Back to school community events to be held Friday andSaturday
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 21, 2014
Back To School event on Friday — Friday noon-4 p.m., at the First Legacy Community Credit Union, 2146 Statesville Blvd., by Community Partners of Rowan. Also haircuts, games, musical entertainment, a magician, food and drinks during this event. School supply giveaways include book bags, notebooks, pencils, pens, school uniforms, vouchers and other supplies. Rain or shine. Kids 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Details at 704-640-6263.
Back to School Book Bag Bash Saturday — Noon- 3 p.m. Saturday: At Royal Giants Park, 200 Robinson Road, East Spencer. Sponsored by The Town of East Spencer and Payton’s Promise Abuse Prevention Center. Information: Mayor Barbara Mallett 704-636-7111 or Eboni Byson 704-838-6288.
Salisbury Ghost Walk — Two tours, 7 and 9 p.m Friday, Aug. 22: The walk covers a six block area in downtown Salisbury and tells how in the 1800s Salisbury earned the reputation as the “wettest and wickedest” town in the state. hear tales of hauntings from days gone by. Bring camera, smart phone, flashlight. Adults $10, students $5. Visit the website at salisburyghostwalk. org and make reservations by email at boo@salisburyghostwalk. com or call John at 704-798-3102.
Arts and Crafts show — 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6: At Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, 719 S. Caldwell St. Assorted baby crafts including diaper cakes, also beaded fruit, jewelry, wreaths, portraits, original drawings, paintings, more.
The Piedmont Prime Time Community Band “meet and greet” — 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11: at Trinity United Methodist Church, 416 E. 1st St., Kannapolis. Under the direction of Dr. Laurence Marks. See for membership requirements and directions.
Free living will assistance at the South Rowan Y — 1:30 p.m. Sept. 17: Living will and health care power of attorney, notaries available for signing of the documents. Free, must sign up at 704-857-7011. J. Fred Corriher Jr. South YMCA, 950 Kimball Road, China Grove.
Charlotte author Robert Whitlow to speak — 1 p.m. Saturday, September 13,: Christy Award winner Robert Whitlow at the Kannapolis Library to discuss his books and writing. A book signing will follow.Free, open to the public. Call 704-920-1180.
Stained glass trolley tour — Tour leaves Center for Faith & the Arts at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 13: Travel on the trolley, participate in guided tours, learn more about stained glass, architecture, local congregational history. In partnership with Salisbury Visitor’s Bureau. Tickets $15; light refreshments. Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St.,
Anti-bullying community rally — 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27: “Stop the Silence NC” at 110 S. Lee St., also the 100 block of E. Fisher St. Special musical guests from Southern California: Galvanized Souls. Also food, vendors, resources, games, activities for the kids, special guest speaker from Michigan: Colin from Colin’s Friends. For information email
Concord Library events — • Awesome Pageturners for ages 8-10, Aug. 26 at 4 p.m., Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”plus discussion and game. Register at 704-920-2058 • BeTWEEN the Lines for ages 10-12, Aug. 28 at 4 p.m., discuss Andrew Clement’s “Frindle” plus activity. Register at 704-920-2058 • 27 Union St. North, Concord, or Facebook
Concord/ Kannapolis Summer Entertainment Series — complete schedule at summerevents • • Union Street Live, Lakeside Drive Band – Thursday, Aug. 21, 6-9 p.m., Means Avenue, Concord. Free outdoor concert • Concord Art Walk – Friday, Aug. 22, 6-9 p.m., downtown Concord. Featured will be the opening reception for the “Into the Woods” exhibition at The Galleries, 65 Union St. S, Concord. Download a map at • Stories Under the Stars, Steve Langley – Saturday, Aug. 23, 7 p.m., Kannapolis Branch Library, 850 Mountain St., Kannapolis. Storyteller Steve Langley will present a program of stories with juggling and magic.
