of Lessons and Carols. Open to the public. The Aymer Center on the campus, 1810 Lutheran Synod Drive.
Victorian Christmas at the Hall House — 1-4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays in December: The theme at the Dr. Josephus Hall House will be “Nutcracker.” $5 admission. Also, Christmas Eve 6-8 p.m. by donation. www.historicsalisbury.org
The Arc of Rowan annual Festival of Trees — 7-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5 and 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6 and 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7. At the F&M Trolley Barn, 127 E. Liberty St., free and open the public. For details visit www.thearcofrowan.org or call The Arc of Rowan, 704-637-1521.
‘Christmas at Beechtree Place’ — Friday through Sunday, Dec. 5, 6 and 7: Broadway’s Best’s final production for 2014, a Christmas revue. Friday’s production includes a holiday reception for patrons. Musical favorites from popular to classical and Broadway to religious Christmas favorites. Show times 7:30 p.m. for evenings and 2 p.m. for the matinee. Adult tickets $15; students tickets $10 at www.broadwaysbest.biz or 336-575-4446. 103 Beechtree Place, near the intersection of I-40 and Farmington Road, Exit #174, in Davie County.
Tree lighting ceremony and candy cane hunt — 6-7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5: Kick off the holiday season at the annual Tree Lighting and Candy Cane Hunt. Enjoy carols, cookies, hot chocolate. Bring your flashlight to participate in the candy cane hunt around the playground. City Park Lake, no fee. www.salisburync.gov/PLAY
RoBoJo Holiday Show — 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 6: RoBoJo Theatre Troupe returns to Rowan Public Library for the 15th annual presentation of their Holiday Theater. A fun crew of talented local actors will join RPL’s Children’s Staff to perform an hour-long variety show of skits, songs, readers’ theater, and audience participation. Free of charge. Call 704-216-8234 for more information. RPL headquarters, 201 W. Fisher St.
Fulton Heights Holiday Home Tour — 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6: Fulton Heights tour sites • 229 Maupin Ave., W.T.R Jenkins House, Craftsman bungalow 1925 • 522 Maupin Ave., George Ellis House, Neo-classical square plan cottage 1925 • 301 Maupin Ave., L.L. Poole House, Craftsman bungalow 1925 • 406 Mitchell Ave., G.R. Klutz House, brick Craftsman bungalow 1925 • Sponsored by The Fulton Heights Neighborhood Association, $10 suggested donation. Fulton Heights 2015 calendars for sale at each house. Info: 704-754-2536.
5th annual lighted Christmas ball workshop — 10 a.m. Saturday Dec. 6: At John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 1620 Brenner Workshop is free. For each ball you wish to make, bring 200 mini-lights. All other materials supplied by JCPC. Also bring canned food to donate to Rowan Helping Ministries. Pics at http:// lightedchristmasballs.blogspot. com/
Cystic Fibrosis Holiday House — 1-8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6: Helen and Ralph Brown and Linda and Derby Holshouser host a Country Christmas tour of the Holshouser’s 1910 farmhouse on highway 150. The decorated home will showcase 12 decorated trees and a variety of Christmas vignettes. Craft vendors in the barn and cottage. See vintage cars, horses, other farm animals. Homemade goodies, beverages, door prizes. Tickets $5 at 101 Pottery, Spencer Doll Museum, Anne Roland Furniture. All proceeds from tickets sales go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. For information call Helen Brown at 704-636-5902.
Brunch with Santa — 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Dec 6: Make a holiday memory sharing brunch with Santa with food, crafts, games, photos, more. All ages welcome. $20 per family of four or $6 per person. Pre-registration required at www.salisburync.gov/PLAY. Held at the Salisbury Civic Center, 315 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave.
‘Sing We Now of Christmas’ — 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7: St. John’s Men’s Chorus Christmas concert at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St., Downtown Salisbury. Free concert will benefit Rowan Helping Ministries. 704-636-3431.
Annual gingerbread house workshop — Sunday, Dec. 7, 1 to 4 p.m. in the Messinger Room of Rowan Museum. $35 per child includes ONE attached adult, includes decorating a gingerbread house, photo with Santa, tours of the Museum, refreshments. RSVP to schedule your arrival time of 1, 2 or 3 p.m. at 704-633-5946 or email rowanmuseum@fibrant.com
Piedmont Dance Theatre ‘Nutcracker’ program for children at RPL — 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9: A classic holiday program for all ages. Dance selections from Piedmont Dance Theatre’s The Nutcracker Ballet performed to live music by members of the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra. 704-216-8234 for more details. RPL headquarters, 201 W. Fisher St.
Cabarrus County seniors Christmas party — 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9: “It’s a Cowboy Christmas,” free admission for senior citizens, free parking, entertainment, refreshments, door prizes, goody bags, prizes for best Christmas Cowboy and Cowgirl. Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, 4751 N. Carolina 49, Concord, 704-920-3976, www.cabarrusarena.com
‘Christmas in the Country: Country Music Show’ — Thursday and Saturday, Dec. 11 and 13, at 7:30 p.m. (Friday show sold out): Get into the spirit of Christmas with favorite Christmas songs country-style with Matthew Weaver, Graham Carlton, Mary Gillespie, Carol Harris, Tripp Edwards. At Lee Street theatre, 329 N. Lee St. Tickets $15+tax at 704-310-5507 or www.leestreet.org
St. Philips African Moravian Church lovefeast — Noon, Thursday, Dec. 11: Christmas Lovefeast at St. Philips African Moravian Church at Old Salem to commemorate the first service held in the church in 1861. Free, open to the public, included traditional Lovefeast buns and tea and special music featuring the Voices of God’s Children, an all-volunteer choir dedicated to the preservation of Negro Spirituals.
