Faith Briefs Saturday, Aug. 30
Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 30, 2014
KANNAPOLIS – Blackwelder Park Baptist Church completed its search for a pastor by calling the Rev. Phil Goble Jr. as its next senior pastor. On Aug. 17, the church voted to call Rev. Goble as senior pastor and he accepted.
Rev. Goble has been married nearly 26 years to Michelle and they have two children, Marilyn, 20, and Devon, 16. “
Rev. Goble will replace the Rev. Bill Saylor as interim pastor for September and will start his full-time duties at Blackwelder Park on Oct. 1.
Rev. Goble is currently the executive director of The Greater Mount Airy Ministry of Hospitality Inc. The GMAMH operates The Shepherd’s House, a Christian homeless shelter in Mount Airy.
Prior to working with The Shepherd’s House, Rev. Goble spent more than 20 years in journalism, first as a sports writer and sports editor and eventually working as managing editor for The Mount Airy News. His last newspaper job was with The Messenger, a free daily paper where he covered faith and sports.
CLEVELAND — Third Creek AME Zion Church, E. Main St., will host a birthday celebration today at 3 p.m. Members celebrating are the Rev. and Mrs. Harold Jordan, Gwendolyn Rankin, Robin Pharr, Vernelle Hall, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Houston, Charmaine Jones, Ruby Sifford, Mr. and Mrs. James Rankin, Myrl Thomas, Pearl Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt, Deborah Mattox, Paula Waiters and the Rev. and Mrs. Tommy Knox.
Kannapolis — A free family movie, “Ring the Bell,” will be shown at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 900 Klondale Ave., shown on new 60” screen. The movie is at 6 p.m. tonight, and includes free popcorn and drink. The Rev. Debra Madden is host pastor.
There will be a dinner after the 11 a.m. Sunday worship service at Hall’s Temple on N. Long Street. Bruce-Ellis reunion
The Bruce-Ellis family reunion picnic will be held on Saturday at 2 p.m. at Kelsey-Scott Park.
Gold Hill — On Sunday St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, will observe Youth Sunday. The congregation and visitors are invited to enjoy at continental breakfast at 9 am in the fellowship hall. Sunday school begins at 9:45 a.m.
The middle school and high school youth will lead the 11 a.m. worship service. The message will be a skit presented by Matt Cooke and Lydia Pinto based on the Lord’s Prayer and titled “If God Should Speak.” St. Stephen’s is located at 4401 St. Stephen’s Church Road.
China Grove — It will be Joyful Noise Sunday at Mount Zion UCC at the 10 a.m. service, which will be a time of song and special music led by choir director Jason Harwood and church musician Martha Isley.
On Monday at 7 p.m. in the new building, Alan Cress will continue his Bibles and Basketball program for all interested dribblers.
On Wednesday from 5:30 until 7 p.m. the community is invited to share in a special meal of pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, with gravy, green beans, baked apples, biscuits, tea, coffee and desserts. The cost is $8 per person and it will be held in the new building.
Mount Zion UCC is located at 1415 S. Main St., 704-857-1169,
Mocksville — Benjamin Johnson Jr. will be the guest speaker for Education Sunday at his home church, New Bethel Baptist, on Sunday at the 11 a.m. service.
He is a native of Davie county and a Davie County High School graduate. He earned his bachelor’s degree in history at Winston Salem State University with a minor in sociology and education. He recently earned his masters in executive leadership and certification in school administration at Gardner-Webb University.
Johnson was selected Teacher of the Year 2014-2015 by Statesville Middle School. He is the director of athletics for Statesville Middle School and beginning his 13th year in education as an instructional facilitator.
Cleveland — Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church, 935 Mt. Tabor Church Road, will host a Friends and Family Day worship service on Sunday at 11 a.m. There will be a coffee and cake reception immediately following the service. Call 704-278-4230 for details.
WOODLEAF — The annual homecoming at Historic St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will be held Sunday at 11:15 a.m. A covered dish lunch will follow at Unity Presbyterian Church (Woodleaf-Barber Road off Highway 801) in Woodleaf.
The service will celebrate the 174th anniversary of the consecration of St. Andrew’s on the last Sunday in August, 1840. The service will be conducted by the Rev. Rick Williams, vicar of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Salisbury.
Rev. Williams has been ordained for 36 years, serving parishes in Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina as well as the United States Navy Chaplain Corps. He was a US Navy Chaplain for more than 23 years, serving the US Navy, the US Marine Corps, and the US Coast Guard. He retired in 2006 as a US Navy Captain. His BS degree is from Tennessee Tech and his M.Div. from Emory University.
For more information, contact Betsy Brown at or 919-942-4946.
