Letters to the editor — Wednesday (6-25-14)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 25, 2014
North Carolina voters should be allowed, with just cause, to seek a practical “recall” legislation on any election. Let it become reality — now.
Legislators who are currently submitting a proposal requiring 15 percent of the registered voters are self-serving; this is equivalent to denying the voters effectiveness in demanding a legitimate recall.
Excessive requirements by legislators cushion their own political safety in advancing proposed legislation in “tooting their own horn” while pursuing political chatter with little to no real achievement for their voters. Requirements set too high usually die with little change, a mishmash of words only, with no honest provisions for the voters.
Legislators should pursue effective legislation in requiring a minimum of 10 percent and a maximum of 15 percent of the highest votes received in the last election of the affected candidate for recalls.
Most states vary on requirements, but most petitions are based on the last election votes.
Remember, most voter registration record totals are inaccurate by some 3 percent and are higher than actual numbers.
USA Today reports that “Nearly 2.8 million people are registered in two or more states, and perhaps 1.8 million registered voters are dead.”
Recall petitioners should not be required to meet or exceed inaccurate or falsified government election records.
Requiring some 10 percent to 15 percent of the highest votes received in the last election represents solid legislation based on effective recalls with “voter reality” in any jurisdiction.
— Oscar Y. Harward