Letters to the editor — Tuesday (4-15-2014)

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 14, 2014

Is Rowan County on ‘Side street?’
How did Rowan County get on such a ‘Side street?’
Re: Industry recruitment:
Rowan County seems to be on the “far Side of the moon” when it comes to recruiting industries as compared to other surrounding counties. And those few who have chosen to locate here get treated as a “Side issue” by the County Commission and shown the “Side door.”
Re: Schools:
The county commission seems to be unable/unwilling to work on “both Sides of the street” with the school board. They seem to be so cranky, as if they got up on the “wrong Side of the bed” every time they meet, clearly the “seamy Side.”
Re: Mall:
The county bought a mall for more than the asking price citing the critical need to adequately house less than a dozen employees. And as a “Side issue,” the county has numerous buildings standing empty, i.e., the vacant Social Services buildings on Innes and Mahaley.
I know some have lamented that the county commission’s negotiating prowess and thought process can’t “hit the broad Side of a barn,” it’s done, and now that the mall “resides” under the purview of the county commission, we all should look on the “bright Side” of this issue, if you can find one.
Re: Christian prayer at public meetings
The chair of the county commission chooses to “take Sides” and thumb his nose at the federal courts, like this futile escapade won’t cost plenty in legal fees and put Rowan County on the “wrong Side” of history?
The chairman of the county commission even got one of his minions (Carl Ford) to introduce legislation, during the last session of the General Assembly, so that Christianity would “preSide” as the official religion of North Carolina.
“Aside,” and on the “bright Side,” we don’t “choose Sides.” Viva La Resistance!
— John T. Blair
Pain at the pump
Is anyone concerned about the latest rise in gas prices? The usual reasons come to mind.
Take this multiple choice test:
A. The change from winter to summer blends.
B. Scheduled maintenance at the refineries.
C. Unrest in some part of the globe, for instance the Ukraine or Crimean Peninsula.
D. The desire for higher profits.
E. All of the above.
F. None of the above.
G. Who knows and who cares? (As long as we are not having to pay what the poor people in California pay.)
If you answered E, you have been watching too much television, and if you answered F, you have been living under a rock. The correct answer is G! Wake up and smell the roses.
— W.L. Poole