Letters to the editor – Saturday (7-5-14)
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 5, 2014
Unhappy with city state of affairs
The writer is responding to a June 30 letter from Gerry Wood, “Who is guarding Salisbury’s tax dollars?”
No, Mr. Wood, you are certainly not the only one incensed over the recent shameful state of affairs within our city government.
“Shameful” and “totally unheard of” are fitting to apply to such ridiculous amounts of taxpayers’ money given to two city employees, and for what? Was it hush money and/or totally meant to satisfy their greed enough to get them out of town quickly?
I’m so disappointed in our mayor and others who probably had no recourse other than the action they took. Obviously no one gave any thought as to doing the right thing for our citizens. Hopefully the good change that is needed will result from their numerous mistakes.
As a former city employee, I know from experience that it takes months, even years, for our very deserving firefighters and police officers who risk their lives every day they come to work to receive a 1.5 percent salary adjustment. No such thing as a bonus, ever.
I personally know how hard our fire chiefs had to fight to secure their requests for the meager raises that finally made it through all the different channels to “find the money” — not to mention all the hurdles they had to jump in order to prove the need for a new ladder truck or fire engine.
It grieves me to think that this is still the case today with hard-working city employees who have to work two jobs in order to survive in the middle class. Yet, exorbitant amounts of money were quickly found to pay off two employees who resigned.
To say that many are incensed over the whole mess is an understatement, but the truth will be revealed and be documented for what it is in the archives of our city government, hopefully, for those coming behind us to learn from.
— Barbara Thomason
Put office in mall
No, Mr. Wood, you are not the only one incensed. I don’t believe we will see any letters approving what just happened in Salisbury.
Wait until folks realize that in place of an $8 million building downtown, we could have used the old mall at half the cost to taxpayers; there will be more disappointment with our local leaders.
Maybe we all need to join the Tea Party. That stands for Taxed Enough Already. I am afraid few folks know that is what it stands for.
— Donna Kesler
Thanks, Guild
On behalf of the Rowan County Crosby Scholars program, we would like to thank the Salisbury Rowan Symphony Guild for its support and flexibility in moving its Casino Fantastique fundraising event to the night of Sept. 12 so as not to conflict with Crosby Scholars’ BBQ, Bands & Boots event scheduled for Sept. 27.
On Sept. 12, Casino Fantastique promises a night of dinner, dancing and casino fun at the Salisbury Depot and will benefit the Salisbury Symphony and its important Youth Music Education program.
Crosby Scholars’ event, BBQ, Bands & Boots will be held at the F&M Trolley Barn and hopes to draw folks from all over the county for an evening of good food, good music and good fun! Monies raised at the Crosby event will fund our Last Dollar Grant program which helps our first graduates with unmet financial need access college.
We urge the community’s support of both events and look forward to a festive and fun September!
— Gwin Barr and Jennifer Canipe
The writers are board chair and executive director, respectively, of the Crosby Scholars program in Rowan.