Old Courthouse Theatre presents ‘Thrift Shop’ — 8 p.m. Aug. 21-23: Second annual Original Play Festival featuring six plays written by local authors on the theme of a Thrift Shop. Tickets $10 at or 704-788-2405. Old Courthouse Theatre, 49 Spring St. NW, 704 788-2405,
LSt presents CF&A’s ‘Voices From The Margins’ — 7:30 p.m. Sept. 4-5: Original monologues show featuring actors telling the stories of individuals from Rowan County who live on the margins. Presented in partnership with Covenant Community Connections and Lee Street theatre. Suggested donation price $15 per seat; all proceeds to benefit Rowan Helping Ministries.,
Old Courthouse Theatre presents ‘Noises Off’ — Sept. 11-28: Called the funniest farce ever written. Rated PG, $15/adults, $12/seniors and students. Old Courthouse Theatre, 49 Spring St. NW, 704 788-2405,
Second annual Buskers Bash — 5-9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 5: Street performers all over thhe downtown streets, the public gets to choose favorites by tossing a guitar pick in the performers bucket to vote. Winners announced at the grand finale at Uncle Buck’s All American Pub & Grub, 127 S. Main St. at the end of the evening. Stop by the Buskers Bash tent in front of Southern Spirit Gallery, 102 S. Main St. to pick up ‘Pick-Pack’ with voting guitar picks and walking map.
PPT season tickets on sale now — Five youth shows at the Norvell including “Tarzan,” “Charlotte’s Web” plus four mainstage shows at the Meroney including Tony Award-winning Musical “CATS.” Season ticket holders can also purchase tickets now for PPT and the Salisbury Symphony’s production of “Les Miserables” in Oct. . Public tickets for this show do not go on sale until Sept. 2. or 704-633-5471. Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St.
LSt season tickets on sale now — Seventh season includes Off-Broadway musicals, live concerts, intimate dramas, original 10-minute plays. All shows are general admission seating; evening performances start at 7:30; lobby doors open one hour prior to showtime. Lee Street Theater & Performing Arts Center, 329 N. Lee St.,704-310-5507,
Summer concert series at Bell Tower Park — 5-7 p.m. tonight: No. 9 Coal and Divided by Four.
Union Street Live! — 6-9 p.m. tonight: The Union Street Live! series with Lakeside Drive Band. Free. Downtown Concord on Means Avenue next to Historic Cabarrus County Courthouse,65 Union St. S., bring a lawn chair. 704-784-4208,
Brick Street Live concert — 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 28: Live concert on Fisher Street featuring On The Border.
Music On The Mountain — Noon-5 p.m., Aug. 30: Dunn’s Mountain Nature and History Preserve, 1704 Dunns Mountain Road, hosts a free afternoon of music by Bob Trice (folk, acoustic), The Chapeleers (gospel), Matthew Weaver and The Edwards Family (Bluegrass, gospel) plus a special treat for the kids, My Animal Guy Jerry Jackie and Sophie Phelps will have some cool creature guests. Bring lawn chairs to sit on, bring a picnic; drinks available.
Piedmont Prime Time Community Band — 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11: Begins season 13 with opening rehearsal and meet and greet session at Trinity UMC, 416 E. 1st St., Kannapolis. The band is under the direction of Dr. Laurence Marks. See
Price of Freedom Museum’s Remembrance of 9/11 — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13: “Memories of Yesteryears” with restored farm equipment and vehicles; gospel and bluegrass music; fire, police, rescue and emergency equipment; Simulated Smoke House; fire safety for the children; backyard barbecue by We Care Ministry of Oak Grove Baptist Church in China Grove. Food tickets in advance $7 at 704-857-3208. If you would like to bring your restored vehicle contact Bob Mault by Sept. 5 at 704-857-7474. Intersection of Patterson and Weaver Roads, 2420 Weaver Road, 704-857-7474,
Kruger Brothers at Mocksville Bluegrass Festival — Saturday, Sept. 13: Carolina Bible Camp Bluegrass Festival features Kruger Brothers, the Snyder Family Band, Red June. See FUNDRIASERS
Dailey & Vincent Land Fest In Denton — Sept. 18-20: Bluegrass duo hosts second annual event at Denton FarmPark, featuring three days of star-studded music and a Bluegrass band contest on Sept. 20. Winning band will perform as the opener for Saturday’s show, cash prizes will be awarded. Tickets/info at
Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival and Art Walk — noon-4 p.m., Saturday Sept. 27 and Oct. 25: Family-friendly cultural arts event, downtown Kannapolis. Free for patrons, participants, open to all forms family friendly arts, culture and performances. Info: Michael Knox, 828-231-5037, or
Battle of Bost Grist Mill — 2 p.m., September 6-7: A Civil War reenactment; see hundreds of re-enactors, feel the thunder of artillery, witness Civil War medicine first hand, take a stroll through military camps, purchase period merchandise at Sutler’s Row, talk with civilians from the 1860s. Gates open 10 a.m., $12 age 13-adults, $8 age 6-12 (5 and under free)., 704-782-1600, 4701 Hwy 200, Concord.
