Letters to the editor – Wednesday (4-9-14)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 9, 2014
We don’t deserve leaders’ tunnel vision
My fellow citizens, the primary election will soon be upon us. Please think carefully about who you will vote for.
Rowan County has been left by the wayside. You want to know where the jobs are? They are going to our surrounding counties — Cabarrus, Davie, Iredell and Davidson. Every few months they announce new jobs.
We must elect leaders that will make things happen. We do not deserve people with tunnel vision and dictatorship character. I thought commissioners were elected to represent us, not themselves.
More elections have been won or lost because you didn’t vote. Your vote is your voice. It’s the only way you can be heard. Every vote counts. Your vote is important. Make it count.
We need good leadership now more than ever.
— Harry Agner
A/C needed in theater
Last Friday evening a friend and myself went to see the Piedmont Players’ presentation of “Chicago.”
We had tickets for the balcony so we could see the stage. It was a wonderful play and the cast, the singing and music just awesome.
My complaint was that it was not warm, but uncomfortably hot! I know if we were hot, the cast had to be. The sad thing for us, because of the heat in the Meroney, was we left at intermission and didn’t get to see the last acts.
I felt the air come on around 8:30, and after that it was just too hot for us to stay because it didn’t stay on for long .
When PPT performs during the summer, I urge them to cool that building down. We noticed when we waiting to be seated at 7.15 it was already warm.
I urge them to have the property manager to look at this on show nights and cool it down.
— Leah Fry