Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 3, 2014
Juniata College has named 398 students to the dean’s list for the 2014 spring semester. Each student must have at least a 3.6 grade average out of a possible 4.0.
Haldis Elizabeth Joan Andersen of Mooresville, daughter of Hope C. Andersen and Thomas C. Andersen and a 2010 graduate of Mooresville Senior High School was named to the 2014 spring dean’s list.
Anne Knauf of Salisbury has graduated from Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Ind. Knauf, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Knauf of Salisbury received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.
Virginia Weant, the daughter of Drew and Wendy Weant was named to Kentucky Wesleyan College’s spring 2014 president’s list. Weant’s major is music.
To be eligible for the president’s list for superior academic achievement, students must attain a 4.0 grade point average while carrying a minimum of 12 semester hours.
Ryan Brennan, of Mooresville, a student at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, N.J., has been named to the dean’s list for the spring 2014 semester.
To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must carry a 3.2 or better grade point average out of a possible 4.0 and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 letter-graded hours.
A total of 133 students have been named to the presidential honor roll list for the 2013-14 academic year at Catawba College, according to Dr. J. Michael Bitzer, provost of the college.
Students named to the presidential honor roll list have achieved a 3.7 grade point average in 30 or more semester hours.
China Grove – Jennifer Marie Brown, Brandy Marie Burgess, Julio Cesar Zubillaga
Granite Quarry – Stephanie Michele Feriante
Kannapolis – Cayli Nicole Mena, Madison Taylor Sides
Landis – Patrick Neal Karriker, Taylor Brooke Lee
Mooresville – Jessica Lynn Harvatin, Laurel Boykin Powell, Franklin L. Wagner
Rockwell – Maria Esther Benitez, Jason F Cauble
Salisbury – Thomas Zachary Benton, Julie Ann Bruce, Martha Mallary Clay, Rhonda Jarvis Elder, Lauren Elizabeth Gaskill, Latavia Denise Gray, Marco Shane Gupton, Kenneth Neal Hipp, Gary Lynn Horne, Michael Wayne Jones, Dominique Adele Karriker, Lauren Madison Kennedy, Justin D. Ludwick, Michael Lane Lyerly, Maryann Wahl Martinez, Christine Knapp Mowery, Mary Randi Podgorak-Lagro, Christina Cline Potts, Karen Anne Reynolds, Emilie W Scharf, Sara Kay Sellers, Rachel Danielle Shelton, Sydney Leigh Smith, Matthew Ryan Sparks, Raymond Harry Vodochodsky, Carla Ashley Wilson, Seng Yang
Spencer – Joel Porter Baker
A total of 257 students have been named to the dean’s list for the 2014 spring semester at Catawba College.
Students named to the dean’s list have achieved a 3.5 grade point average in 15 or more semester hours.