Benchwarmers, 113 E. Fisher St. — • Monday, NTN trivia • Tuesday, open Mike night • 704-639-0694.
The Carriage Room, 2141 Statesville Blvd. — • Sign-up deadline 7 p.m. every Friday for in-house pool tournament, $5, start playing by 7:30; also open jukebox • Every Sunday is “Trenner Day,” open pool table all day • 704-647-9876, carriageroomnc@
Cartucci’s Grapevine, 209 S. Main St. — 9 p.m.-midnight Friday: Diane Hoffman and NC Facedown Band, $5 cover • 9-11:30 p.m. Saturday: Scott Gibson, no cover • Every Thursday Karaoke 8:30-11 p.m. • 6 p.m.-midnight Fridays-Saturdays, live music begins at 9 p.m. For age 21 and over. 704-870-2574,
CJ’s BBQ, 210 Old Amity Hill Road, Cleveland — • 6:30 p.m., Friday Night Bluegrass John and Lynn Powell and Friends of Harmony. 704-278-4070.
DJs Restaurant, 1502 W. Innes St. — • 7:45 p.m. every Thursday, live jazz, no cover. 704-638-9647,
Danny Franklin plays live — • Aug. 27 and Sept. 17: Speakeasy Smokehouse and Taproom, 316 Brookdale St., Kannapolis • 6-8:30 p.m. Sept. 5: Brew, corner of Main St. and Dale Earnhardt Blvd., Kannapolis • See dannyfranklin on youtube.
Go Burrito, 115 W. Fisher St. across from the mural — • Mondays: Game night • 9 p.m. Wednesdays: Karaoke night • Thursdays: Trivia night, form teams, win prizes.
The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy 150 — • 8 p.m. Saturday: 7 Times Around and Broken Veil • Set Free Church meets 5 p.m. Saturdays. Free refreshments, air hockey, foosball, pool, wi-fi. Public invited to jam or schedule their group to perform. 704-213-1467.
E.H. Montgomery General Store — 7-9 p.m. Fridays: Open Bluegrass jam for acoustic musicians. Historic Village of Gold Hill, Facebook, 704-267-9439,
Nashville Nights, 125-127 E. Innes St. — • Friday: First beach band ever at NN: Steel Cruizin • Saturday: Ladies’ night, ladies in free before 10 p.m.; Tony Bailey Band at 9:30 p.m., $5 cover? • Mondays $1 day • Tuesdays Free pool • Wednesdays Open mic with the Twin City Buskers • Thursdays Deejay Cherokee • Fridays free jukebox. 704-762-9990,
Rick’s BBQ and Grill, 929 S. Main St. — • 6 p.m. Monday, Thursday: Karaoke • 6 p.m. Tuesday: Cruise-in • 7 p.m. Thursday-Friday-Saturday: Karaoke. 704-642-0050.
Uncle Buck’s All American Pub & Grub, 127 S. Main St. — Friday: The Low Counts • Saturday: Auto Mag from Raleigh • Magic Mondays 6-8 p.m. with magician Glen Yost • Bike Night Tuesdays 6-9 p.m. • 704-633-3750,
Salisbury Wine Shop — • 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 22: Wines of Draxton Cellars of Healdsburg, California with Andrew Alley, 17th Street Distributing with a selection of Draxton fine wines that are award-winning and affordable. $5/person. 106 S. Main St., 704-636-5151, sws@salisburywineshop. com,
Cauble Creek Vineyard and Winery — North Carolina’s 100th Winery. Tasting room open Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 1-6 p.m. Wine tastings $8 per person with a selection of eight wines for tastings. Also juices, non-alcohol ciders, food products, gift items. 704-636-1137, 700 Cauble Farm Road, see
Antiques Appraisal Fair — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Aug. 22 and 23: Learn the history and value of your heirlooms, yard sale bargains and treasures. $5 per item, limit two items per person. Fundraiser for Spencer Doll & Toy Museum, 108 4th St., across from the NC Transportation Museum,, 704 762 9359.