Rev. Dr. Sandra Kern will be guest preacher at Spencer Presbyterian Church Sunday at the 11 a.m. service.
Before retiring as pastor of Thyatira Presbyterian Church, Dr. Kern served First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury; First Presbyterian Church in Allen, Texas; First Presbyterian of McAllen, Texas; and First Presbyterian of Fort Worth, Texas.
Spencer Presbyterian Church is located on 1st Street off Salisbury Avenue across from the entrance to the North Carolina Transportation Museum.
Thomas Street Church of Christ, 700 W. Thomas St., welcomes speaker Brother Covington at Sunday’s 11 a.m. service. Lunch will be served afterward and the afternoon service begins at 3 p.m.
China Grove — The evening service at Pine Ridge Baptist Church, 880 Old Linn Road, will begin at 5 p.m. instead of the usual 6 p.m. on Sunday.
It will be a time of celebration and to reflect back on the 18 years Pastor George Bradshaw and Peggy have serve the church.
Following the service there will be an open house with a reception in the newly renovated fellowship building. For more information call 704-857-3182
Mt. Hope Church, 7004 Old Concord Road, will host a southern gospel concert with the LeBeaus on Sunday at 5 p.m. The concert is free and a love offering will be received.
The LeBeaus is a father-son duo from Lexington. Six of their last seven releases have reached the southern gospel chart’s elite Top 40.
The 54-year-old father Tim and 25-year-old son Timmy have just released a new CD titled “The Bridge,” which mixes vintage gospel with contemporary praise.
For more information, call the Rev. Johnny Boggs at 704-798-5700.
Rose of Sharon Church is having a Twelve Tribes service on Sunday at 3:30 p.m., sponsored by the building fund committee.
The church is located at 255 Camp Road. Host pastor is Dr. Lewis G. Walker.
KANNAPOLIS — The Rev. Gary Brown will lead revival services on Sunday at 6 p.m. at Prince of Peace Free Will Baptist Church, 4225 Vincent St. Host pastor is Chuck Overcash, 704-938-8433.
The 100 Women in White will rehearse Monday at 6 p.m. at Southern City AME Zion Church.
All ladies from the various churches and community are invited to participate. The concert will be Sunday, Sept. 21 at 4 p.m. at Southern City.
Kannapolis — Rodgers park Reformed will host a hotdog fundraiser at 704 East 22nd St., on Thursday Sept. 4, from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Call 704-932-8301 for details. Proceeds will be used for local and world missions and special church projects.
Word of Life Family Worship Center, 726 East Liberty St., will host a Women’s Conference on the theme of “Triumphant Women of Christ Walking in Integrity, Power, and Excellence.” The conference Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 6-7. On Saturday there will be three sessions beginning at 9 a.m. The conference will conclude during the 10 a.m. service on Sunday.
Conference speakers are Evangelist Shirley Gaither, assistant pastor of True Temple Church in Winston-Salem; Apostle Patricia Trueblood, pastor of Grace Deliverance Ministries in Salisbury and Minister Virginia Brown and Hopelyn Brown, both of Word of Life Family Worship Center, the host church.
Other women and women’s fellowship groups are invited to attend. There is not a registration fee. Dr. Martha and Elder Clinton Starks are the host pastors. For more information, call 704-633-2431.
CLEVELAND — Revival services will be held at Allen Temple Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, Sept. 2 with the Rev. Zacharias Allen of Providence AME Zion Church;
on Sept. 3 with the Rev. Timothy Bridges of Shady Grove Baptist Church of East Spencer; and on Sept. 4 with the Rev. Harold Jordan of Third Creek AME Zion Church of Cleveland.
The 129th church anniversary will be held Sunday, Sept. 7 at 3 p.m. The preacher will be the Rev. Harold Jordan of Third Creek AME Zion. Dinner will be served at 1:30 p.m.
Kannapolis — Bethpage Presbyterian, 6020 Mooresville Road, will launch a Bible reading campaign joining thousands nationwide.
They will participate in “The Story,” a unique program providing up to 31 weeks of curriculum for children, teen and adult Sunday schools and up to 31 weeks of corresponding sermons.
When accompanied by reading through the five age-related books, the entire church can be literally on the same page for 31 weeks. Bethpage Presbyterian plans to begin the course on Sunday, Sept. 14. For more information, visit www/ or call 704-933-2209.
Kannapolis — DivorceCare divorce recovery seminar and support group meets at Centerview Baptist Church, 415 Walter St., each Saturday evening beginning Sept. 6 from 6 to 8 p.m..
DivorceCare features nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics. Sessions include “Facing My Anger,” “Facing My Loneliness” and “KidCare” among many others. Child care will be provided.
For more information, call Chuck White at 704-701-2468 or email
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