Excerpts from comments at www.salisburypost.com What online readers say about …

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 25, 2014

“If you have a program, they will come. You have to have something for them to do,” he said. SO TRUE. Only reason I stayed out of trouble as a kid is because they had basketball goals up in Granite Quarry and we’d literally play from 9/10 a.m. to 10 at night…no time for trouble!
The city took them down because too many people were coming and fights and other stuff started happening at the park. (The goals are back up now.) They thought the problem was solved when they took the goals down … People instead of playing basketball in public were doing drugs at home and thieving. It just masked the problem and made it worse.
So my point is, I really hope that you “find something for them to do” and by them I mean the youth of the West End.
— Jason Mac Nance

Clee Atkinson Jr. is a hugely talented speaker with a hugely inspirational message. (And I doubt anyone has ever fallen asleep while Mr. Atkinson is speaking.) And if Mr. Clark’s talk doesn’t deter someone from a life of crime, they’re hopeless. The meeting was a very good “first step.” Let’s all pray it’s the beginning of positive change. Well done, Mr. Hardin.
— Steve Pender

Let’s not forget that there are organizations in the community whose mission is to support and assist young people.
My agency, Rowan County Youth Services Bureau (a United Way member agency), has had a one-on-one mentoring program since 1984. We don’t have problems finding young people to serve, but we sure have a problem finding adults who are willing to volunteer their time.
— Karen South Jones
So thankful we’re getting the double left turn from Jake Alexander onto Hwy 150. We’ve been needing this for years!
— Donna Peeler Poteat

It has blown my mind how many drivers had no idea what to do with the flashing yellow arrow signals. I have had the displeasure of sitting behind drivers that will not drive through these lights, even when there is no oncoming traffic.
I love these flashing yellow arrows; they save time and are convenient. All you have to do is pay attention, wait your turn, and drive. It really isn’t that hard to understand. But I am glad to see Salisbury is trying to educate those that can’t quite comprehend it. As for the two lane left turn onto Hwy 150, I look forward to it.
— Kellie Hallman Martin

Now that most if not all of the qualified and honest management within the city has been eliminated by the reign of King Paris and his minions how will the city recover?
— Chris Borre

The only thing I can say about this whole scenario is kudos to Mr Paris in negotiating a lucrative severance package. I have been in human resources management for quite a while now in the private sector, and severance packages are drawn up for top executives all the time, some even better then this one in question.
And yes, shame on the City Council for not scrutinizing the contract more. But since Mr Paris was highly recommended from the former long time city manager, the council probably did not assume there would be a turnover in the position in less than two years.
­— Rance Lockhart

They got us in this mess and now Mayor Woodson justifies it by saying that Mr. Paris was “running a high-tech utility.” What are we paying Mr. Jury for? Pete Kennedy doesn’t see anything wrong, Karen Alexander is not responsible because she didn’t hire him and Maggie Blackwell and Brian Miller didn’t have a comment. Nobody accepts any responsibility and it goes on and on.
— Cathy C. Basinger

Doug thinks the mayor’s reference will land him a new plum job, but what will happen when the future employer googles his name? The many months of negative Salisbury Post articles will show up. Good luck, Doug; maybe you can be a city manager in a country with no internet.
— Jeff Saleeby
American Education “Reform:” Ready – Fire – Aim. I’d be interested to know who’s on the “11 member standards advisory committee.” Real teachers, or politicians?
— Ron Turbyfill

Just wished for once they’d get it right!
— Angela B. Harkey

When McCrory was elected some worried that things would just get rubber stamped with a Gop governor, house, and senate. Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to form a circle and start firing.
— Harry Hipps
Salisbury has a mess. Even if the concerned citizens wake up and clean house, it is really too late. The liberal policies of multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity-is-our-strength BS has ensured third world status for Salisbury’s future.
— Steve Poteat.