Posters, Friday, August 1
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 1, 2014
Deadline for Posters is 5 p.m.
• Bloodmobile and hotdog benefit for Canine Angels — Saturday: Bloodmobile 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., hot dog sale 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Canine Angels is an organization that trains rescue dogs to become service dogs to disabled vets. Sponsored by Trading Ford Baptist Church Royal Ambassadors, 704-453-2885, Trading Ford Baptist Church, 3600 Long Ferry Road.
• Call for volunteers for the annual community event, Back-to-school Jam Fest (a.k.a. Soul Winning Day). If interested, send a representative to the collaboration meeting Saturday 10 a.m.-noon at Christ Transformation Center, 1933 Jake Alexander Blvd.
• Cedar Grove Gospel Choir 57th singing anniversary, Saturday beginning at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. at Cedar Grove AME Zion Church, Cleveland.
• Monday: Kannapolis History Associates presents Jack Reyome and Steve Martin demonstrating wood turning from primitive to modern methods. 7 p.m.. A.L. Brown high school social room, park in lot East of Trinity Methodist Church and use the sidewalk to auditorium. Phil Goodman, 704-796-0803.
• Shining Star Fish Fry today and Saturday at the corner of SouthWest and West Bank St., 10am until. Hot fish, hot dogs, hamburgers, pork chops. For delivery, call 704-633-5693.
• J.C. Price Post 107 Everybody’s Birthday Dance Sunday, Aug 3 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Music by DJ “Aaron S.” Donation $10. Refreshments. Door prizes and specials. Must be 21 or older with proper ID. No sneakers.