Letters to the editor (4-4-2014)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 3, 2014
7.1 million not nearly enough for Affordable Care program
Let’s see, there were 35 million Americans without health insurance and insurance was too expensive, right?
So Congress (Democrats only) passes a law requiring everybody to buy insurance. The promise, it would be $2,500 per family less expensive, and you could keep your plan and providers.
Now 7.1 million have signed up.
But wait. Five million “lost” their plans because they didn’t meet the qualifications. That leaves, about 2 million, right?
And maybe a million haven’t paid? Net gain, maybe 1 million?
Plus the “Expensive” clients who couldn’t get insurance because of pre-existing conditions or who get subsidies have had the most incentive to sign up. (Additional premium increases ahead?)
One more thing. The ObamaCare advertisements feature people who are being heavily subsidized. I am not opposed to subsidies to those in need. Americans have always been charitable. I am opposed to hiding the fact that subsidies are not only received but paid for – by those paying premiums and taxes. The estimated 10-year cost is $2,000,000,000,000. Pretty significant?
We now have a system that requires you to buy something whether you want it or not, enforced by fines that increase every year. The net number of sign-ups is very close to the number of those who lost plans. (Still 35 million uninsured?)
We’re paying higher premiums, increased taxes etc. ($2,500 savings?) Plans and providers are severely restricted.
If we eventually increase the “insured” population by 10 million (some estimate this to be the maximum number) at a 10-year cost of $2 trillion — the net cost per additional insured will be $200,000 each. Isn’t there a more effective way to help the uninsured? You could write them all a $10,000 check annually and save half!
One suggestion, don’t let a politician get anywhere your wallet. You’ll regret it every time!
— Charles E. Baker