Quotes of the week
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 10, 2014
“I’ll be first in line for that too!” — Irene Moeller, age 81, after parachuting from a plane and being asked about a hot-air balloon ride
“After limiting the application to 40,000 square feet, the council still remained concerned over the long-term expansion of governmental services.” — Jay Dees, county attorney, about Salisbury City Council’s refusal to allow government services in West End Plaza
“As we have a need for that space, we would move tenants out and make it available to government agencies,” — Jim Sides, commission chairman, explaining future plans for mall
“Our marriage validated us as a couple, as people in this community … People should know that we’re no different from any other couple.” — Tamara Sheffield, on registering her N.Y. marriage to partner Maryja Mee at the Rowan County Register of Deeds Office
“At the end of the day, I don’t like this use, … but don’t find it to be an unreasonable request from the entity that owns the property.” — Brian Miller, Salisbury City Council, casting the lone vote in favor of a special use permit for West End Plaza
“I just kind of feel like we’ve been pushed into a corner.” — Arin Wilhelm, Granite Quarry alderman, on request to waive regular requirements of curbing, guttering and sidewalk for an access road to the Gildan Yarns plant
“I’m smart kid” — John Parker, Granite Quarry first-grader, when asked for three words to describe himself