‘A Seussified Christmas Carol’ — Whimsical reinvention of Dickens’ most beloved Christmas story in wacky rhymed couplets with zoot fruited juices and blinka bird geese, from Bed-Headed Fred to Timmy Loo Hoo. Show dates Dec. 13 and 20 at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Adults $10, Seniors, students $8. Call 704-633-5471 or PiedmontPlayers.com. Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St.
Christmas in the Village — Dec 12-14 – Friday, Saturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Sponsored by Gold Hill Merchants Association. Sights and sounds of an old-fashioned Christmas in the Historic Village of Gold Hill. Email vivian@ historicgoldhill.com or visit www.historicgoldhill.com
OCT youth perform ‘On the First Worst Day of Christmas’ — Performance dates Dec. 12, 13, 19 and 20 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 13, 14, 20 and 21 at 2:30 p.m. Amanda MacAfee, director of her church’s annual Christmas pageant in a small town, decides in order to beat the competition she will not tell the traditional story of the birth of Jesus, but will present a reenactment of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Can Amanda’s son Adam, with the help of his friends save the traditionally simple and beautiful pageant that they have grown up performing each year? The production has a cast of 38 young performers ranging from ages 8 to 18. For tickets and info, visit www.ocytnc.org
Piedmont Chamber Singers celebrate Christmas — • 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12: Christmas program “Snow” includes Snowforms by R. Murray Schafer, and Mid-Winter Songs by Morten Lauridsen at Shallowford Presbyterian Church, 1200 Lewisville Clemmons Road, Lewisville. Donations of new or gently used coats and blankets welcome • 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14: Annual holiday gift to the community with Carols by Candlelight at Historic Bethabara Park in Winston-Salem • General admission tickets $15, $5 students. Children free with paying adult.
UNCSA’s production of The Nutcracker — Dec. 12-21: Tchaikovsky’s beloved score and the extraordinary performances of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, 405 W. Fourth St., Winston-Salem. Ticket and time information at uncsa.edu/nutcracker
‘Christmas Movie Classics’ — 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13: Salisbury-Rowan Choral Society’s annual holiday concert at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Downtown Salisbury. Free concert but concert-goers are invited to bring new unwrapped toys to be donated to families in need. www.salisburyrowanchoir.com
Festive show at Horizons Unlimited — Saturday, Dec. 13: Show times: 3:30-4:30 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m. and cost: $2. The Margaret C. Woodson Planetarium hosts a program of holiday music and laser light images of the season. Sleigh Ride, Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Jingle Bell Rock, Frosty the Snowman. http:// www.rss.k12.nc.us/ horizons-unlimitedmargaret-c-woodsonplanetarium
Old Salem’s ‘Salem Christmas’— 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13: Sing Christmas carols to the accompaniment of an 1800 Tannenberg organ, see reenactments by costumed interpreters. Also a new holiday puppet show, “The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree,” at 3:30 and 4 p.m.; rides on covered wagons; a Christmas concert at St. Philips Heritage Center at noon and other live music; historic games for children on Salem Square; at 5:15 p.m., the event concludes with carol singing and the lighting of the 16-feet-tall Moravian Christmas pyramid in the auditorium • Admission to activities included with All-in-One ticket at $23 for adults, $11 for children ages 6-16 ($3 discount on tickets purchased at oldsalem.org) • Saturdays with St. Nicholas, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children meet St. Nicholas and have photo made with him; watch a Christmas puppet show; enjoy baked treats; and shop in a kids’ retail area. $7 per person ages 2 and up, not included with All-in-One ticket.
The Piedmont Prime Time Community Band — 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14: Annual Christmas holiday concert at Living Water Church of God, 166 N. Little Texas Road, Kannapolis, Dr. Laurence Marks, director. Selections include Westminster Carol by James Hosey, O Magnum Mysterium, by Morten Lauridsen, an arrangement of carols and selections from the Nutcracker by David Lovrien. Assistant conductor Charles Emerich conducts Fantasia on Christmas (based on Carol of the Bells) by Elliot del Borgo plus a novelty piece featuring Latin percussion instruments. Also a traditional sing-a-long. $5 admission, children under 13 and senior citizens over age 65 free.
10th annual ‘Music and Stories of the Season’ — 7 p.m. Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 15-16: A Christmas Tradition with Karl Hales, Neal Wilkinson, Leslie Dunkin and pianist Susan Trivette. Cost of admission is one canned goods to benefit Rowan Helping Ministries. At the Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St., 704-633-5471.
Winter Arts Christmas Concert — 3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18: Harp and flute concert with Helen Rifus and Gay Tatman. Afterward, guests may view a display of Winter and Christmas artwork from local older adult artists who attend art classes at the center. Refreshments will be served. There is no charge for concert. at Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 1120 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave.
Salisbury Symphony presents ‘The Nutcracker’ — 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20 and 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21. www.salisburysymphony.org for tickets and information.
Victorian Christmas Eve at the Hall House — 6-8 p.m. Dec. 24: The theme at the Dr. Josephus Hall House is “Nutcracker.” Admission by donation. www.historicsalisbury.org
New Year’s Eve at the Bell Tower — 11 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 31: At Bell Tower Park, corner of S. Jackson and W. Innes. Live music, refreshments, bells at midnight, Fibrant live-stream of NYC ball drop.
Submit your public-is-invited Holiday events to Time Out by email to timeout@salisburypost.com
Subject line: Holiday Event
Deadline: Friday before Thursday publication