Cannon School graduates hear driver Jeff Burton
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 6, 2014
CONCORD – Seventy-six seniors of the class of 2014 celebrated Cannon School’s 13th Upper School Commencement on May 23, at the school’s Poplar Tent Road campus in Concord.
Jeff Burton, NASCAR Driver, NBC Sports analyst and Cannon parent, delivered the commencement address.
Jake Flynn of Davidson, son of Kristin and Brian Flynn, delivered Cannon’s valedictorian address. Vanessa Dane of Mooresville, daughter of Paula and Michael Dane, delivered the salutatorian address.
Cannon School is a private independent junior kindergarten through 12th grade college-preparatory institution. It attracts more than 900 students from Concord, Davidson, Cornelius, Huntersville, Mooresville, Charlotte, the University City area, Kannapolis and Salisbury.
Cannon School’s Class of 2014 — Lucas Alan Anderson, Christopher Douglas Batchelor, Daelyn Grace Bentley-Gottel, Sophie Ana Bitar, William McRae Bost, Taylor Beth Bunten, Kimberle Paige Burton, Mary Margaret Campbell, John Michael Christy, Tanner James Cindric, Olivia Michelle Clark, Charles Griffin Clinard, Kate Anne Collom, Alexander Dalton Dahan, Vanessa Lucy Dane, Price Edward Dawson, John Carswell Dockery, Rachel Jordan Dyl, Alexandra Marie Enrique, Ashley Rebecca Ervin, Anna Katherine Estep, Julia Rebecca Falewee, Larkin Hamilton Felker, Cameron Hunter Ferguson, Hannah Ruth Finch, Katherine Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Jake Ryan Flynn, Eric James Fromke, David Matthew Gordon, Grant Edward Gossage, Allison Heather Gray, Jonathan Gilbert Green, Reed Elizabeth Harmon, Nicole Aspen Hensley, Emily Paige Hoffmann, Carolyn Michaela Hynes, Philip Kenton Jewell, Brendan Walter Joyce, Akash Pradeep Kejriwal, Vikas Pradeep Kejriwal, Daniel David Knox, David Max Krumdieck, Mathew Henry Lack, Anjali Rani Lankford, Alexander Timothy Lee, Mary Katherine Mackin, Daniela Rose Malmstrom, Kamil Manzoor, Adele Rebecca Marchant, Ryan Neal Marks, Ellen Elizabeth Montgomery, Courtney Ann Nelson, Andrew Simard Newman, Jesse Sebastian Ojanen, Revath Patchava, Angela Jomarie Poffenbaugh, Charles Guyler Powell, Thomas Jeffrey Price, Iliana Josephine Ragnone, Matthew Francis Randolph, Maija Diane Roses, Nicholas Eugene Rossitch, Juliana Clare Sirois, Aidan Rebecca Smith, Cora Olivia Somerville, Nikolas Haris Stylianou, Adam John Swez, Raiselle Molly Swick, Nicholas Patrick Tubbs, Amanda Nicole Unneberg, Nicole Athena Voulgaropoulos, Elizabeth Anne Wahid, Stephanie Joan Williams, Christian Rezero Wilson, Evan Davis Wimbish, Daniel William Wyatt.
Cannon School seeks to prepare students for a world that promises to be unpredictable. In classroom learning, character building activities, and extracurricular involvement, teachers, advisers and coaches work to instill in students habits of mind that are reflective, meta-cognitive, self-governing and strategic along with habits of spirit that encourage flexibility, curiosity, creativity and risk-taking.