How long can we keep freedoms?
Published 12:00 am Monday, July 28, 2014
Freedom, liberty and justice. Our forefathers fought and many died to establish a country dedicated to these ideals
Ronald Reagan offered his insight about freedom when he stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction.” Consider for a moment what has and is happening right now, today.
The IRS scandal, NSA spying on Americans, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, $17 trillion government debt, the dollar’s falling value, unemployment, people unable to find a job, veterans unable to receive timely medical treatment from VA hospital facilities. Five of Al-Qaeda’s most notorious leaders and killers released from Guantanamo in exchange for a suspected deserter.
Now we hear of children from Central America coming to America for free everything. They are coming with the burden upon the states to provide for their protection and well being until assimilated.
This is illegal, unconstitutional and only further destroys the laws we have for legal immigration.
Let’s not forget the one major piece of legislation most destructive of all, the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. This law passed in the U.S. House and Senate, and was amended single handedly by Obama, also illegal and a usurpation of the authority of Congress.
Those good people elected to the House and Senate have, I guess, decided to grin and bear it rather than to demand and defend their Constitutional responsibility for passing and amending the law. Maybe they feel this will come back to bite Obama in the posterior some day.
Don’t bet on it. When has Obama ever admitted being at fault or failing at anything? The problem is too many people believe he is not at fault, or they just don’t care, and the Republicans don’t seem to care either about the loss of freedom, liberty and justice or the destruction of the economy or the rule of law.
The Obama administration is in way over its head, on matters of the economy and foreign policy, and has no common sense about how things work in this world. Obama’s socialized society dream has failed the people, and daily we see failure upon failure and scandal upon scandal with the destruction of the middle class — the very people he says he has the most concern for. This is propaganda, because there is no middle class in a socialized society, only rulers and workers.
The middle class better wake up, because you’re on your way to extinction. It is your wealth and that of the so-called rich that Obama is determined to redistribute to those with less. If he accomplishes this, we will then become, in Obama’s eyes, a more honest and just society — you know, one with just rulers and workers. We would have become much like all the other third-world countries. The so- called rich and the middle class will become just more workers. Your talents mean nothing. You will be unable to better yourself or your family; in other words, we will all be broke and poor. You will have only this choice, become a member of the ruling class or remain a worker. I can assure you the rulers live much better than the workers who have become subservient to the ruling class.
There will be no middle or so-called rich class that has been so envied by this ruling class we today call politicians. It’s all about power and wealth but covered over with words about concern for the people whom they pretend to help. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Take a good look at our economy since Obama’s election; is it better or worse? Are race relations better or worse? Is the political climate in Washington better or worse, or do you see a mentality to divide and conquer?
This is the exact opposite of the American dream of 1776. Our elected officials have today slowly but surely surrendered to this socialized society dream that does not work and never has worked, because men believe in freedom, liberty and justice.
Further destruction of the Constitution is encouraged by politicians with the political agenda for a permanent ever growing underclass dependant upon government politicians for their subsistence plus their support and most of all, their vote.
We the people and the Tea Party are the ones concerned with the direction the country has taken. Leaders of both the Democrats and Republicans don’t like the Tea Party. Why? Because they don’t like our exposing the dishonesty that politicians have come to represent and the slow but sure destruction of our freedom, liberty and justice.
Support your local Tea Party candidates with your time and money. Maybe we can make a difference, eventually.
So, my question to you is this, “O! say, does that star spangled banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?” And for how much longer, do you think?
Richard Roberts lives in Kannapolis.
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