Yesterday: An aerial view of N.C. Finishing Co. from early 1950s
Published 12:00 am Monday, September 22, 2014
Marlene Kepley provided this aerial photograph, circa 1952-53, of the N.C. Finishing Co. and the Yadkin mill village to the south. No longer standing, N.C. Finishing was located along the Yadkin River close to where U.S. 29 and Interstate 85 cross the Yadkin River. The Eighth Annual Yadkin Mill Village Reunion will be held this coming Saturday at the Yadkin Baptist Church fellowship building, starting at 11:30 a.m. Friends and guests are being asked to bring their favorite dishes and drinks. All paper products will be provided. Kepley said there will be a discussion at the gathering about possible ideas “to help Yadkin village come back to life again.” Both of Kepley’s parents, Ralph and Ellen Messick, worked at N.C. Finishing. Ralph was in the dye house; Ellen, the sheeting department. The mill house Kepley grew up in is just off this photograph to the bottom right. The house is still standing, Kepley said. For more information about the reunion, contact Kepley at 704-633-4100.