Casino Fantastique — 6:30-11 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12: An evening of casino games, libations, music, dancing at Salisbury Depot, 215 Depot St., with prizes, buffet dinner, silent auction, half-and-half drawing. Limited number of tickerts, $55 each, for age 20 or older. or 704-431-4447. Evening attire optional. A fundraiser for the Salisbury Symphony.
14th annual Links for Lupus golf tournament — Aug. 25: Cedarwood Country Club, 4100 Pineville-Matthews Road, Charlotte. Registration 11 a.m., shotgun start 12:30 p.m., dinner reception 5:30 p.m. To benefit the Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter (LFANC).
Plein Air Carolina/ NC LandTrust exhibit and fundraiser — During August the Rail Walk Gallery, 409 N. Lee St., hosts an exhibit of the Plein Air Carolina artists for the LandTrust of Central North Carolina. See ART for details or
Piggin’ Out for Pink — 6:30-11 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13: Kannapolis-based non-profit Focused On A Cure hosts an evening of dinner, dancing, raffles, a silent auction and fun. Entertainment by artist Jared Emerson. Held at The City Club, 325 McGill Ave. NW, Concord. Ticket information: 704-933-5600 or
17th annual Charity Ride for the children’s home — Saturday, Sept. 13: Charity ride to the Masonic Home for Children, Oxford. Leaving from Eureka #283 Masonic Lodge in China Grove. $20 per person includes t-shirt and ticket for door prizes. Breakfast $6 (all you can eat) before leaving at 7:30 a.m. Contact Doug Earnhardt 704-957-0346 or email
Second annual ‘Groce-Man Jam’ concert — 5:30-9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13: Junkers Mill outdoor Theater, 105 S. Salisbury St. in Mocksville, features award-wining bluegrass band Balsam Range. Massive Grass of Wilmington are the opening act at 6 p.m.
‘BBQ, Bands and Boots’ — 6-11 p.m. Sept. 27: Inaugural Rowan County Crosby Scholars community event. Proceeds go to create Crosby Scholars Last Dollar Grant program. Tickets $40/person; $75/couple, includes drink, music by Mipso and local Catawba College band Life Size; plus surprises. Reservations at or 704-762-3512. Held at F&M Trolley Barn.
Kruger Brothers at Mocksville Bluegrass Festival — Saturday, Sept. 13: Carolina Bible Camp Bluegrass Festival features Kruger Brothers, the Snyder Family Band, Red June. All proceeds benefit Carolina Bible Camp & Retreat Center. Rain or shine. 1988 Jericho Church Road, Mocksville. Advance tickets $15, DOS $20, children under age 12 free with paying ticket holder,
Fourteenth annual Blues & Burritos — 6-10 p.m Friday, Sept. 19: hosted by Homesley & Wingo Law Group and takes place on the front lawn at 330 S. Main St., Mooresville. With Pat “Mother Blues” Cohen, Max Drake, Shelia Carlisle as special guest performers joining the Part Time Blues Band. Free admission. All donations this year go to Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists and HealthReach Community Clinic. Information at
2014 Mad Hatter’s OddBall — 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18: Center for Faith & the Arts’ Mad Hatter’s OddBall, an evening in wonderland with music, dancing, heavy hors d’oeuvres, silent and live auctions, costume contest, general revelry. F&M Trolley Barn. Information/reservations at or 704-647-0999.
