Overton students celebrate Earth Day on the Greenway
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 17, 2014
Every year the city of Salisbury Parks and Recreation does Earth Day on the Greenway for Overton Elementary third- and fourth-grade students.
The purpose of the Earth Day program is to teach children the importance of natural resources and how mankind can conserve these valuable resources while enjoying the benefits that they provide. Seven environmental education sessions are established along the Salisbury Greenway.
On April 10, Overton’s third- and fourth-grade classrooms rotated through seven different sessions.
The special volunteers for the Earth Day sessions included: “What is in my air?” by Sarah Moore from the Center for the Environment at Catawba College; “Birds and Their Habitats, Creepy Crawly Things, Bees & Wasps” by the Rowan County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association; “What’s an Arborist?” by Mark Martin from the city of Salisbury Landscape Division; “WaterWorX and Greasy’s No Grease Blockin’ Show!” by Aaron Otten and staff of the Rowan-Salisbury Utilities, “Leaf Identification” by Stephen Brown of the city of Salisbury Parks and Recreation Department; “Recycling” by Waste Pro and Sonoco and “Only Rain Down the Drain” by Chris Tester of city of Salisbury Street Department.
The school thanked the city of Salisbury, Vivian Koontz, the events coordinator for the Parks & Recreation Department, and all their volunteers.