China Grove – Allison Elizabeth Blackwell, Jennifer Marie Brown, Brandy Marie Burgess, Jacob Paul Jester, Julio Cesar Zubillaga
Gold Hill – Nathan Alan Wyatt
Granite Quarry – Stephanie Michele Feriante, Taylor Haven Louise Griggs
Kannapolis – Haley Michelle Campbell, Kimberly Nicole Fesperman, Jacob Taylor Martin, Lamarr Peppers, Ethan Connor Pethel, Madison Taylor Sides
Landis – Patrick Neal Karriker, Taylor Brooke Lee
Mooresville – Marshall Davis Emerson, Jessica Lynn Harvatin, Laurel Boykin Powell, Franklin L. Wagner;
Mount Ulla – Allison Sherrill Parker, Taylor Elizabeth Parker
Rockwell – Maria Esther Benitez, Jason F Cauble, Kristi Marie Leonard, Andrew Teague McCollister
Salisbury – Alexandra Haskell Adkins, Alexander Mark Allen, Katie Nicole Barbee, Thomas Zachary Benton, Brandi Weddington Boling, Charles William Brayton, Samantha Eran Brown, Julie Ann Bruce, Jonathan Matthew Buffkin, Justin Michael Burroughs, Martha Mallary Clay, Virginia Grubb Earnhardt, Rhonda Jarvis Elder, Eric Vincent Ellis, Danielle Ann Garcia, Lauren Elizabeth Gaskill, Cynthia Marianne Goodson, Latavia Denise Gray, Shakeisha Gray, Marco Shane Gupton, Kathryn Suzanne Heidt, Carla Karina Hernandez, Kenneth Neal Hipp, Gary Lynn Horne, Michael Wayne Jones, Dominique Adele Karriker, Jacqueslyne Lauraine Kelly, Lauren Madison Kennedy, Hannah Beth Lewis, Trevor Joseph Loudin, Michael Lane Lyerly, Maryann Wahl Martinez, Averi Elizabeth Mauney, Justin Alexander Morris, Kenneth Daniel Mowery, Namrata Pahwa, Mary Randi Podgorak-Lagro, Christina Cline Potts, Mark W Pullium, Crystal Jessica Reyes, Karen Anne Reynolds, Roberta Lynn Rodriguez, Emilie W Scharf, Sara Kay Sellers, Sydney Leigh Smith, Tonia Curlee Smith, Matthew Ryan Sparks, Chia Amy Thao, Elvis Shae Torbush, Raymond Harry Vodochodsky, Robin Hartley Walker, Ashley Wietbrock, Carla Ashley Wilson, Sydney Yorke Wilson, Amanda Marie Woodhull, Seng Yang;
Spencer – Joel Porter Baker, Joseph Chace Jensen, Melissa Antoinette Smith
Woodleaf – Adnan Podzic
Danner Lee McCulloh was among 521 graduates awarded diplomas at Denison University’s 173rd commencement held May 17. McCulloh, a resident of Mooresville, was awarded a degree from Denison by President Adam Weinberg.
McCulloh graduated with majors in German and in English, with a concentration in literature. He studied abroad with the Denison Geissen Exchange Program in Germany.
The following students earned all-A honor roll for third trimester.
Fourth grade – Nick Antosek, Grace Blackwell, Ben Childress, Riley Dillon, Colin Donaldson, Sophia Malloy, Ella Trainor, Sutton Webb, Will Webb
Fifth grade – Josh Klein, Katy Klein
Sixth grade – Claire Allen, Brody Dillon, Alyssa Lopez
Seventh grade – Olivia Dagenhart, Jack Fisher, Mary Sobataka
Eighth grade – Alex Antosek, Elly Burks, Michael Childress, Keegan Dillon, Rachel Harrison, Julia Honeycutt, Grace Kellicut, Mary McCullough, Miriam Roy, Leah Wyrick
The school honored its 2014 middle school graduating class at a graduation ceremony after graduation mass on June 11.
The following students received the Presidential Education Award: Alex Antosek, Melvin Bonilla, Gemma Brown, Bess Bryan, Elly Burks, Michael Childress, Keegan Dillon, Lily Hain, Rachel Harrison, Emilee Hibshman, Henry Holman, Julia Honeycutt, Zach Huddleston, Johnson Huynh, Grace Kellicut, Emily Maxey, Mary McCullough, Sara Nguyen, Anna Patel, Ben Roy, Miriam Roy, Autumn Ulrich, Ariel Wolter, Leah Wyrick, Daniel Yu
All “A” Honor Academic Awards were given to eighth grade students who earned all A’s for all three years of middle school. The following students were recognized with that award: Alex Antosek, Julia Honeycutt, Grace Kellicut, Miriam Roy
Other awards presented to Sacred Heart students:
Academic excellence in science – Bess Bryan
Academic excellence in social studies – Elly Burks
Academic excellence in mathematics – Michael Childress
Academic excellence in religion – Johnson Huynh
Academic excellence in Spanish – Miriam Roy
Academic excellence in language arts – Miriam Roy
Academic excellence in the arts – Daniel Yu