Iredell County Fair — Sept. 1-6, Troutman,
Cabarrus County Fair — Sept. 5-13, Concord, government/departments/fair
Davidson County Fair — Sept. 15-20, Lexington, www.davidsoncounty
Rowan County Fair — Sept. 19-27,
Stanly County Fair — Sept. 25-29, Albemarle,
Dixie Classic County Fair — Oct. 3-12, Winston-Salem,
NC State Fair — Oct. 16-26, Raleigh,
Wine Down and Create — 6-8 p.m. Thursdays at Cartucci’s Grapevine, 209 S. Main St., next to Meroney Theater. Canvases for purchase on site, wine and food available for purchase, catered by Cartucci’s. Cost per paint session $25. RSVP Patt 704-762-9647 or Carol 704 213-6171.
CF&A offers Artist’s Way course — 7-8:30 p.m. Mondays, Sept. 8 through Dec. 1: 13-week intensive experience of recovering and encouraging artistic growth. Led by Myra Tannehill. $145 plus the book which can be purchased at Just the Thing/Literary Bookpost. Childcare is available for a nominal fee.
Adult acting classes — 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 29-Dec. 15: 12-week course by Lee Street theatre and The Acting Place. Led by Craig Kolkebeck, director of education for The Acting Place and adjunct instructor with Catawba College theatre arts department. For ages 16 and up. Cost $225, class size limited to 10. Registration or information: Lee Street theatre, 704-310-5507 or email
PPT’s Youth Theatre Academy registration — Classes for students grades 4-12 at the Norvell Theater, Tuesdays beginning Sept. 16th. Only 16 available spots per class. Instructors: Alex Reynolds and Bristol Glass. To sign up: 704-633-5471 or Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St., info
Relax & Refresh Yoga classes — See Brief page 2D.
New beginner line dance class — Begins 4:30 p.m. Sept. 4, 10 weeks for $44. Intermediate classes at 5:30 p.m. for $4 per session. Rufty Holmes Senior Center. Call 704-633-7862 to register. Classes taught by Cheryl Kluttz. For information call 704-633-3484
Free basic computer classes — Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Classes run for two hours. Call 704-680-7317 or 704-870-8862 to schedule an appointment time. Knox’s Computer Business, 512 Klumac Road, Suite 8.
Ballet, tap, pointe, jazz, modern, hip hop, acrobatics — For ages 2-1/2 to 102, Steppin’ Out Dance Company. Stress free, fun, friendly environment. 704-637-1222,, steppinoutdance
New session of senior adults guitar lessons — Starting date Monday, Sept. 8: Absolute Beginner Guitar at 1:30 p.m., Beginner Guitar at 2:45 p.m., Intermediate Guitar at 4 p.m. Learn or re-learn to play with instructor Bob Wingate. Bring your own guitar. Cost $35 payable on the first day of class. New members should bring a $5 material fee. Questions: Bob at 704-636-9395. To register: 704-216-7714.
Shag Lessons — Mondays at Lee Street Theater & Performing Arts Center: Carolina shag lessons with Ashley and Tobitha Stewart, at Lee Street Theater & Performing Arts Center • Beginner I: 5:30 p.m. for those who don’t know how and want to learn • Beginner II: 6:30 p.m. for those who know how to shag and want to improve.No partner required. $50 per person for 4 weeks. Information, enrollment at Lee Street theatre or 704-310-5507.
Sculpture class at Waterworks — Sept. 15-19: With instructor Maria Michaelson. Register at or 704-636-1882. Class limited to 12 students. Tuition $625. All materials and kiln firing are included. 123 E. Liberty St.
Paint Your Own at Pottery 101 — • August 21: Daisy Clay Canvas • August 28:Dancing Teapot • 7-9 p.m., cost $35. All supplies and firing costs included. Make it a party and BYOB. No artistic ability necessary. Spaces limited, Call or come by to sign up 704-209-1632.
Free online courses through RPL — Gale Courses: high-quality, noncredit online courses free with your library card. New sessions of six-week courses start monthly. Enroll at and click Online Tools, or call 704-216-8243.
Correction: Free Bible lessons — 10:30-11:30 a.m. Saturdays, Aug. 23 (not 22): Is the Bible scientifically accurate; what makes it unique; is it still practical for our day; what does it say about our future; what is its message; how can it help with family life; how can it help find true happiness. These topics and more covered, bring your own Bible. Appropriate for children. Downstairs conference room of RPL Rockwell Branch (not sponsored by RPL).
