Letters to the editor — Sunday (6-29-14)
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 29, 2014
Way to go, Lutherans, on Medicaid expansion vote
The Lutherans of North Carolina should be proud of their Synod’s sensible, empathetic, courageous decision to pass the resolution calling for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina. The decision of our governor and legislature to block this health coverage for a half million people is based on a dogmatic political/economic ideology which in this case not only harms many people but does not even make good economic sense.
The Federal Medicaid money that was turned down by our state government would have found its way into our health care system, lessening the burden on hospitals, doctors and those of us already insured. It is simple math that the states who accept Medicaid expansion are embracing the universal coverage which will slow their increased medical costs while those states who do not, like North Carolina, can expect larger increases.
The Lutheran resolution not only makes economic sense, it is the right thing to do. I hope the Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, Catholics and others follow suit and pass similar resolutions encouraging our government to accept Medicaid expansion.
— James Saleeby
Gay students need love too
Reading about the recent Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education meeting and must say, I found some of the comments somewhat offensive.
While I respect that this is a country where we can all feel free to believe as we wish, it is sad how often we brush off those different than us. Often times we believe our rights and beliefs should override those of others even if they are not hurting you.
I am a straight male baptized Methodist who believes in a loving God, and I believe that He wants us to love everyone and treat everyone equally. I attended the recent Salisbury Pride event because I truly believe they deserve the same rights I have and had a great time. I have family and friends who are gay and I support them and all others 100 percent and even if I didn’t, when did it become my right to assure they do not have the same rights I have?
These children are simply asking for help and understanding in a world that judges them and wishes to simply cast them aside. Many of these children end up depressed/suicidal because those around them refuse to accept them for who they are and all many are asking for is merely the same type of rights and groups others have.
These clubs help give them friends and peers who can help them accept that they are God’s children and deserve love too.
I am 100 percent supportive of student-led Bible studies after school and other organizations that promote God/Christianity but I’m also 100 percent supportive of those same rights being entitled to the LGBT community. And If being gay offends you, don’t join the clubs. But those who wish to should have the right to do so without persecution.
Love is love!
— Charles Fiello Jr.
China Grove