Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 28, 2014
VBS 2014!
Submit your Vacation Bible School information by email to faith@salisburypost.com
Listings will run weekly, as space allows. Include the location, address, date and time, theme and other information such as closing program or picnic.
Lakewood Baptist Church
Where: 806 Kluttz Ave., Kannapolis
When: Today only, 2-6 p.m.
Theme: Kingdom Rock, where kids stand strong for God
Other: For age 3-6th grade. Parentsand participants are invited to the finale feast from 6-7 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Gym
Where: 205 S. Main St., Faith
When: 7 p.m. every Friday through Aug. 8 except July 4
Theme: The Gathering
Other: For grades K-12. Unique praise music, flashing lights, videos, special effects. Bible based worship service for grades 7-12; Christian puppets, videos, Bible study for grades K-6. Call 704-279-5489.
Southside Baptist Church
Where: 500 Morlan Park Road
When: July 7-11, 6-8:15 p.m.
Other: Fun, Bible lessons, crafts, games, food, secret agent contest.
Memorial United Methodist
Where: 1100 West “C” St., Kannapolis
When: June 29-July 3 from 6-7:30 p.m.
Theme: God’s Kingdom Crew — Learn to stand strong with God!
Other: Activities, stories, scripture. Call 704-932-6711 or visit memorialunited methodistchurch.org or Facebook.
Maranatha Bible Church
Where: 2320 Statesville Blvd.
When: Aug. 4-8, from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m.
Theme: Adventures by the Sea
Other: Snacks, games, crafts, puppet shows, music, Bible stories told through drama. Call 704-637-1995 Wednesday-Friday to register.
Salem Lutheran Church
Where: 5080 Sherrills Ford Road
When: Aug. 10-14, 6-8 p.m.; 5:30 dinner for the children
Theme: Weird Animals Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-kind
Other: Preschool-5th grade. Covered dish meal on Aug. 14, also Sunday Aug. 17 to sing during the service. Pre-register at 704-636-0352.