Salisbury Art Station — 4-6 p.m. ongoing weekly classes: Instructors share historical, technical, conceptual aspects of art; foster manual dexterity, motivation, problem-solving, healthy communication. $25 per class. Tuesdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 5-7 • Wednesdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 7 and up • Thursdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 7 and up. 704-754-0853 or 215 Depot Street, 704-754-0853.
Beginning and intermediate weaving — Private lessons on a floor loom. Day or evening times. Liese Sadler, 215-300-4369, livethreadstudio@
Painting with Patt — Ongoing adult oil painting classes, Tuesdays 1-3 p.m., Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. Call for info or to sign up. Class size limited to four. Patt Legg, 704-232-6000, 704-762-9647,
Mind aerobics art class — 2-4 p.m., Mondays and Fridays, taught by artist Robert Toth: introduction to drawing, pastel and sculpture. $10/two-hour session. Rufty Holmes Senior Center, call 704-279-9301.
Zumba fitness — • 5:30 p.m., Mondays, Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 704-216-7714 • 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, First Baptist Church of Salisbury, old YMCA gym on Fulton St. • 6 p.m. Thursdays, $3 per person, St. Matthews Church Salisbury • J.F. Hurley Family YMCA’s aqua zumba, 10:15 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Piedmont Singles — 6:15 p.m. Fridays • 1908 Statesville Blvd., Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, no joining fee, donations appreciated, covered dish.
New Beginnings Singles Club of Lake Norman — 6:30 p.m. third Thursdays: social group of singles over 50, Captain’s Galley Restaurant in Mooresville. Visitors welcome. 704-677-2331.
Tonight: Free screening of ‘The Line’ — 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21: Freedom Roots, Center for Faith & the Arts, and The Vine Event Planning partner to bring the film and dialogue to Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St.,
Salisbury hosts Movies at the Park — 9 p.m., free. Corner of W. Miller and N. Jackson. • Aug. 22: Planes: Fire and Rescue • Sept. 5: The Lego Movie.
PPT’s and Salisbury Symphony’s ‘Les Misérables’ — Aug. 29 at 6 p.m., 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Aug. 30 at 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Third floor of the Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St. 25 spots per time slot. By appointment only; 704-633-5471. Show dates Oct. 17-19.
Salisbury Symphony Orchestra — Sunday, Sept. 7: Auditions for assistant principal second violin and any others who want to be on the orchestra’s substitute list. In the Williams Music Building of Catawba College. Play a prepared piece of choice, excerpts of the music director’s choice, and sight-reading. For excerpts and appointment time, email For more information see
Carolina Lily events — • Aug. 30: Friends, Food and Flowers • Sept. 20 Last Call for Fall Antique and Craft Show• RSVP to Carolina Lily, 1375 Kern Carlton Road, 704 639-0033, carolinalily@,
Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. — “Mark Stephenson Italian paintings and other recent works,” Reception, 6-9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 3. Local artist Mark Stephenson recently completed a two-week residency in La Macina di San Cresci in Greve-In-Chianti in Tuscany, Italy. Paintings from the residency, plus smaller watercolor sketches completed while in England, on display and for sale at CFA Gallery, open by appointment only. Lower level of Haven Lutheran Church,
OctoberTour luncheon — 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 10: Learn more about the Plein Air Artists and the steps of painting, from inspiration through actual process, by Phyllis Steimel. Catered meal and wine. Only 70 seats available; deadline Oct. 3. Held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall. Ticket info at or 704-636-0103. Also visit them all weekend long as they Paint Out during OctoberTour.
The Framing Gallery, 320 N Main St. across from Koko Java — On exhibit: Connie Loflin Peninger, Betty Sedberry. Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., closed Tuesday and Saturday, 704-633-1246.
