St. Mark’s Lutheran welcomes new pastor Sunday
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 27, 2014
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Christ, 5202 Mooresville Road, welcomes the Rev. Mitchell Maybury as new pastor. He will be installed on Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. service. The Rev. William Ketchie will preside over the service with assistance from the Rev. Mark vander Tuig, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ service coordinator.
Pastor Maybury comes to St. Mark’s from Massapequa Park, N.Y. He is a graduate of Liberty University and Liberty University Theological Seminary. He is a lifelong member of St. David’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Massapequa Park, serving as lay minister. Joining him will be his wife, Roni, sons Daniell, Samuell, and James and mother Joan Maybury.
There will be a small reception following service.
Cleveland — Family Movie Night at Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church USA, 935 Mount Tabor Road, is this evening at 8 p.m., with free popcorn, lemonade and the movie “Frozen.” It will be shown outdoors unless it rains and then it will move indoors.
Donations will be accepted for the Mount Tabor Warriors Susan G. Komen team with funds going toward research for breast cancer and assistance for mammograms.
The Hinkle Family will be in concert Sunday at 10 a.m. at Resurrection Life Church, 216 S. Main St., and in concert at 6 p.m. at Mt. Hope Church, 7004 Old Concord Road. The Hinkle Family travels year-round serving churches and retirement centers with old fashioned gospel music. They will be at the following nursing homes:
g Today at 6 p.m., Carillon Assisted Living g Monday 10:30 a.m. at Bethamy Assisted Care; 2 p.m. at Heritage Plantation and 3:30 p.m. at Liberty Commons g Tuesday 10:30 a.m. at Genesis Elder Care. For more information, call the Rev. Jerry Snipes at 704-433-8776.
Trading Ford Baptist Church will hold revival services this week with guest evangelist the Rev. Chris Allen. Allen will share how God rescued him after drifting for days on a lone life raft. Services are Sunday at 10 a.m., Sunday night at 6 p.m. and Monday through Wednesday nights at 7 p.m.
Rev. Allen serves on staff at Southeastern Baptist Seminary.
Trading Ford Baptist Church is located at 3600 Long Ferry Road, 704-633-5986.
Concord — Homecoming will be observed at Friendship United Methodist Church, 4695 Mt. Pleasant Road. S., on Sunday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. There will be no Sunday school and a meal will follow in the fellowship hall.
Anthony Salyer will be bringing the message. He and his wife Donna, along with church pianist Diane Armistead, will be leading the special service in music.
KANNAPOLIS — A homecoming celebration will be held at North Kannapolis Baptist Church, 312 Locust St., on Sunday in honor of its 84th anniversary. The service begins at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Chris O’Guin as speaker and Neal Wilkinson as guest soloist. A traditional covered dish lunch will follow the service.
Oakland Heights Baptist Church is having a homecoming service on Sunday. Members and visitors are welcome to commemorate homecoming, and also to welcome new pastor Justin Watkins and his family. A potluck dinner will be held after services.
STATESVILLE — Homecoming will be celebrated at Elmwood United Methodist Church, 3233 Salisbury Hwy, on Sunday at the 11 a.m. service with guest speaker Gary Royals. There will be y a covered dish dinner afterward.
Cedar Grove AME Zion Church will observe Mission Sunday during the 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday. The Rev. Frances King, associate minister at Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Church, will speak. The Rev. Dr. Bertha E. Pittman is host pastor.
Kannapolis — Mt. Mitchell United Methodist Church, 6001 Old Salisbury Concord Road, will observe homecoming on Sunday at the 11 a.m. service. Guest pastor will be J.M. Fulk Jr.
Afterward, a potluck meal will be served in the fellowship building.
Landmark Church, 1910 Mooresville Road, will celebrate homecoming at the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, followed by a covered dish lunch on the church grounds.
Guest speaker will be Lee Robison, a retired United Methodist minister who lives in Faith with his wife, Teresa McNeely Robison.
