Letters to the editor — Friday (11-14-14)

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 14, 2014

Marriage is only for man, woman

There are some things people do or say that really make you wonder if they have any common sense at all. Take for example those people who are bent out of shape over the recent legalization of same-sex marriages but who also turn their heads the other way when men and women live together and are not married. Regardless of what some people believe, both of these relationships are sins. Usually, the non-Christians’ judgment of others are overlooked,  but when it is those who claim to be Christians that do the judging it can be an eye-opener.

First of all, common-law marriages aren’t recognized in North Carolina. Secondly, there is a valid shack-up law on the books which states that it is illegal for a man and woman to live together without being legally married. For various reasons, this law isn’t enforced, which allows these couples to freely break the law.

My point is that rulings by earthly judges aren’t permanent. In the end, people will have to stand before  our heavenly judge to give an account of themselves, and his decisions will last an eternity. “In the judgment mankind will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what truth is.” That truth is God’s words in the Holy Bible.

— Ellie Mae Lambert


Communism here?

Is North Carolina a communist state?

It seems to be the case if North Carolina is allowed to take away the power-generating stations that belong to Alcoa. How can the state be allowed to take control of a private business?

If this is allowed, why would any industry want to come to North Carolina?

Pat McCrory must have had help getting the office of governor from Duke Energy. He was highly associated with them before becoming governor.

Why doesn’t McCrory go after Duke? They could produce more revenue than Alcoa. He won’t go after them because he had ties to them. If he is allowed to take Alcoa, he should be made to take Duke.

That is what a communist government does. No industry will come to N.C. for fear of being taken over.

Alcoa should be allowed to charge billions of dollars for the cost of building the dams at today’s prices if this is allowed.

The state cannot make money if they take over the dams. They have no one who can rebuild the generators or know anything about power generating. They would have to contract all that work out. Maybe McCrory has a relative who needs a job.

Tell McCrory to put his attentions on governing the state and not taking over any private business he chooses.

— Tony Morgan
