Letters to the editor – Saturday (4-19-14)
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 20, 2014
Let’s set record straight about Andrew Jackson
I was somewhat surprised to learn that Andrew Jackson had a law office in Salisbury (re: photo in the Post on April 1).
Andrew Jackson came to Salisbury in 1784 to study law as a student under Spruce Macay. “Macay’s law office stood near where the Henderson Law Office now stands on the library grounds.” (“History of Rowan County, Her Place in History,” by James B. Lloyd.)
We know that Jackson left Salisbury to continue his studies under John Stokes in Cooleemee and was later licensed by the justices of the Rowan Court to practice law on Nov. 6, 1787.
Jackson “moved to Tennessee where he was prosecuting attorney, serving under Judge John McNairy.”
Rowan heard little of Jackson until his victory over the British at New Orleans. When asked about his life in Salisbury, Jackson mentioned “that he was just a lad but he did his best while here.”
— James Lloyd
James Lloyd, PhD., is a Rowan County historian.
Losing our freedom
Slander? Oh, please! When will people wake up to smell the coffee perking before it overflows to scald them to death?
Those of us who use our common sense can clearly see what the United States is fast becoming. Within the near future, we can kiss this land of the free and our rights goodbye. People, open up your eyes and you will see that Obama isn’t a leader but in reality a dictator. Example: Obamacare. As soon as he gets it set up we will have to abide by his choices for any life situation and we will not be free to make our own.
March 31 was the deadline to apply for his choice of health insurance. Those of us who didn’t (and have no insurance) must pay a penalty. How does he expect the unemployed to pay for insurance? Some of them have on income or unemployment benefits. Not all people had nest eggs such as IRAs, savings accounts, 401(k), etc., to fall back on when they lost their jobs. How are they going to pay the penalties?
No one is slandering the president. They are just saying the truth. May God have mercy upon us all!
— Ellie Mae Lambert
Losing liberal record
I was born and raised here, active politically since ‘64 in both political parties as a conservative.
So some questions for the carpetbaggers, liberals and new naysayers: If harmony and cooperation were so essential, where was it when the liberals ruled the county commission for 50 years with an iron hand of no compromises? Why do we have two political parties and three branches of government if harmony is so heavenly? Seems diversity is good only if it benefits liberals.
For those crying about a $4 million mall, where is their outcry about the millions spent on the school system? If more money didn’t help our school system, why should less now hurt?
What did the liberal peace, harmony and cooperation accomplish? Where are the jobs? The businesses, the industries, the great successful school system, the crime-free climate?
Has everyone but me forgotten the numerous tax increases, the tax-raising bond issues, the millions wasted on a now-sold baseball park? A near-empty industrial park. A landfill that raised garbage fees, with restrictions to prevent you from burning your garbage?
Have we forgotten our private detectives hired with our tax money to spy on opponents of a past commission?
Let’s not forget the money wasted on the Economic Development Commission called RowanWorks. Where’s the “works” and the jobs?
Only Jim Sides and Joe Coladarci deserve our votes for commissioner. Urge family, friends and associates to vote only for these two. If you are rejected or shunned, remember Ben Franklin’s advice: “Better alone than in bad company.”
— W.F. Owens
Video resurfaces
If you want to see how several of your county commission candidates treat others, you need to go to the firejimsidesandcraigpierce Facebook page. You can see the lynching of the Salisbury city manager at the Republican Men’s Breakfast several months ago. This was originally posted on a local blog but was taken down probably because it was so embarrassing to some elected officials and candidates.
And at the latest such meeting, they asked why other Republican Commission candidates didn’t come to such a meeting for their help. I wonder why?
If you can look at this video and not be a disturbed by the treatment of a guest at a meeting, then we all need to look at ourselves very carefully. Look and listen carefully before you vote. And please do vote.
— Ralph Walton
Winners should be first
What a shock the residents of Trinity Oaks Senior Living Community had when reading the write-up of the Rowan County Literacy Council Scrabble Scramble. The writer of this article obviously has had no Journalism training as he didn’t pass Journalism 101. When — or where — is it proper to write an article and not state the name of the winning team until the end?
Or to write the whole article on the runners-up and other participating teams? Why was there no picture of the winning team and two of the runners-up?
The residents of Trinity Oaks are very proud of their winning Scrabble team and commend them on their preparation and practice for this tournament, and also for the funds raised by residents to support the Rowan County Literacy Council.
— Georgina Ryon
Georgina Ryon is president of the Trinity Oaks Residents Association.
A good deed
I would like to thank the lady who paid for our lunch on April 4 at Cracker Barrel. I didn’t get her name, but I want her to know that she was a very nice lady. Thank you from the bottom of our heart.
— Libby & Maxine Beaver
Writing an endorsement?
The deadline for letters regarding candidates in the May 6 primary is Wednesday, April 30. Please get your letters to us by 5 p.m. that day in order to be published before the primary. The last endorsements for the primary will be published May 2.