Countywide Moms In Prayer meeting for Rowan County schools
Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 30, 2014
Rowan County will have a countywide prayer time for our children and our schools on Monday, Sept. 8 at the JF Hurley YMCA from 9 until 11 a.m. Actual prayer time will be from 9:30 until 10:30.
Imagine what God could do with an entire generation of prayed-for children?
Read the answers to prayers from moms involved in prayer from North Carolina alone.
After three and a half years of rebellion and marijuana, God brought my prodigal son back to Himself. He is now serving Jesus for a year with J Life in South Africa.
I am thankful that God gave my kids believing, praying, wonderful teachers this year. He has specifically answered many prayers this year including for bullying to stop and for a change in attitude about math class.
Praying with other moms every week gave me the peace I was looking for, I didn’t know what the future held for my kids, but the more I prayed to my Lord, the more I knew they were in the best hands to take care of them . Over 11 years of praying, I can see how the Lord has molded, guided and protected my two daughters and my son in ways I could not have been able to accomplish or imagine.
The mission statement of Moms in Prayer International impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray. This year Bless Our Schools Sunday will be Sept.16. More than 700 churches from around the world have participated the past two years. Imagine the impact this time of prayer will have on that worn-out teacher, the weary principal, the school board member that’s standing up for biblical values, as well as every school in the community.
The key ministry booklet is available in 49 languages. It explains the biblical principles of the Four Steps of Prayer and how to facilitate a powerful hour of prayer that not only impacts the lives of the children and school staff being prayed for but also changes the lives of the moms as they develop an intimate prayer relationship with their Heavenly Father.
Moms in Prayer involves two or more women who meet regularly for one hour a week to intercede on behalf of children and schools through prayer. This can be Christian mothers, grandmothers, or another woman in the church family who loves children and believes that God answers prayer.
The Vision Statement of Moms in Prayer is that every school in the world would be covered with prayer. It is our desire that moms will come together and will be interested in learning more about praying for specific schools and that EVERY Rowan County school will be covered in prayer.