Letters to the editor – Wednesday (4-23-14)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Parking’s negative community impact
I was just at Lowe’s of Salisbury to pick up some things. I had to walk around a white van which was parked directly in front of the pair of double doors. As I came out with my cart the van was still there. Yes, I’m the one who placed the “nice parking space” sign under the wiper.
As I was loading my truck in the parking lot, a black Ford F-150 pulls in and backs up towards the front of the van, leaving some room for people to walk between the vehicles. The driver then proceeds to drop the tailgate and pull out the sliding tray which reduced the walk-through space to a couple of feet. He then walked into the store. It was obvious from his considerable girth that walking is not a frequent activity.
I don’t expect Lowe’s to confront people who are short on upbringing. Their focus will be profit generation from any source.
This behavior, which we see all too frequently, is a community problem that we all need to address.
If a relocation consultant had seen what I witnessed, they would have formed an opinion of the work ethic and community spirit of Rowan County. I know first hand, because I used to encounter them frequently, that these consultants do a good deal of driving around to look at how a community presents itself and how the citizens treat each other.
It only takes a few like the two I’ve described to negatively impact the opportunities Rowan County is seeking.
— Eric Marsh
China Grove

Johnson shows care
I would like to endorse Joel Johnson for Rowan County clerk of court. I have known him for over five years. Joel has always displayed integrity, care and genuine concern for his home county. He is a leader rather than a follower; I have known him to actively fix something that is wrong when others stand by.
Having worked with Joel on a couple of occasions, I saw his true concern for our local citizenry. He has ideas to aid domestic violence victims with complications of court, which is an issue I can understand well — something I have rarely spoken of and it took me years to face. It does seem that in domestic relations, when things go horribly wrong, the one with the most money wins and the victim is left in the dark. This happened to me in another state. I just wanted to peacefully separate. I couldn’t conceive of being an opponent of the man I had declared to love “until death do us part.” I felt the court system didn’t even acknowledge my existence. Court felt like a tornado picking me up and tossing me around before I even knew that things were done and settled. I felt ignored, even with hand-shaped bruises on my arm.
I was left with a truck-full of possessions, a newborn, and had to find a job and new place to live. I don’t even understand to this day how I was not granted a right to our marital home.
A citizen liaison would be the perfect solution, and Joel’s other ideas for assisting the citizens of Rowan County have definite merit. Joel Johnson would be an asset to any organization, and I am happy to give him my endorsement.
— Jennifer Moreau