Speaker at St. John’s to address immigration
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 5, 2014
The issue of immigration has been a core issue of the church since the time of Abraham and Moses. Soon after their respective escapes from Egypt, God reminded them with a straight-forward command: “Don’t forget that you were once aliens in a foreign land.” (Exodus 23:9).
“The issues surrounding immigration are complex, but they are not new,” says the Rev. Rhodes Woolly, senior pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church. “The church must have a voice in that conversation as we lift up God’s timeless command for mercy and loving-kindness.”
To that end, Dr. Folabi Olagbaju is visiting St. John’s on Sunday. He’ll be the featured speaker at the 9 and 11 a.m. worship services, and will lead an adult forum at 10 a.m.
Olagbaju serves as national grassroots director for the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. An organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, LIRS is one of the largest church-based immigration agencies in the country. This year, LIRS is observing its 75th anniversary.
A native of Nigeria, Olagbaju has a PhD in Political Science and has worked for Amnesty International. He has been active in the global social justice movement linking environmental, labor, corporate accountability and human rights issues in the United States since 1992.
China Grove — Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church, 750 Mt. Moriah Church Road, invites all to wear red, white and blue colors to the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday.
This annual observance, Patriotic Sunday, will include special music, Holy Communion and a picnic lunch after the service.
For more details call 704-857-5034
Landis — YoungSong, comprised of Gene and Ann Young, will be in concert Sunday at 6 p.m. at Landis First Assembly, 302 E. Corriher St.
The Youngs are not newcomers to the ministry of gospel music. In 1988, Gene’s first wife Sandi died after a long illness. Five months before her death, she told Gene that when something happened to her, God would bring someone into his life who would play the piano for him, sing with him and have red hair.
In 1999, Gene met Ann, who lived 600 miles away in Tennessee. In spite of his vow never to marry again, he married this lady who plays the piano, sings with him and has red hair. Ann has written many choruses that are sung around the world and have teen translated into several languages.
Together Gene and Ann promote gospel concerts in five states and have opened concerts with many well-know gospel music artists including the Crabb Family, Karen Peck and New River, the Isaacs, Jeff and Sheri Easter, Ivan Parker, the McKameys, the Perrys and Michael Combs.
The concert at Landis First Assembly is free and a free-will offering will be received for YoungSong.
Mount Tabor United Methodist Church (just north of Ellis Park on Old Mocksville Road), begins new series titled What is the Fruit of the Spirit? at the 11 a.m. service Sunday.
For details, call 704-633-7484 or visit www.mounttaborumc.org or see Facebook (mtumc) or Twitter (@MountTaborUMC)
The Rev. Samuel A. Washington, MDiv., pastor of Solid Rock Church of God of Salisbury, is the speaker at the United Ministerial Alliance of Salisbury-Rowan’s annual revival, beginning Wednesday, July 9 and continuing through Friday, July 11.
Services are at 7 p.m. at the Tower of Power United Holy Church, 601 E. Cemetery St., where the Rev. William T. Turner is pastor. The Rev. Joseph Robinson serves as president of the U.M.A.
Rev. Washington has served at Solid Rock since 2007. He currently serves on the N.C. General Assembly of the Church of God church service team (credentials committee) and on the board of directors for the Pregnancy Support Center. He is a member and past president of the U.M.A., and a member of the interdenominational fellowship.
Rev. Washington has a bachelor of science degree in applied mathematics from Brown University, Providence R.I., a master of business administration in finance from Rutgers University, Newark, N.J. and a master of divinity in pastoral ministry and biblical languages from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest.
He is currently in the theology masters degree program at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest.
Concord — The Youth Council of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 6740 Macedonia Church Road, will present its annual Youth Revival and Explosion beginning Wednesday, July 16 through Friday, July 18 at 7 p.m. nightly.
Guest speaker will be Minister Roman Johnson, youth pastor of New Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Charlotte.
On Friday night is the Youth Explosion, featuring Gospel rapper Ed Williamson All youth choirs, praise teams and dance teams are invited to join the event.
For more information or to RSVP, call 704-786-7308, visit macedoniaofconcord.org or email macedonias.secretary@gmail.com
The Rev. John N. Leazer is host pastor.
Gold Hill — At Zion United Methodist Church, homecoming services are on Sunday, July 13. David D. Talbert of Bethany United Methodist Church of Lexington, will speak. Lunch will follow in the fellowship hall.
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church welcomes Sean Barrett, his wife April, and their children Brittany, Ian, and Addison into the church family as he begins his ministry on Sunday.
Barrett was born in Grosse Pointe, Mich. and is moving to Salisbury from Centerville, Ohio. He earned his Bachelors of Arts Degree from Grand Rapids Baptist College (now Cornerstone University) where he double-majored in religion and ancient languages.
He graduated on May 24 from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, with a master of divinity degree, and will be ordained as minister on July 12 at 11 a.m. at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Dayton, Ohio.
St. Peter’s Lutheran will host an installation service for Barrett, date to be announced. His first sermon at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church will be delivered on Sunday and the community is invited. Call 704-279-5054 for more information.
Cool Spring United Methodist Church, on Hwy. 64 E. near Cool Spring Elementary School, will hold its annual community summer celebration and car cruise-in next Saturday, July 12, starting at noon and going until 5 p.m.
Free activities will include water slip and slide (bring bathing suit and towel), face painting, bubble blowing, free hotdogs, ice cream, popcorn, cotton candy and more.
Bring a lounge chair and visit with your neighbors.
Visit www.coolspringumc.org for more information.
Yadkin Grove Baptist Church, 325 Leonard Road, will be hosting a fund raising event titled “Removing the Mask, Find your identity in Christ” on Saturday, July 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The purpose of the event is to enrich the lives of those within the community through the use of motivational speaking, workshops for men and women, entertainment, and overall fellowship.
Event speakers include the Rev. Jerry Miller of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Salisbury and Minister Jackie Hall of Blessed Assurance Church in Kannapolis.
The event also features Matrimony Mime. Brunch will also be served to each participant.
Registration deadline is July 11. The cost is $25 by check or money order, mailed to P. O. Box 3393, Salisbury NC 28145.
For more information, call 704-637-1311 or visit http://yadkingrove.wix.com/ygbc or Facebook at www.facebook.com/yadkingrovechurch
Faith — The Emmaus Road Quartet will present a program of Southern gospel music on Sunday, July 13, at 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 205 South Main St.
They have traveled over the United States and their single, “Jesus is the Rock,” went to #27 on the Christian Voice.
For more information, call the church at 704-279-2500 or go to the Emmaus Road Quartet web site at www.erqmusic.com
EAST SPENCER — Next Saturday, July 12, at 5 p.m., Southern City AME Zion will host a community event that will feature mime ministry, praise dance and choirs from the surrounding area. These are young men and ladies 6 to 18 years old.
The goal of the event is to bring creative, liturgical dance while giving God praise.
The host group will practice on Tuesday, July 8 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Southern City.
Free Faith Briefs are for special events and run in the Faith Section each Saturday. Send submissions to: faith@salisburypost.com deadline: 1 p.m. on Thursday.