Fine Frame Gallery, 105 S. Main St. — Featuring paintings and prints by Wanda Clark and Salisbury photographs by David Lamanno. Monday/Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 704-647-0340,
The Green Goat Gallery, 516 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer — Carve Into Life…Palette Knife Paintings of Patt Legg. Gallery hours Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. then 5- 8 p.m.; Sunday: 1-6 p.m. 704-431-4527,
Rail Walk Studios and Gallery, 409-413 N. Lee St. — Through Aug. 30: Rail Walk Studios & Gallery host “Preserving Places:” Plein Air Carolina Exhibit of LandTrust of Central NC sites. Artists are donating 40% of proceeds to LandTrust of Central NC. Information 704-657-8321 or or Free, open to the public. Gallery hours Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11 a.m.-4 p.m. or by appointment,
Waterworks Visual Arts Center, 123 E. Liberty St. — • Tł: Textiles, Text, & Texture: Summer exhibition features NC artists Peg Gignoux,Leslie Pearson. Through Sept. 6 • Mosaics in the Garden, sculptures by Jeannette Brossart, Stanback Sensory Garden. Summer hours Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 704-636-1882,
YMCA sponsored trips — • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 12: Charlotte Southern Women Show, $23 per person, non-members welcome. Buses leave from J. F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. • 11:30 Nov. 4: Barn dinner theater matinee “Always a Bridesmaid,” $43 per person includes lunch, transportation, tips, ticket. Non-members welcome, buses leave from J. F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. • Details at 704-636-0111, lklaver@
Davie County Senior Services trip — Sept. 25-26: “Oklahoma” at the Temple Theater, part of overnight trip to Sanford and Smithfield includes tour of Railhouse Museum, shopping, “Oklahoma,” tour of the Ava Gardner Museum and showing of her movie “Showboat.” For info or registration for seat on the Motorcoach, call 336-753-6230.
Fourth annual Biker Blues BBQ Rally — Sept. 19-20: Annual event at Tilley Harley Davidson of Salisbury reaches thousands of people. Contact Gary Moss 704-638-6044 or visit
Gold Hill 25th Founders Day Craft/Heritage Living — Saturday, Sept. 27: Applications available for arts/crafts, heritage living crafts and exhibits, hit & miss engines, antique tractors, parade etc; exhibitors only demonstrating and not selling are not required to pay for space, but application is required for planning purposes. Call 704-267-9439, 704-279-1630 or download the application at For information call 704-267-9439 or 704-279-7897. Deadline Sept. 22.
Country Fair — Saturday, Sept. 27: Christ Episcopal Church. Booth rental $20. Contact Kelly 704-213-0666 to reserve space.
Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival — 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27: Free for performers and artists, free to the public. Open to all forms of family friendly arts, culture, performances. Downtown Kannapolis. To register for free to be artist, vendor, performer e-mail
Arts and crafts show — 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6: Rules and applications at home page and click on such event. Deadline for applications Aug. 9. Contact: Michelle 704-633-5057 or Delores 704-636-8522. Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, 719 S. Caldwell St.
Country fair — Saturday, Sept. 27: Booth rental $20, held at Christ Episcopal Church, Cleveland. Contact Kelly 704-213-0666 to reserve space.
Fall bazaar — Saturday, Oct. 25: Vendors wanted at Mt Zion UCC, China Grove. Free display space and lunch. 704-857-9202 or 704-857-1360.
Asheboro Fall Festival applications — 42nd Fall Festival, Oct. 4-5: Randolph Arts Guild vendor applications available at the Guild, 123 Sunset Ave., downtown Asheboro or or 336-629-0399.
Love to sing? — The Concert Choir begins its Fall season Monday August 25, 7:30pm at St John’s Lutheran Church choir room. All voices welcome! Contact: Joyce Cavanagh-Wood 704 202 0768
Buskers welcome — To perform and compete in the second annual Buskers Bash, Friday, Sept. 5: Application at buskers-bash-contestant-application. For musicians, dancers, magicians, more. Only 45 acts will allowed, each with assigned location. First, second, third place prizes awarded at finale at Uncle Buck’s at 9 p.m.
Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival — See call for vendors for details. Contact by e-mail
YMCA Art Show — Sept. 16: You do not have to be a member of the YMCA. Contact Louise Klaver 704-636-0111. You must provide your own easels. Tables provided first come first served.