Letters to the editor — Tuesday (9-2-14)

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 2, 2014

President Obama is playing politics in Ferguson, Mo.
A look in your dictionary for a definition for “politics” will offer these ideas.
1. concern with party politics: relating to politics, especially party politics.
2. concerned with government: relating to civil administration or government.
3. resulting from beliefs unacceptable to government: arising from somebody’s opposition to a government or support for policies and principles regarded by the authorities as unacceptable, or suffering as a result of expressing such opposition or support: * a political trial * a political detainee.
The word “politics” is used so freely today and sometimes we take for granted what the word means. It is most important when we are talking about what government is doing to you, the people, and not what government should be doing for the people. The forefathers were most concerned about an oppressive government. People through the centuries have suffered because of what oppressive governments do. The novel idea of this new constitution for government was that people were served by government and not the other way around.
I heard Obama say that Attorney General Eric Holder was sent to find out the truth in the recent uprisings in Missouri. Should not he have said the attorney general was sent to uphold the law? No, to find a way to politicize the event to the favor of Obama and company. Man, have we strayed far from the intent of government as conceived by our forefathers!
I could say to Obama, “it’s not about you, you know,” but I seriously doubt he would agree or understand. Neither would he agree that much of the unrest today in the country is a result of past and present government policy. The people today are like wounded animals — snapping at any and everything trying to survive. We desperately need a return to what works and Progressivism is not it.
— Richard Roberts

Back to school
My thought while making our daily trip to be healthy at the East Y:
As we drove I saw them everywhere — sitting, standing all of them unaware. Packing as if they were going to Mars, stuffing them into busses and cars. Their first day of schools, all given the tools, forever to change their lives.
— Bill Smith