Lee met Teresa while attending Landmark Church and were married 20 years ago on a Sunday morning following worship.
Since their Landmark days, they have lived in Alabama and served churches near Las Vegas and in Virginia Beach. Robison was also a Navy Chaplain serving on USS RANGER (CV-61) and two tours with Marines before coming to Landmark.
China Grove — Concordia Lutheran Church, 185 Concordia Church Road, will celebrate its 131st year on Sunday and also honor its senior citizens. Members 70 years or older and couples married 50 or more years will be honored at the 11 a.m. service and with a cook-out afterward. Concordia has 89 members age 70 or older and 19 couples married 50 years or more.
The Rev. Gene Bruce will be the guest preacher. He holds a degree in sociology from Lenoir-Rhyne College, and a master of divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Columbia, S.C.
He is currently serving as interim pastor at Amity Lutheran Church in Cleveland as well as interim chaplain at Trinity Oaks Retirement Community.
There will be music by the chancel choir, directed by Jan Williams, and the hand bell choir, directed by Ron Kirk.
Concordia is located near Atwell Fire Department on Highway 152. The Rev. Kenneth W. Reed Jr. is pastor.
Faith — Faith Lutheran Church, 205 S. Main St., will celebrate 115 years with homecoming on Sunday.
The church was chartered Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church on May 26, 1899 with 14 members. 16 ordained pastors have come out of Faith Lutheran since its beginning. One of those pastors, a son of the congregation, will serve as guest preacher for the homecoming service.
The Rev. Chip Lingle is the son of Izetta Lingle and the late James Lingle, formerly of Faith and members of the church. Currently Pastor Lingle serves a parish in Savannah, Ga.
Homecoming will begin with fellowship and refreshments at 9:30 a.m. followed by Sunday school. The 11 a.m. service will include music by the chancel choir accompanied by Daisy Bost, organist and Don Deming, choir director.
Following the service there will be a covered dish luncheon. The Rev. Randy Conley is host pastor.
At Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, 719 S. Caldwell St., revival week runs Sunday through Wednesday.
The Rev. Dr. Michelle Laws will be the keynote speaker Sunday and continuing nightly.
The revival schedule starts with 7 p.m. devotions and praise, followed at 7:30 p.m. with the worship service.
Laws is an associate minister at Union Baptist Church in Durham. Professionally, she is a women’s health researcher, educator and health issues advocate with a bachelor of arts in communications from the UNC-Chapel Hill, a master of arts degree in sociology from N.C. Central University and is a PhD candidate in the Department of Social and Behavioral Health, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.
Statesville — New Creation Baptist Church gospel choir will celebrate its 22nd anniversary on Sunday at 3 p.m. All choirs, groups, and praise dancers are invited. The church is located at 792 Glover St. Rev. Joseph Robinson is the host pastor.
First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury welcomes Dr. Robert ‘Bob’ Lewis back to the pulpit as guest speaker Sunday in the sanctuary at 8:30 and 11 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. in Lewis Hall.
Mocksville — New Bethel Baptist Church will observe Ushers’ Anniversary on Sunday at 3 p.m. with guest speaker the Rev. Dr. Jamie Grant, pastor of New Patterson Grove Faith Church of East Bend.
New Bethel is located at 3727 US Highway 601 S. The Rev. William Cowan is host pastor.
CLEVELAND — Sister Donna Cuthbertson will be the guest preacher for the Mission Sunday service at Third Creed AME Zion Church, 415 E. Main St., on Sunday at 3 p.m. Mission Sunday is Zion’s “One Great Hour of Sharing” in responding to the needs of others. The Rev. Harold L. Jordan is host pastor.
First Calvary Baptist Church, 400 S. Long St., will observe Family and Friends Day at 3 p.m. on Sunday. The Rev. Andrew Davis Jr., assistant pastor at Shady Grove Baptist Church, will be the speaker.
