Letters to the editor — Friday (5-16-14)
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 16, 2014
If county sells mall, then what?
Believe it or not, I think our county commissioners had a great idea when they purchased the mall. People still do live on that side of town; in fact I grew up there. The purchase stabilized a shaky retail business base. Add on a few much-needed government spaces and it would maintain itself as well as produce income.
I see it as a positive for the community and small business but old money Salisbury seems to think different. My question now to our local primary winners is now what? None of you have come to any recent meetings to explain your plan. All I’ve heard through an onslaught of campaign ads is how horrible of an idea it is and my taxes are going up.
What “dilapidated” buildings under the age of 27 years are in downtown that you plan to use for expansion of government offices that aren’t going to cost us any more money? Are you going to build new like the school board demands for a few million? Are you planning on building a parking deck in downtown Salisbury? If so, how is this going to cost us less in taxes or keep us from having a tax increase? Are you truly a platform candidate?
These are questions for which I’d like answers. Our current commissioners would come and share their ideas and reasons with us. Why not you? Maybe you have someone else to answer to?
I am neither for nor against any candidate at this time, but it is hard for me to support or trust a candidate who neglects their own party.
— Christopher Whitman
Voters tricked
Only 17.87 percent of us who are registered to vote in Rowan County bothered to vote on May 6. One word can sum that up: pathetic.
The establishment, old-Salisbury money, with a little help from La Resistance and the left-leaning Salisbury Post, helped elect some of the least-qualified Republican candidates for county commission.
Out of the three Republicans elected, only one has regularly attended the Rowan Republicans’ meetings, Greg Edds and he has flip-flopped his positions so many times I’m dizzy.
Judy Klusman has shown her face only once at a Republican meeting, Believe me when I tell you while she may call herself a Republican she is not a conservative and is one of the co-conspirators for founding La Resistance. Just research her record from her prior legislative job.
I can’t say anything about Jim Greene because I have never met him.
Our country and county are in trouble. The low-information voters were easily fooled to vote for more of the same big government. The low-information voter doesn’t take the time to research the candidates or listen to the candidates. They just believe the flyers that are mailed out and ads and stories in the newspaper.
You voted for another nail in the coffin of the United States and Rowan County.
Ask yourself what do they have to gain by outspending on a 20-1 margin for county commissioner? Follow the money. They are not looking out for the county. Who has something to gain from getting certain people elected? Why would they throw tons of cash at this election? Who benefits from contracts with the county etc.?
I remain deeply concerned for the direction our county and country are headed in. If we keep kicking the can down the road soon it will be to late. The clock is ticking!
— Wes Rhinier