Rev. Davis, a native of Salisbury, currently serves as an assistant pastor to the Rev. Timothy Bridges, senior pastor at Shady Grove Baptist Church.
A graduate of North Rowan High School, Rev. Davis attends Ohio Christian University on-line, furthering his education in pastoral leadership and theology. He serves as head of a men’s community outreach (Fishers of Men) and is founder of Manifest Men’s Conference.
The Rev. Leamon E. Brown is host pastor.
The Fairview Heights Gospel Choir of Fairview Heights Baptist Church, 704 Old Concord Road, will celebrate its 13th anniversary Sunday at 4 p.m. Various groups will participate. The Rev Clarence Marlin is host pastor.
Kannapolis — Kimball Memorial Lutheran Church is hosting a Blessing of the Animals service Sunday at 4 p.m. in the grass area and the parking lot.
Jeremy and Susie Bullard will visit Neel Road Baptist Church, 135 Neel Road, on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. They will share some of their experiences while they were missionaries in the country of Jordan.
Jeremy was formerly with the Frontier Missionary Group, but he will be relocating and joining another missionary group, possibly in Paris, France.
Kannapolis — Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 900 Klondale Ave., will show its free First Saturday Movie on Oct. 4 at 6 p.m. The film is “Heaven is for Real” and there will be free nachos and cheese and drink with the movie.
The deadline is Wednesday to RSVP for the Oct. 7 Pastor/Son Rise Breakfast at North Hills, 2970 W. Innes St.
Local pastors are invited from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. to learn more about how their church and the students of North Hills Christian School can work together to impact the world for Christ.
RSVP to Connie Lewis at or call 704-636-3005, ext. 110 by Wednesday, Oct. 3.
First United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St., will host a seminar series titled “Three Psalms to Know By Heart” led by senior pastor the Rev. Dr. Mark Conforti on Wednesdays starting Oct. 1 at 6:15 p.m.
Beginning with Psalm 1, the series will go through Oct. 15 and will also focus on Psalms 100 and 150.
The seminar is preceded by dinner at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $7 for adults, $3 for children ages 7-11, and $1.50 for children up to 6 years old. Reservations for dinner are required by 5 p.m. each Monday at 704-636-3121.
East Spencer — At the Cross Ministries Inc. and The Town of East Spencer are sponsoring a free event, an opportunity for the communities at large to have fun, fellowship and learn how to be empowered.
The event is Saturday Oct. 4 at Royal Giants Park in East Spencer from noon until 5 p.m. Gospel groups and liturgical dancers are invited to perform. There will be health and wellness information, antique cars, a time to meet the candidates, voter registration and children’s activities.
Donations of food and drinks will be accepted at the Town of East Spencer office. For more information call 704-782-0072 weekdays.
Mt. Pleasant — The Mt. Pleasant community will host a fish fry on Saturday, Oct. 4 from 4 p.m. until dusk at Smith Lake, off Barrier Store Road, sponsored by area Lutheran churches and the Thrivent Fund. Proceeds will benefit the Mt. Pleasant Food Ministry. Donations of dry goods, canned items and paper products for the food ministry are appreciated.
The Word of Life Family Worship Center Men’s Conference with the theme “Faithful and Committed to God & Family” will be held Oct. 4-5.
Saturday begins with a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and the first of three sessions begin at 9 a.m.
The session “Godly Men and Relationships” will focus on biblical aspects of how Christian men are to handle the relationship with their wife or future wife.
The Rev. Bobby Chiles, pastor of the Youth Crusade Evangelistic Center in Greenwood, S.C. will speak both days. Elder Clinton Starks and Minister Antonio Snipes will also speak on Saturday. The Saturday sessions are for men only, but the 10 a.m. Sunday service is open to everyone.
The church is at 726 East Liberty St. For info and transportation call 704-633-2431.